Finally coming back to say HI!
My workout today was great and I pumped up my weights a bit and that felt good!
Traci-X, How did your client go this evening? I hope all went well and you are not too sore from demonstrating

I'll have to look into Bio Identicals. I have no idea what it is. It must have been in one of those hidden posts to other people

I miss chatting with you each day. Things have been crazy around here writing this presentation and getting ready for school. I'll be glad when I'm back to a regular routine. I'm going to do more yoga add-ons when the boys are back in school and #3 is napping. I need to do my yoga in a more relaxed setting, i.e. quiet

Thanks for all of the great articles! I actually used some of the info from them for the presentation
TracyX, Sounds like you are plumb worn out! Are things still going crumby with your FIL? How has your DH been as of late? I just sense a tiredness in your posts. The fact that you're not getting any sleep could be one of the problems

Make sure to get some relaxing yoga in before bed and maybe it will work the kinks out. Feel better and give yourself a break:*
Anointed, Have fun at the family reunion. What a great DB you have!
SandraX, I know you'll think I'm crazy, but I'm longing for cold mornings again. It has not been cooling off here at night and the hunidity has been horrid! Enjoy your cold knowing that most of us are sweating our butts off

Of course your cold lasts longer so sorry for that

The paper is done now I just have to type it up and send it to her via e-mail. I am tempted to just send it to her in the mail and make her type it up

I love making my own pizza! I usually make one for myself with ww flour but I have been lazy and eating the white flour one

I'll get back on track with that this week

I love LIC! Hope you had fun with it.
Carol, Glad the bunny is ok

Oh, sports

My son starts them this year. All the extra driving is going to drive me crazy!!
JeanetteX, How did the hill climb go? I'm glad you enjoyed your workout this morning! I realized Monday I forgot to add the abs in a total of three times this week. They are in there next week so that will be good! I hate legs so I am dreading them tomorrow}( I know it's good for me but yikes, it's tough! Yoga was great yesterday and I am anxious to be adding it on more on the next few weeks. I am just excited for the new series to come. I hope it's soon!!
DebraX, Yoga then KenpoX, great line-up! I hope you got all of your pent up aggression out with kb and breathed away the stress with yoga

I'm sorry things aren't going better for you

What a bummer to have to move out of your lovely house

I guess it would be a bit large for just you and DD. Just the thought of cleaning it makes me exhausted

Tough days ahead but it will get better. I'm just glad you have all of your friends and family near for support. Just know that we're always here too:* What a nice pampering for yourself by the way. A facial and laying by the pool. Now that's my idea of a good day! Maybe I'll get some sleep tonight! That is all dependent on whether DH's friends call at an ungodly hour tomorrow

Have fun with S&H!
WendyX, I was ROFL about your yoga experience

I guess it wasn't the relaxing opening class you were looking for, hunh? My friend took a hot yoga class once and said the stink of the sweating men was enough to knock her off her mat! I almost tried it with her but was so glad I declined

Speaking of yoga, DH came in yesterday and asked me if I could help him with something when I got out of my Zen garden

Pretty funny I thought! Glad you got the sub ideas. Oh, Phil! Now he's starting to sound like my DH, showing up unannounced and ruining perfectly good posting time

Hope you had fun
Cheryl, BC is another goodie! Glad you had to work it in

Also glad you got a rest day!
LeaX, So glad you made time for yoga today! Isn't it great! I've never heard of Sean Corne. Do you like that one? Yes DH and I were happily sleeping when the call came in....arrrrgh! I hate being woken up early

I'm sleeping in tomorrow! No not really, up with the sun. So much to do and so little time
AmyX, How's the shake drinking going? I'm rooting for you! Go Amy! Go Amy!
LaurieXX, Looks like I let the Nascar out of the bag. Glad it became a topic of discussion. That always makes things a little more fun

The paper is done now I just have to type it out
Sorry this is so late

Better late than never, hunh?
Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.