WWERs check in 2nd week of June

Hey girls

My students are driving me crazy these days.. It is the last week before exams and my patience (i don<t have much to start with) is starting to leave me...

Wendy: Awesome weight loss...i am totally jealous...in a good way not the nasty kind:D

Shereta: i am already in vacation mode so nope not doing the rotation... i am going day by day making sure that each week has at least some weights as well as cardio..

Yesterday I did HIIT 30-30 followed by a HIIT from Turbo fire (25)

Today..still haven<t decided (sorry funky keyboard again)

Stacy: sorry about the salad comment...totally forgot about your health concerns...That has to totally suck! Not only do you have to watch what you eat for weight but for alergies as well!:confused:
I'm glad it's not raining and that it's sunny but could it not be 95 degrees and humid??

Shereta, I'm not doing the rotation either. My work schedule is always too crazy to ever follow a set rotation.

Steph, no worries. I actually dont have any food allergies thank goodness, I'd hate to have to carry around an Epipen! I just have IBS and have a list of foods that my GI tract doesnt tolerate very well.

Wendy, good job!
Stacy:: Thanks! :) Now it's your turn! Unless ofcourse you still think the broken scale is a better option! ;):p

Steph:: You are a teacher and don't have a lot of patience? Seriously!? How do you do it?? :eek: I used to have tons of patience but as I get older my fuse is growing shorter and shorter. :rolleyes: Good job on your work out y'day! Bang out another goodie today! ;)
Hey girls...just discovered a yummy way to make salad dressing creamy....
I usually only put either wine vinegar or balsamic with a tablespoon of olive oil...these past two days i have added a tablespoon of flaxseed (ground) I find it gives it a totally creamy taste...

have any of you guys ever tried.. I was reading a ll about how good flax is for you so decided to try it..

I have started adding a tablespoon with my yogurt and now one with my salad..yummers..

On a positive side i have only 1 more class left and so far everytbody is still alive!...i have freezies for my students...they should be nice!;)
I weigh-in on Wednesdays....hoping my scale is "fixed". I'll take a no-loss/no-gain week as my diet hasnt been stellar, but way better than last 2 weeks for sure!

I'm trying two new recipes from Gina's Skinny site, one is Low-Yolk Egg Salad and the other will be a Skinny Tuna Melt, however instead of serving it open-faced on bread, I'm going to carve out a tomato and use the tuna salad as stuffing and top it with 1 WW point cheese and bake it for a stuffed tomato recipe instead. Cant wait to try these recipes!

I'm still pondering what my workout will be. Right now I'm thinking the upper body from KCM's Split Sessions and embarking on yet another try at the C25K rotation plus abs. I'm still a bit gun shy with my knee, but I had gotten halfway thru it before with some modifications and did okay. I'll report back later. We have tickets to a ball game tonight but may forego them b/c of this heat!
Steph:: Oooh can I have a freezie if I behave please? LOL I use store bought salad dressing (lazy!lol) but your ideas for home made sound good!

Stacy:: My fingers are crossed that your scale gets fixed my tmrw! ;) The egg salad recipe doesn't sound good to me simply cause I don't like eggs but the tuna sounds yummy! I've eyed the tuna melt on that site plenty of times. I like your idea to make it a little differently too! :)
Workout is done! I did the first walk/jog workout from Week 1 of the C25K program, knee felt pretty good. Then did the upper body workout from Split Sessions, was going to do abs but SS had standing ab work incorporated into it, so bonus! I really liked this workout, she moves slow enough to use heavier weights but not so slow that you're bored, it really accomplishes alot in 30 minutes!
Yeah Stacy...I am so happy for you...NO KNEE PAIN!!!!!! thats wonderful.:D

I did Imax 3 today and am just getting ready to go for a walk...
Tomorrow has weights on the menu... not sure yet but possible Chest and back from p90x or maybe some gym styles....Totally tempted to do a shoulders workout now that tank tops are a possibility...:confused:

Check in later

Hope the rest of you had a great end of day too...
rock on Stacy
No knee pain
Weigh in day....guess you could say I broke even. I'm down from last Wednesday's weigh in but that number last week was the day after a HUGE meal so I think it was inflated (no pun intended) with water weight, but I'm up about 1/2 lb or so from where I was mid-week.

Busy, busy day today....
Ok now this is nothing related to weight etc....

This has been my goal in life ...ok not life but in my training for as long as i can remember....

Stacy: 1/2 a pound is soooo water weight! didn<t you say it was getting hot where you are..

don<t give up....

Wendy: whats on tap for the workout this AM^ i am definately doing chect and back...the rest remains to be seen... Are KCM good for cardio (intense)...if yes which one do you recommend...you mentioned that she has great weight stuff but since i am on tap for sts next serious rotation i want some good cardio to round it out...

totally psyched today...
Good Morning.

