Xer.......Motivating Monday.........................


Hi everyone,

I think I caught up with everyone yesterday. Today is upper and yoga. I tried to put together a rotation last night using one of Cathe's as a guide, but didn' come up with much. The running and bike riding on specific days make it difficult. My running after work maybe coming to an end now that the time has changed. It is so depressing that it is dark at a little after 5 and that is only going to get worse.

Have a great day.

RE: Xer.......Motivating Monday...........................

Happy Monday Tracy! & all who follow.... Tracy I am in total agreement about PM time change... My body doesnt do well with darkness that early... What ya gonna do? Time to get out that eliptical maybe and save running for weekends as a special treat (& shock).

Today is 4Ds Day 5 :+ BC + Bi & Tri:+ :+ KB & BC are my favs so this is a good day! My body is really feeling every workout this past week... I am pleased with progress in terms of starting to be able to lift heavier after 2 months of laying low. On shoulders yesterday I still have a ways to go before being anywhere near my pre injury weights but thats OK! I am feeling good and having few issues with my arm overall. - LIS yesterday (my 1st time doing cardio part): LOVED the warm up music - enjoyed most of combos but thats because I could care less if I ever "get it!" :+ I spent a whole lotta time on wrong side of step & inserting LOTS of repeaters til Cathe & crew could get back in sync with me!:p Overall- a do again for me but I am REALLY happy Cathe puts in those between combos blasts on both HIS & LIS or my heart rate would never get up there!

Amy X (XX on 11/22!):*
Your pics are AMAZING and that’s BEFORE XX! :eek: OMG! :eek: I am HUMBLED and speechless! YOU ARE AWESOME!!! Thanks for sharing the X pic with Cheryl, Amy & Wendy….way cool!!! You all look so happy. Hope the family is all feeling better today after food poisoning.

Wendy :* X
Congrats on HIS completion! It got more fun and intense my 2nd time doing it...Joining Debra & I for a Nove Party??? JUMP ON IN! :7 The time factor alone is reason enough for you to do it- way too much going on in your life right now!

Nicole :* X
DROP THAT CANDY! }( LOl- Why do we do this? We work so hard (& stress so much) about the scale and the second its down we let our guard down? For me its bread! I can live forever without it until I am happy with my body then the cravings start!!!:7 Try & enjoy your single life week.... The time flys- do some extra special things for yourself!

TeddyGirl :*
:+ 3 glasses of wine creates THAT kind of hangover in me too! :+ Are we weenies or what??? Happy you got to go back to bed and just did a "little" w/o. I bet you're feeling super this morning! Do you have any prep work to do today before hitting the election polls tomorrow? :*

Debra :* X
WooHoo on LIS checked off! I imagine it will take me YEARS of doing it before I get all those pivots-turns-ect .... Gotta love core work regardless how ya get it in!:7 ~ I dont eat deer anymore but just because I havent eaten meat in about 3 months...I'm pretty much a fish gal a couple times a week and on rare occasion I'll have half a burger or a bite of chicken or turkey.... Mty taste buds really changed a few months ago so animal protein doesnt look appetizing at all. We actually have the deer meat "processed" and it gets some hot (FIREY HOT) spices & pork meat mixed in- we make burgers & sausages.

Tracy :* X
Ewwwwwwww on the dead deer! That wold freak me out for sure! Thanks for core info... I had to stop the LIS core work because my hip flexors were so painful doing the floor work. Thanks for tips on DOME w/o. I do like that about Amy (the modifiers). So sorry you havent felt inspired by a rotation. I am going to jump back into the X earlier than I planned because a girlfriend is dying to do it now. I think she wasnts to start the Monday after Thanksgiving so thats my plan. ~ On your wall in riding... I imagine it is a combo of too much cardio/not enough food. I say this only because you seem to be doing more cardio than I can ever remember since the X & I know you dont eat much. So which shall you adjust?

