Classic/ Week 2/ Day 4/ YogaX (+ Pump & Jump class at Y tonight).
Good morning,
YogaX is in the bag. I'm surprised at myself, but I genuinely enjoy that workout. Tonight I'll be taking DD to the Pump & Jump class at the ymca. For me, it's a light workout, so I consider it my CardioX substitute.
Tracy....enjoy your rest day, and hurrah on writing the last test!
Traci....I am astounded at the quantity of loaves you made yesterday. That is pheeeenomenal. They sound yummy yummy. I would like a piece of Wendell's, please

I hope your dr today tells you you have the health of a 20 year old. Oh my, what bizarre mix ups you're having.....But your Bowflex is almost here!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm wishing you excellent YogaX vibes tonight. Think of it as one long isometric hold workout. That does good things for your muscles, right? Oh, if only all of us 35+ year olds could walk around with a soft-focus lense on us all the time, we'd be puuuuurdy. It seems to take at least a decade off one's face. That's fascinating about your friend's surgery. Yes, I guess there are women who have had major trauma to the area, and in that case these surgeries would be beneficial. Maybe vaginal trauma is one of the last things that we still don't talk about publicly? Oprah should do a show. I'd suggest it to her, but then she might ask me to come on and I'd have to do my own Vagina Monologue, and I'm not ready for that. Interesting question: if your genitalia could talk, what would it say? Yup, Tosca's a Canuck, with the same alma mater as me. Nope, no matching winter gear for the kids and I. Heck, we're lucky if we can find 2 matching mittens!! Oh yes, I have it down to the second regarding how long my workouts will be, because I have that "get dd to the bus stop by 7:52am" problem every day. Time efficiency is key, although I promise I do not ff during any of the yogax poses. If Wendell's the most selfish man on Earth, then you and Teddygirl need to do an episode of Wife Swap. Apparently, Ted's the most thoughtful. That could prove interesting.
Carol....Tony does NOT have the "All levels, all good" philosophy that Eoin has, and seems to have turned yoga into a sport. However, the workout is very challenging and effective. It definitely involves strength work as well as stretching. Oh, and the hardest stuff ends at the 45 min mark. Just keep plugging away, and once you finish Twisted Half Moon, you can start to relax (until Yoga Belly 7, that is, but that's at the very end). Your report of yesterday's workout sounded so positive. SA seems to be a unanimous favourite.
Teddygirl....I know you're tired - but jump HIGHER!!!! Teddyboy is only 38?! Where did you meet Demi Moore's dinner party?
Debra....I'm glad your hip is starting to feel improvement. You asked yesterday about doing backbends without compressing the lower back too much. The critical thing about backbends is to think of your entire backside, including your glutes, as part of your back. When you go back, you should have your glutes turned on and stabilizing your upper body. You are trying to reach upwards and back, like you're pulling yourself out of your hips and then arching back. Your back is in an elongated arch, not a sharp bend. If you're feeling intense pressure on your lower back, then you're trying to bend too sharply. The bending action starts in the glutes, not the lower back. Does this make sense? About the boobie construction: I haven't really seen Jari or much of Amy to be able to comment, but if they have very low body fat and large bossoms, then you're probably right. I've nothing against breast augmentation, but I don't like it that these women dishonestly tell you that it was all their own hard work and "good genes" that gave them the physique they have. If it's not possible to have a low body-fat level and still retain boobage, then just say so, so we can all book our surgeries before the New Years rush.
Jeanette....I've never been able to find Bryan Kest's yoga. It seems to be very popular by forum members. Maybe I'll search Amazon and Chapters online and see what I can come up with. You had no problem with the Mason Twists?! Okay, I have a problem with that!!!

Obviously your core is stronger in ways that mine isn't. Those mason twists have always been a struggle for me, although I can do the similar oblique twists that Cathe does, quite easily. I feel like my hip flexors are toast by that point in ARX, and struggle to keep my feet up. Oh Dreya Rolling, Mason Twisting Jeanette, please give me some tips!! It's nice to read how comfortable you're becoming with your body. Too bad we can't feel that way from the start, huh? I'm getting better too. I'll cheer loudly the day you do PlyoX. When I'm done here I'll go look at that CIA tape and report back immediately. Heck, if you give me the "key" to Mason Twists and Dreya Rolls, I'll even send it to you for free!!!
Nicole....Please be cautious with YogaX today, but enjoy it nonetheless. Oxygen is based in Canada?? Really?? Hm, maybe I can get a job there, doing some kind of Real World, Real Woman column?? I have no doubt you're feeling overwhelmed with life. You appear to put a lot of pressure on yourself to meet some very high standards. Is it possible to start taking those "off" days again? Hire a babysitter once or twice a week if you have to? The best advice I ever took: treat yourself as you would your best friend. What advice would you give her? And don't expect more of yourself than you do of her. If you need a break, take it.
Laurie....Do you struggle with the side-tri-rise at the end of SA? I'm befuddled by how hard that seems for everyone, but Dreya. I honestly have no problems with them, and usually stop somewhere between 20-25 reps because they're starting to get tough, I'm bored, Tony has threatened to come to my house if I do one more, and they're the only thing standing between me and the end of the workout. I wonder if I'm doing them wrong, or just not going heavy enough with the earlier tricep work to have them fatigued enough? Thanks for volunteering to read Oxygen for me. Curious Canucks want to know.
Have a great day!!