This car is running out of gas. But I shall persevere!!
What all have you been up to today? It looks like you're all "busy, no time to chat today, will catch up with you later". Cool. I got the place to myself. <Looking around>. Hmmmmmm, Tracy's left her lap top on the table for me to play with. Finally I can look up those sites that I don't want to be tracked on my computer. When I'm done that, I'll go over to Traci's extensive fitness dvd collection and put all the dvds in the wrong cases. Then I'll wander over to Wendy's school room and mark all the children's papers (A, A, A, A+++) and weave some yarn through all the harp strings. See how pretty that looks? I'd like to take a nap, but I see Debra's already lying on the futon (shhhhh, don't wake her!). Amy's not gonna be happy when she gets off her nightshift and there's no room on the bed. Who knew Delicate Debra snored? Maybe I'll take a few minutes to edit Jeanette's newsletter, and nominate her for president/secretary/treasurer for next year's club. She'll appreciate that. Ahhhh, I just looked in the bathroom and I see that Laurie needs to come and inspect. The hygiene around here seems circumspect. Nicole, are you teaching those boys to leave the seat down? Because there's definitely been a boy in there! Maybe it was Mr. Teddygirl? Hmmm, Anointed, was there *another* overnight visit? Swift Amy, I've checked the cupboards and see we need to stock up on the flour, eggs and sugar. There are cakes to be baked, and I know you're the woman to do it! Don't forget the chocolate icing, please! Maybe we can mount a pull up bar in the kitchen door way so you can do X Round 3 in between batches of cupcakes. And please hurry on the cupcakes. Carol's kids are getting hungry from having to work so hard on their homework. I'm sure they're wishing she would go do a workout so they could just google the answers. Oops, I just heard the phone ring, and when I picked it up some crazy Asian woman started yelling at me. Wendy, I think it's for you.
Just checking the workout list as I leave the room. You've all managed to do some great workouts today, and Traci's even stuck to a rotation for a full 5 days!!! Truly a Motivational Monday.
Traci, you're starting X Round 2 on the 26th?? Will you be physically doing it alongside your friend, or individually? And where do you find friends who actually want to do P90X? My friends laughed *at* me when I told them my husband's reward for doing P90 is to do P90X with me. Thought it was the funniest thing they ever heard: the reward for doing 90 days of exercise was 90 more days of exercise, but harder!
Debra, Mmmmmm ribs. One of my favourites. Thankfully I don't prepare it too often. Did you get a nasty email? I wonder how many parents in that carpool line are still in their jammies? That makes me laugh, to think of people driving around in nighties. I once drove with a friend from Toronto to Chicago wearing pj's. Most comfy. I did eventually get my nose back from DD. Why did her grandparents have to teach her that game? Whenever she comes near me these days I automatically take a defensive posture. Her little fingers aren't all that gentle. I'll be checking out the pic trail soon.
Wendy, I hope DD's dental appointment went well, and you spoiled her with a milkshake or something afterwards.
Teddygirl, Lowmax.

'nuff said. Wow, I'm humbled by your intentions to open a home for pregnant teenagers. Keep us apprised on how it's going, please! I have an uncle who opened a shelter for homeless teens using drugs, abused, etc. He was fortunate to make oodles of money by inventing something, retired in his 30s, and started the shelter. It looks like a lot of blood, sweat and tears go into such an endeavour. I give you a standing O for your efforts.
Carol, I was excited for you, until I realized you meant computer monitor. I thought maybe you got a heart rate monitor. Have fun with Kickbox!!
Laurie, LL is always a goodie. Classic. What is SJP PM#3? Wow, your DD gets upset when she can't play outside? To get my dd outside, I have to first throw out a pile of Magic Treehouse books and when she goes racing after them, slam the door shut and bolt-lock it. The Littlest Bookworm takes after her mother, I'm afraid.
Lea, Yoga's so lovely, isn't it? I remember BM1 used to wipe me out like that. The Workout That You Take With a Nap, is what I called it. I'm afraid I missed hearing about whatever has ailed you. I hope you recover soon. It sounds like you've really been floored by something.
Jeanette, What's happened to FitnessFreak? Is she still around? I don't think I've seen her post in ages. I can't comment on the Specialized bikes, but I do really enjoy their commercials. Did you see the one that won the contest for "make your own commercial" during the Tour? It was by a woman, and was really neat. Your two LM favourites are the 2 I like the least, lol! My favs are 4 and 6. I think it's 6.
Lea, I have no idea what a "surfer's edition" of yoga is like, but since it's Eoin, I'll buy. That guy is such a duuuuude. He cracks me up and makes me happy, and that's all I'm really going for anyway. In PY4H, you can play spot the dog, spot the thong, spot the thong, spot the thong, spot the thong, spot the....(I know, it sounds like porn, but it's not).
Nicole, sugar hangovers. Been there, done that, I feel your pain. Ugh! Enjoy your yoga!
Okay, the room is tidied up, and I hear some rattling at the key hole. This seems like a good time to skidaddle.