Jeanette :* X
I love hearing how YOU love Christy! I think its wonderful anytime an instructor can be that motivationg. Hope RHINO riding was a blast!!! You inspired me to get the bulk of Xmas shopping done today. We only buy for Wendells nieces & nephews (16 of them!) and his mom so I am off to Target to toy shop later today!

Well thats it on the Sunday Funnies.... You gals be good today and have a great time saving the world!:* :* :* :* :*
RE: Xer.......Motivating Monday...........................

Good morning ladies...I know I know I am supposed to do BC today, but I may not be feeling the love for that one this morning....I may go ahead and do yoga today and do BC tomorrow. Actually, now that I think about it, I am sure that is what I am going to do since I have yoga class on Wednesday and I don't want to do yoga 2 days in a row. I had a nice time with my "friend" last night...Had a very unhealthy dinner of ribs, black eyed peas and corn...well, I guess only the ribs were unhealthy!

Be back in a bit to finish up left over personals from last night although I caught up with most everyone earlier in the day. Happy Monday to all!



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

RE: Xer.......Motivating Monday...........................

Good Morning Ladies,

I love the time change now! :+

Dd has a dentist appointment before lunch. She can't eat or drink anything till it's finished.

I need to see what Cathe has in store for me today.

Off I go to read and catch up on some personals.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!

RE: Xer.......Motivating Monday...........................

Good morning

Happy Monday, yeah right.

I did not get the chances to preview SloMo x(maybe this week. Tonight, need to be at my work station at 7pm to set up for tomorrow usually takes us 30 minutes or so. NO workout for me tomorrow :(

This morning, I did Low Max, that workout wipes me out every time I do it. I'll check back later :) :)
Happy Monday Xers!!

I'm back, complete with new monitor (yes, my computer geek DH managed to break the old one, lol). Today I'll be tackling the 4DS KB workout :) I'm psyched!

Wendy -- I hope your DD's appt goes well today!

Teddygirl -- I haven't done Low Max in forever! Maybe I'll have to dig that one back out. It always fries my quads, lol.

BBL to get caught up, time for some history and science!

RE: Xer.......Motivating Monday...........................

:) :) :) Personals :) :) :)

Tracy-X: Yep! I can relate to what you are saying about investing time in meaningful relationships. The older my dc have gotten the less time I have for acquaintances and groups. I used to run myself ragged with too much activity for others and not enough for close friends and family. I'm much happier now. ROFL! Does Wendell know that he's looking old enough to have a trophy wife? What's up with all the dead deer by the side of the road? I've seen more than usual. I don't think deer season has started here yet. If it has, maybe the deer are playing in traffic to end their misery.

Amy-X Soon to be XX: How's everyone feeling today? I sure don't envy y'all. Sounds like Misery does love company! We'll be joining you with traveler's sickness by the end of the month. At least, it kept you from crashing the bike party. Check you out!!!! You'll have plenty to be thankful for this Thanksgiving!!!!:) :) :)

Tracy-X: Does deer mating season make them run around like chickens with their heads cut off? Must be. Will you be using the bosu for Slow Mo? I've never considered buying a bosu. Looks like an accident waiting to happen for my two left feet!!!

Debra-X: My! You are getting quite settled now that you're back home! Can you imagine how you ever moved so far away? I'm sure your friend didn't notice what you wore. You can get away with wearing pretty much anything!!!

Amy-X AGAIN! You make me soooooo sick! (In a good way! Ha-Ha) OMW! I had forgotten what your upper body looked liked. I think you've grown leaner, defined, and stronger since I last saw you!!!!! I'm simply jealous of your back!!!! Beautiful! Speaking of beauty, your dd is a doll! Adorable! Thanks for sharing your picturetrail. Now, you've gotta post pics of your husband. Then you guys can have an outside judge to render the verdict of who's got the bigger guns.:7

Okay! Time is up for now. I'll have to finish personals later. Need to homeschool something before we leave for the dentist.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!
RE: Xer.......Motivating Monday...........................

Good morning. Today I am taking a rest. Yesterday I did BM2 in its entirety, and was a big mistake. I felt so sick for the entire day. I have to rememember not to push myself too hard. So tomorrow will be...you guessed it, yoga.

