Ate lunch, previewed Baron Live Core Strength, chatted on the phone, and took a quick 10 minute nap. Math will wait until Phil gets home. He's gotta get into the groove. Time for personals.
Before I do, I should tell you what I have on tap for today. I'm planning on doing some Cardio and Weights or just cardio.

I was going to do Baron Live. But, I'm going to yoga class with Jen tomorrow late afternoon. I'll acquaint myself with him in Thailand.
Oh! And for the record, I am not your typical mother yelling at her kids in public. I despise having to witness such displays of affection. LOLOLOL Really, I'm down right prideful my kids are well behaved. (Partly, because they would rather suffer death than draw attention to themselves. But, that's besides the point.) Even in public, eldest ds would only draw attention from strangers by pretending to talk like he was gay and Chinese. He did it to embarrass me. However, eldest ds knew how to push my buttons by talking back to me at home. I don't care if he disagreed and thought he was right and I was wrong. However, I didn't need to hear it. I would have been content to deal with an eye roll or sigh. All I wanted to hear was Yes Mam!

:7 A salute would have been nice too! LOL
Carol: Yes! I saw that. I didn't know you at the time our pictures were taken. How cool you were standing next to Jen. I have that picture framed on my upstairs bookcase. I'll have to get the magnifying glass out and look more closely! LOL
TG: I don't have or have any intention of getting IMAX3. I hardly reach for IMAX1 or IMAX2. I'm not a fan of cardio. I don't think you're bad for wanting a peaceful, restful Thanksgiving. It's fun to have a large family gathering, but it can be stressful making sure everyone is taken care of all day!
Debra: I'm crossing all my movable body parts (not many are moving today!) that you get a spot in the anatomy class. I'm sure you'll do fine! Next time you volunteer, you need to have the kids make alcohol dipped cotton necklaces to wear.}( The smell shouldn't bother them. Cuz, how can they breath through all that mucus! }( You know, if I was a working mom, I'd have checked off that I helped with homework when I didn't!

But, still. Some kids will read the same book over and over. Until that little light bulb goes off, you'd think they were reading it for the first time!!! I don't envy teachers either! They've got one heck of a tough job!!! Oh! I think Jen doesn't have PY4H yet. If you don't get any takers, I could ask her tomorrow if she's interested. I don't blame you for not wanting to go through pregnancy again! My sister had her last baby a few years ago at 37. It was tough on her physically compared to when she was in her 20's! I was in the delivery room thinking: Glad it's not me giving birth!!! Oh! About the Basic Flow class... It's not Basic as in Beginner's class. I find it to be the most difficult of all the classes they offer. It just means they get down and dirty right off the bat and don't stop until an hour and a half later. The Power Hour class sounds like it would be the hardest. Ended up being the easiest in terms of endurance and strength. I vote to milk soon to be XDH for all you can for as long as you can! Yes, that sounds cruel. I don't care. Unless someone half as wealthy as Bill Gates proposes, stay single.
Nicole: Have fun today! Eat some dessert for me!

I wished Carol lived closer to Malvern. I'd be dragging her to yoga class once a week if she did!!! Nicole, you just continue parenting your boys like you have been. No telling how they'll end up anyhow. By the grace of God, go I!!! Bootcamp was in eldest ds' future. He just decided early enough to get paid for it instead of it being part of his sentence. LOLOLOLOLOL
Sandra: Ewwww! Teletubbies!x( I banned that from my girls' viewing pleasure. Does that make me the worst mother of the year? Are you sure you don't want Denise Austin? Traci thinks she's tolerable!!!:7 :+ Check you and dd out! ^^5^^ for showing the other mothers and their children off! Have fun this weekend of partial freedom and live adult conversation!!! Okay, If I can't use malaria as an excuse, can I use being eaten alive by a crocodile? I haven't heard if they caught the rest of 28 crocs that escaped during the monsoon floods in the city where we're staying.
Amy-X: Is there anyone nearby who could tutor you? I was always paying tutors for help in college. Guess my power of charm and looks weren't enough! LOL How do you like Long and Lean? The yoga studio had that dvd for sale too.
Lea-X: I'm hurt! I didn't get a wedding invitation either! Are your kids at least invited?!?!?! Save me some wedding cake. Fed Ex can deliver it straight to the jungles of Thailand!:+
Traci: Lea's 3 day rest was spent planning her wedding!

Talking to myself: YES! Well, no. I
think I say things aloud ALL the time. I even get mad at Phil because I'll think I told him something. Now, he just asks, "Did you use your voice when you told me that?" ROFL However, I do hum to myself all the time. I enjoy singing aloud in the privacy of my car.

You are such a thoughtful wife! I would LOVE to have another baby. I don't push Phil to undergo another reversal. BTW, it was his decision to have the first reversal the first time. Anyhow, he did tell me I wasn't allowed to buy a baby in Thailand.:7 :7 :7 Getting back to inversions (headstands, handstands, anything upside down) When I went to that Ivengar class in State College, the instructor gave us a lot of form pointers that made a simple headstand seem like a LOT of WORK! Point your toes, get up on your shoulders, don't place too much strain on your neck, draw your abs in!!!!! tighten your glutes and legs. OH! And remember to breath.
Jeanette: LOL about your children not ending up at your work! I have a theory based on my personal experience. The easier they are to birth, the more difficult they are to raise!!! So, far my theory holds true! Yippee! The bloat and added pounds are melting away. I always have to remind myself that it's temporary. Am I going to be gone for your birthday? When exactly is it? Gosh! I'll have to seek out a internet cafe ASAP to wish you a Happy Birthday!!!! The only Luna Bars they had at the yoga studio were ones with chocolate. The Chai flavored ones sound really good though! I'll have to see if I can find any to take with me.
Laurie: I usually fall asleep early into a preview in bed too. However, Baron didn't shut up long enough for that to happen!!!! By the time I did fall asleep, dh had turned down the volume. I guess he couldn't handle Baron either. ^^5^^ to your dd! She must take after you!!!! Let us know how it goes. A few pictures of her in costume would be nice too!
Tracy: You are more than welcome to HAVE my BCC dvds. PM me your address and I can get them out to you tomorrow! If you don't like them, you can pass them on to someone who might.
Okay Ladies, I've gotta to do some more laundry. Chat more later!
Ballistic Hugs to ALL!