I will try to bbl with personals. I have some catching up to do with all of you. Have a great morning.

RE: Xer.......Motivating Monday...........................

Hello...back again...I finally told XDH this morning about the attorney...so at least that is checked off my list for the day. He wasn't happy, of course, but I tried to keep things as light as possible. I may get a nasty email later.


****Lea**** You crazy woman! Do not do BM2 in it's entirety again!!! No wonder you felt yucky the rest of the day. Have fun with yoga and center a bit.

*****Wendy**** Glad to see your smiling face this morning! I moved away following my XDH around the globe. He would be happy if we had never come back to NC, but I am certainly enjoying being here. And I think DD has settled into being here too. Good luck a the dentist today. Hope it doesn't cost you too much. Glad you liked HIS...I like that one too. I must continue to motivate myself to do BC tomorrow....because even though I liked it, bootcamp style workouts are never my favorite. I think it is my inherent laziness.

****Tracy***** I would rather it get dark early than be dark when I get up in the morning. My XDH was telling me that in Moscow right now, the sun comes up at 8:30 and goes down at 4. At least we're not like that!

*****Traci**** LOL about Cathe and crew catching up to you! I will be thinking of you while I do yoga today as you are running around chasing weights on the floor. Don't blame you for not eating the deer. I have such a tough time eating any kind of wild game. Give me a cow or pig any day before a deer or a rabbit or any other kind of road kill. That's great that you have a friend to do the X with...I am assuming it is a local friend instead of an online buddy.

****Teddygirl**** Glad you got that extra nap in yesterday. Sometimes that is all you need to feel better! LoMax is always tough because it is so long. Have fun at work today!

****Carol**** Glad your monitor is fixed so that you can have fun with Cathe and KB. I would suggest doing the arm drills twice...They keep my heart rate up and you get a lot of core work during them.

Okay...Caught up with this morning...Let me get the gals I missed yesterday.



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

RE: Xer.......Motivating Monday...........................

############personals from last night###########

***Jeanette**** God bless your heart for doing your workout feeling hot...Don't know about burning more calories, but I hate the feeling of being overheated. This summer just killed me! I am sure you had a great time with DH on the Rhino. I bet your girls like to get the wind in their hair too. I turned on our gas logs last night and my kitty laid in front of the fireplace all night. She just loves to be close to a heat source. It sounds like you have some stroking to do on DH so that you can get your next tiling project on the way.

*****Nicole*****I always think it is good to spend some time away from your spouse...I think you appreciate them more when they are home then. I am assuming he is deer hunting. I seem to remember you saying before that you the freeze the meat. Is he out with his buddies?

I think that catches me up....I may try the new callanetics dvd I got instead of yoga...I have to make some phone calls this morning, hopefully I will get motivated to workout in the near future. I still have on my pjs at this point. I love that I can just drop off DD in the carpool line and I don't have to get dressed before I take her to school!

Kisses to all who follow!



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

RE: Xer.......Motivating Monday...........................

Morning Xers,

Rotation: LGI8 Week 4/Day 5
Workout: CTX Chest, Abs / Turbo Jam Party Mix 2

Yesterdays workout was Leaner Legs / Stretchmax #1 / SJP Premix #3

Don't have much time after work tonight to get my workout in. Youngest DD has her dance class. DH and I finished up our yardwork yesterday. I had him cut down some brush that wasn't needed in our treeline. And I had a great time cleaning up all the black walnuts that where all over the place. x( I guess we are ready for the snow when it decides to decend upon us. Well that might even be tonight. Well just flurries for tonight (or so they say). :)

Tracy, I agree that the time change really does mess up the evenings. Usually youngest DD can get her homework done, and still have time to play outside before it gets dark. Now she is going to be upset when I tell her it is too dark out. :(

Traci, LOL about Cathe and crew catching up to you on the workout. I really never thought of it that way before. Now I will when I can't understand what is going on. :D

Debra, Decisions, decisions. :7 :7 Somedays are like that. I was a home body all weekend, if you can believe it. I didn't even venture out to church. I still have this slight head cold, and I didn't want to pass it on to the older people in the choir. I was sneezing for about an hour yesterday morning.

TG, Hope tomorrow goes by really fast, and with little problems. I love LowMax. That is one that I need to get into my rotation. :)

Carol, I love the 4DS KB workout. :D Have fun with it.

Wendy, Yep you are right deer mating season is the time of year that they don't think straight. I hit a deer about this time of year about 5 years ago. Had to LOL at you wanting to do Core Syn. It is a good workout, and I feel so accomplished once I have done it. But man do I dread it for some reason. Could it be perfect Dreya!!!

Amy, I will have to check out your pics when I get the chance. Sounds like you have some awsome pics. Hope all is well with your family and the possible food contamination.

Lea, Oh yes please do take care of yourself. Do only your Yoga.

Nicole, Congrats on taking off the pounds. They didn't stay on you very long. :)

Jeanette, I don't know if you have inspired me to start Christmas shopping like your did for Traci. :D But my DD's have actually made their lists out. Surprised me. I usually have to pull a few teeth out before I get any info from them. :7

Have a great day!

RE: Xer.......Motivating Monday...........................

Morning you motivating movers,
Today was Lowmax (most of it). I'm starting one of Fitnessfreak's circuit rotations and that's what today called for. Will only be working 1/2 a day. Golfing this afternoon with the prison priest. I plan on getting there early to hit some range balls so as to warm up better. Also have grocery shopping afterwards. DH and I had a very nice relaxing time out riding the Rhino with the girls. We traveled up to a lookout station and got a good look around the area from up high. Could see Mt. Lassen and Mt. Shasta easily, though it was a bit hazy.

Tracy, I'm also depressed about the lack of daylight. That's why I'm taking time off today to golf. Our weather has been in the 60's so I'm taking advantage of it while I can. I have tons of vacation time on the books so I don't feel bad about doing something I like. Specialized bikes are nice. My DS's girlfriend bought a Specialized Roubaix Comp a few years ago. Nice, beautiful, light bike.

Traci, your description of doing step is how I feel too. I used to have to get it perfect, but no longer stress about it if I don't. Cathe & crew will be getting better soon and will be able to do it perfectly like you! Give them a little time... LOL! I'm glad I inspired you on the Christmas shopping. That is a ton of nieces and nephews to shop for. I think we'll be doing the "pick 1 name" to buy for again. Our family is so big. There was something not right about all the presents under the tree. More like we were missing the meaning of Christmas. It was so much better last year. Less stress for everyone too. We have some young families struggling and I hated seeing them having to worry about buying for everyone. I'm glad your workouts are going well. Sounds like you are working smart thru the shoulder. My elbow is feeling better and better too, much less stiff.

Debra, glad you had a nice time last night. I love ribs! Hey, it's all good in moderation. Life is too short to deprive oneself all the time. I'm not a Bootcamp gal, and I have the inherant laziness thing myself! LOL! So that's 2 of us on here. I mentioned the next tiling job to DH and he wasn't exactly thrilled. He started in on a list of his projects that he didn't get to this year (probably due to playing too much). I'll have to think how I'll approach this one. Maybe I'll minimize what he has to do like I did the last one, when in reality he had to do a lot! He might be too wise though. Us women have to be crafty.

Wendy, are you the only one that likes the time change? I totally dislike it. I get off work at 4:30 so there's not much outdoor time afterwards. Boohoo!

Anointed, hey, I did Lowmax too!!! That one really makes me sweat for some reason. I also did it with 2 risers and didn't open the door for cold air to come in so I was really sweating. My favorite is combo 3 and combo 7.

Carol, glad you got the new monitor. I'm planning on getting a laptop soon. Have to figure out what to get.

Lea, sorry you are not feeling well. Did I miss that you had an illness recently that set you back? Hope you get your strength back. Take it easy for sure. I've never done the whole BM2. I'd probably be sick too.

Good morning,

Oh what an awesome workout I had this morning: 4DS Chest & Back, followed by BM2 Timesaver Cardio Premix (full routine x2; power circuits without weights). I feel like I pulled it out of the bag this morning, and it feels great!!!! That BM2 premix is intense from start to finish.

I'm going to go throw another load of laundry in, then come back for personals.

Hi gang. All right, time for personals.

Tracy - Sorry to hear that you won't be able to get your running in after work any more :(. Which Seane Corn did you order? I haven't done the disc without the instructions yet. I like her because she tells you how to have proper form during the moves.

Traci - Sounds like your workouts are really kicking butt. You go girl. I hope you enjoyed your day with MIL and Wendell back.

Debra - Way to go on telling XDH about the attorney. I am sure that it is hard, and I am proud of you. Please please enjoy your yoga today. Right now I only have a few yoga dvds. Seane Corn, a Rodney Yee one and of course the infamous Yoga X. Rodney Yee one I have is all about toning, so I might incorporate that one in this week until I receive my new ones.

TG - Good workout this morning.

Carol - LOL on the DH. Have a great day schooling.

Laurie - Sounds like you had a busy day yesterday. Good job on the workout this morning. And yes, it does seem like my bod only wants to do yoga these days.

Wendy - Good luck for DD at the dentist. I hope that you find the Cathe workout you are looking for today.

Jeanette - Good for you for taking half of the day off for golfing. I am proud of you. I envy you and the way you enjoy the outdoors and life. I am not sick, the rest of the family is. But when I did BM2 yesterday, I think that it was too much for my body and I felt sick the rest of the day. And yes, my elbow still acts up from time to time and I think it always will. What can you do?

Sandra - What a great workout. Good for you. When you are done with your laundry want to come over and do mine ;-)? The new Eionn sounds interesting. What is a surfers edition of yoga suppose to be like?

Amy - Your body so rocks girl!! You go. Good job on working so hard. It shows. Thanks for posting the pictures. I hope everyone in your household feels better.

Nicole - Good job on the weight loss. How was your Halloween with the lil ones? I have to check out that yoga dvd that you just did.

I think that catches me up??? Hi to everyone else that follows.

Holy Yoga

I was going to do a circuit workout today but I'll do that tomorrow so I'll have them on Tue, Thur & Sat. I may do cardio only on Wed. and stick with yoga today and Friday.

The boys and I all have sugar hangovers. Tough to get out of bed, lack of energy and cranky! All reasons to steer clear of such gross food. The good thing is that it's up at mom's house and not mine:)

I'll come back to chat once my DS is down for a nap.


Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.

New load is in the washer, kitchen is cleaned up from breakfast, toddler is prepared for the day (and currently pretending to use her toy drill as either a blow dryer for my hair, or is trying to tighten the loose screws in my skull). The oatmeal is sitting in a pot on the stove, waiting to be incorporated into fresh loaves of bread. All is well. Let's see if I can catch up on the goings on around here.

Tracy - The HIS/LIS medley I posted on Saturday was my own creation. The only cardio premix she's got on that dvd is to put the LIS cardio, immediately followed by the HIS cardio. I did that on Saturday, and it was a great workout. A lot of fun, with a gradual increase in intensity. I'm disappointed she didn't put on some cardio premixes that use the cardios on the opposing dvd. A Kickbox/HIS premix, for example. Well I'll be!! I've never seen you glow so much about a workout before. What's so great about the Dome workout? Tell me more, please! I too dislike hi/lo. Make me a believer!

Jeanette - Christmas shopping already, hey? <Deep sigh>. Yes, I suppose it's time. No more newsletter writing, huh? That will give you more time to ride! Did you get your leaves raked? Any remaining leaves around here were promptly buried by a big snowfall on Saturday evening. We're now living in a Winter Wonderland. It looks so pretty when it's all fresh snow and the sun is shining. I doubt retirement will give you any more time, from what I've seen. There seem to be ample ways for people to fill their time. And you're going to be such a healthy retired person that your options will be limitless. I can see you deciding to go to France for a month and ride the Tour route :) No, I don't have a multi-disc player. Actually, we do, but it has no programming capabilities, not even within a single disc. Our player in the workout room has a "memory" feature that lets you input the title/chapter number to make your own sequence. It also has a "random" feature that I think would be fun to use with an IMAX, if I wasn't concerned that I'd end up with 10 recoveries in a row, followed by 10 blasts, or some such thing. Oooh, now there's a workout: all 10 step segments followed by all 10 blasts, followed by all 10 recoveries. One HUUUUUGE Imax blast! :)

Debra - What horror movie did you watch with the friend? Can we give him a name? Like, say, Rebound? Or Prince Charming? I can't stand horror flicks. I have enough stress in my life without needing to manufacture more. Thank you for your encouraging words about the jeans. So you're saying I need to spend gobs of money in order to look good in them? I'm just going to find a sweatpant and hoody set, and buy it in every colour they offer. That seems to suit me better. The sleepover was a wash because the guest developed a bug and I told the mother that as much as I loved her child, I disliked his bugs. She understood, and we've rescheduled for this weekend. DD was devastated for the day. They're such drama-queens at this age, aren't they? I love serious children. They seem so surprised when an adult jokes around with them. I'm often looked at like I come from another planet. DD will roll her eyes and just say "She's being funny. Come on!" And they scurry off. Your little diva sounds adorable.

Laurie - I'm doing 4DS Kickbox tomorrow. It's only been a week since I last did it, but I swear already I can't remember all the drills. I remember there were side kicks....because there's always side kicks. And I remember the punching combo at the end. I also remember that I liked it. So, there you go. And no, I won't be tacking on Kenpo or KM LCD!!! :)

AmyX - Our basement gets pretty chilly, too, and I hate starting a workout when I'm cold. I've been known to layer on two sweaters at the start, as well as weight lifting gloves to keep my hands warm, then gradually strip as I warm up. Yes, I'm one pole away from being an exotic dancer. OMGoodness, DD gets spoiled by her grandparents! $200 marker set? There is such a thing? Does each marker have a diamond tip?? The hair, sweater and jacket sounded just lovely. Did you wear any bottoms, or was this a dinner party where you spent the night with your legs hidden by the table? Oh, that's awful about the tainted food!!!! Is everyone doing okay today? Sorry to be a nag about pictures. I'm just curious as to what a Round 2 Xer looks like :).

Nicole - Funny the things that motivate us to clean up, isn't it? I sent DH to the basement yesterday to empty out a filing cabinet we want to get rid of, and when I went down to help him, found him in the furnace room building a shelf. He decided that in order to clean out the filing cabinet, he first needed to make some space in the furnace room to store some of the stuff being removed, and to make space in the furance room, he had to build a shelf. So, the contents of the furnace room were strewn around the kids' playroom, the cabinet was no emptier than it had been, and DH was yet again cutting wood. Oy! Thanks for the heads up about Dr. Oz this afternoon. I'll try to remember to watch. Oh, and I'm going to check out the Loaded Oats recipe. There's some nice looking recipes in that book. Great news on the 7lb loss!

Teddygirl - How many times have you mentioned cornbread this week? I love that stuff. Of course, I shall now have to make it :9 What are you and your sister trying to do, what seminar did you go to?

Lea - Oooh, going heavy with the yoga! Did you get your new dvds yet? I'm curious how you like them.

Traci - Oh, Bambi's mother got shot, huh? I'm sorry to hear that. Did you sleep in any longer today? The new time change takes me about a week to adjust to. I agree with you about Christmas being more enjoyable with children around. Although, until DD#1 was born, DH and I would go to the mountains for a few days and go downhill skiing, and had a blast. I could go for that again. I'm glad you've made peace with your weight and "work in progress" status. I shall try to do the same. Whenever I start to get down about not looking as good as Cathe & Crew I remind myself that I look a darn sight better than my relatives, and that means something. My genetic destiny is not pretty.

Wendy - Nice to see you home again!! I found HIS more intense the third time through, when I could transition without interruption. And once it all "clicks", it really flows nicely. I'm having lots of fun with those workouts.

Okay, I've caught up from the weekend, and DD is getting desperate for some attention, so I'm going to go chase her to get my nose back. I'll come back during her nap time and read today's posts.

RE: Xer.......Motivating Monday...........................

Sandra: I love cornbread especially with chili omg...omg... Me and my sister Daphane we are trying to open a home for homeless pregnant teens. We have the house, needing Government funding. That’s all I can say right now, way too early in the game. The seminar was basically about becoming Business owner’s, stuff like that, very informative.

Debra: How’s everything going? I just don’t have enough time today to chit chat with you girls.

Nicole: You lost 7 lbs you go girl that is awesome:) :) I lost 2lb

Swify:) Amy:) Tracey:) Lea:) Wendy:) Tracie:) Carol :) Lauie :) Jeanette :) (((((((Hello))))))))

I just don’t have time to chit chat today so busy here at work. If I don’t talk tonight, will be back Wednesday. Have a great day
RE: Xer.......Motivating Monday...........................

Just wanted to let you guys know I have some new Halloween pics on my picture trail....Will be back to share a rant about my XDH in a bit and to catch up with today's personals. I ended up doing callanetics for the first time....I kind of felt it was an easier version of Squeeze, so I am not sure how much I will pull it out. But at least I can check workout off my list for today. I guess Sandra hasn't gotten her nose back from her toddler yet...LOL!

Hope all is well in everyone's workout worlds!



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

RE: Xer.......Motivating Monday...........................

Hey Gang....Check out Cathe's Response in AC to the Workout Updates Questions...}( }( }( Looks like its gonna be ANOTHER fun week ahead!

Completed todays assigned w/o and am ready to dig into SloMo starting tomorrow...I will still be using the 4DS cardio & weights just in a different manner. I'll continue with the format until I start X with my GF on the 26th...

Here's my rotation for remainder of November

Tue: Slo Mo Legs & Core
Wed: 4DS Kick + Slo Mo Split Mix Back & Chest
Thu: Will Power & Grace Yoga
Fri: 4DS HIS
Sat: Slo Mo Split Mix Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps
Sun: 4DS Kick + Slo Mo Lower & Core Timesaver

Mon: 4DS LIS + 4DS Chest, Shoulder, Tricep Mix
Tue: Eoin Yoga + Winsor Butt & Thighs
Wed: 4Ds HIS + 4DS Biceps Back Mix
Thu: 4DS Legs + Slo Mo Core
Fri: Shiva Yoga
Sat: Slo Mo Total Body Challenge 1 (using liter weights)

Sun: 4DS Kick & LIS
Mon: Slo Mo Total Body Challenge 3 (using liter weights)
Tue: Will Power & Grace Yoga
Wed: Slo Mo Total Body Challenge 2 (using liter weights)
Then I have 4 days off with stretching & yoga before I begin X....

Back later w/ personals! Hope everyone is having a great day
This car is running out of gas. But I shall persevere!!

What all have you been up to today? It looks like you're all "busy, no time to chat today, will catch up with you later". Cool. I got the place to myself. <Looking around>. Hmmmmmm, Tracy's left her lap top on the table for me to play with. Finally I can look up those sites that I don't want to be tracked on my computer. When I'm done that, I'll go over to Traci's extensive fitness dvd collection and put all the dvds in the wrong cases. Then I'll wander over to Wendy's school room and mark all the children's papers (A, A, A, A+++) and weave some yarn through all the harp strings. See how pretty that looks? I'd like to take a nap, but I see Debra's already lying on the futon (shhhhh, don't wake her!). Amy's not gonna be happy when she gets off her nightshift and there's no room on the bed. Who knew Delicate Debra snored? Maybe I'll take a few minutes to edit Jeanette's newsletter, and nominate her for president/secretary/treasurer for next year's club. She'll appreciate that. Ahhhh, I just looked in the bathroom and I see that Laurie needs to come and inspect. The hygiene around here seems circumspect. Nicole, are you teaching those boys to leave the seat down? Because there's definitely been a boy in there! Maybe it was Mr. Teddygirl? Hmmm, Anointed, was there *another* overnight visit? Swift Amy, I've checked the cupboards and see we need to stock up on the flour, eggs and sugar. There are cakes to be baked, and I know you're the woman to do it! Don't forget the chocolate icing, please! Maybe we can mount a pull up bar in the kitchen door way so you can do X Round 3 in between batches of cupcakes. And please hurry on the cupcakes. Carol's kids are getting hungry from having to work so hard on their homework. I'm sure they're wishing she would go do a workout so they could just google the answers. Oops, I just heard the phone ring, and when I picked it up some crazy Asian woman started yelling at me. Wendy, I think it's for you.

Just checking the workout list as I leave the room. You've all managed to do some great workouts today, and Traci's even stuck to a rotation for a full 5 days!!! Truly a Motivational Monday.

Traci, you're starting X Round 2 on the 26th?? Will you be physically doing it alongside your friend, or individually? And where do you find friends who actually want to do P90X? My friends laughed *at* me when I told them my husband's reward for doing P90 is to do P90X with me. Thought it was the funniest thing they ever heard: the reward for doing 90 days of exercise was 90 more days of exercise, but harder!

Debra, Mmmmmm ribs. One of my favourites. Thankfully I don't prepare it too often. Did you get a nasty email? I wonder how many parents in that carpool line are still in their jammies? That makes me laugh, to think of people driving around in nighties. I once drove with a friend from Toronto to Chicago wearing pj's. Most comfy. I did eventually get my nose back from DD. Why did her grandparents have to teach her that game? Whenever she comes near me these days I automatically take a defensive posture. Her little fingers aren't all that gentle. I'll be checking out the pic trail soon.

Wendy, I hope DD's dental appointment went well, and you spoiled her with a milkshake or something afterwards.

Teddygirl, Lowmax. :) :) :) :) :) :) 'nuff said. Wow, I'm humbled by your intentions to open a home for pregnant teenagers. Keep us apprised on how it's going, please! I have an uncle who opened a shelter for homeless teens using drugs, abused, etc. He was fortunate to make oodles of money by inventing something, retired in his 30s, and started the shelter. It looks like a lot of blood, sweat and tears go into such an endeavour. I give you a standing O for your efforts.

Carol, I was excited for you, until I realized you meant computer monitor. I thought maybe you got a heart rate monitor. Have fun with Kickbox!!

Laurie, LL is always a goodie. Classic. What is SJP PM#3? Wow, your DD gets upset when she can't play outside? To get my dd outside, I have to first throw out a pile of Magic Treehouse books and when she goes racing after them, slam the door shut and bolt-lock it. The Littlest Bookworm takes after her mother, I'm afraid.

Lea, Yoga's so lovely, isn't it? I remember BM1 used to wipe me out like that. The Workout That You Take With a Nap, is what I called it. I'm afraid I missed hearing about whatever has ailed you. I hope you recover soon. It sounds like you've really been floored by something.

Jeanette, What's happened to FitnessFreak? Is she still around? I don't think I've seen her post in ages. I can't comment on the Specialized bikes, but I do really enjoy their commercials. Did you see the one that won the contest for "make your own commercial" during the Tour? It was by a woman, and was really neat. Your two LM favourites are the 2 I like the least, lol! My favs are 4 and 6. I think it's 6.

Lea, I have no idea what a "surfer's edition" of yoga is like, but since it's Eoin, I'll buy. That guy is such a duuuuude. He cracks me up and makes me happy, and that's all I'm really going for anyway. In PY4H, you can play spot the dog, spot the thong, spot the thong, spot the thong, spot the thong, spot the....(I know, it sounds like porn, but it's not).

Nicole, sugar hangovers. Been there, done that, I feel your pain. Ugh! Enjoy your yoga!

Okay, the room is tidied up, and I hear some rattling at the key hole. This seems like a good time to skidaddle.

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