Today's work out was a 20 min interval cardio work out (tabata) from BodyRock.com, LIS step only minus blasts and all 3 abs sections from BBC Back and Shoulders. Good stuff!:D

Steph:: Yay for an unassisted chin up! :D That's awesome! I was able to do a few at some point prior to the end of my P90X rotation back in 07 but shortly after the rotation ended I stopped doing pulls ups on a regular basis so no more unassisted for me. :( As for KCM cardio I adore her TLC work out the most at the current moment. It's half boxing and half athletic cardio drills. The cardio in Circuit Burn and Boot Camp is also very good. Her kickboxing is great as well. I really love all of her stuff except for her step and step-boxing work outs. I would say that you can't go wrong with any of it IMO. She has a 30 min plyo work out on a dvd that I think is called Cardio Blast that is a goodie too. The other 30 min w/o on that disc is step which I don't care for but I kept the dvd for the plyo. ;)

Stacy:: Glad the scale went down for you this week! ITA with Steph re the water weight and not giving up. You can do this! :)
Congrats on your chin up, Steph. Keep it up

Stacy, you're rocking now, Girl.

Wendy, keep up the good workouts.

today, I did 4DS Kickbox in its entirety. Burned 959 calories. But pms has me retaining water. Yikes. Im feeling great other than that.
Holy Crap!!! An UNASSISTED CHINUP, that's totally awesome!!!!!!! I have yet to aspire to that!

I've got dinner in the oven..the Skinny Tuna Melt recipe but my modified baked tomato version, hopefully will taste good. I have two smaller tomatoes baking. This will be only a 7 Point dinner too and that's including the cheese and the mayo, actually less b/c I only used about half of the tuna part (which was 4 PP just for the tuna itself!) I was SO tempted to get a fast food cheeseburger b/c I had a busy workday and just didnt feel like cooking once I got home, but I talked myself out of it!
TWO HUGE THUMBS UP STACY...you resisted the cheeseburger!:D

that had to be very hard...It must be totaly discouraging coming home from a high stress job and having to cook supper... A lot of will power to be able to avoid the cheeseburger! Great Job!

Shereta: Gotta love pms don't you...not enough we have to be cranky but then add extra water weight at the same time = Total recipe for disaster IMO
If i had just burned 900+ calories i would be getting me some ice-cream:p good job resisting!
Change your thumbs up to a thumbs down. Call it stress eating, call it PMS munchies, call it just me being a piggy, but after doing so well with dinner, I proceeded to eat almost an entire bag of chips. Of course I'm feeling bloated and gross this morning not to mention I'm mentally beating myself up. I shouldve just eaten the cheeseburger, wouldve probably saved my calories! I dont know why I sabotage myself at times. To me, chips are almost like an actual addiction much like smoking or alcohol is to someone else (being totally serious here). Nothing to do but keep trying, drink alot of water and put it behind me...though it's going to add weight to my behind anyways!!

I'm working 12 hours today, no time for a workout today.
Hey girls:D

Stacy: get up, wipe yourself off and start again! I read somewhere that just accept what has happened and move on.. easier said than done when you are in a funk though (sometimes you must want to slap me silly sometimes)..

I have a feeling that today will be better... i am psychic that way;)

I am off to try and do the peak fitness dvd i bought...we shall see...i<ll review it later for yall!


Good morning to the rest of the girls in the house:cool:
Good Morning.

This morning's work out was Body Rock's 600 Rep Fat Burner W/O. I didn't have enough time to do every rep as the work out is written. It calls for 10 exercises at 30 reps each x 2 rounds = 600 reps. I did 1 round of 10 exercises at 30 reps each but then for the 2nd round (to save time since I KNEW I wouldn't finish) I did 15-16 reps for 6 of the 10 exercises and did all 30 reps for the other 4. This totalled 510 reps I believe. I finished the work out with 3 minutes to spare. ;) I gave myself 60 minutes to do the work out not including w/u and stretch. In order to complete it in full I would probably need another 15ish minutes so I will keep that in mind for next time. :)

Stacy:: Sorry about last night's chip incident. These things happen. Today is a new day. You'll do better! :)

Steph:: Can't wait for your Peak Fitness DVD review!

Hello to Shereta if you happen to pop in today.
Hey, hey, Ladies. I try to stay away, but I'm drawn to yall like a bug to a night light.
Man, did I just call myself a bug?

Anyways, today's workout was 4Day Split all step plus slow and heavy chest, back and core. Totaled 1018 calories. Im poopped.

Wendy, kudos to you for fitting that workout in. You mentioned a lot of reps. It made me remember when I was pulling 20s up for the back work, I started counting every rep. Cathe says 3 - 8 sets of 8 (2 count then 6 slow count). Yeah, that was 64 each round (times 3) which totals 192 reps for EACH exercise. I just stopped counting. It got depressing. :)

Steph, nice pep talk. I started saying I always have good days. Even when they're really bad days. I want to be positive. So, I call bad days good and good days better. Did that make sense?

Stacy, get to sucking the water down, making a menu plan and sticking to it. This time will pass soon. You should keep some good foods on hand to overindulge in when you cant stop the cravings like baby carrots or celery sticks. They'll wear your jaws out too. hahaha
hey girls...

So the peak fitness is good...not as intense as cathes hiit however it lasts 60 minutes...you do each of her 5 peaks 2 times (once each side).. you jump a little but nothing crazy like ccc. totally doable and sweat-inducing.. I will have to do it again to see if it is a weekly repeater. Super easy to follow!

Shereta: you are a calorie crushing machine:eek: come fess up did you cheat a little later on??? BTW how is your Dukan doing???

Stacy: I hope that the rest of your day picked itself up..

Wendy: You are a crazy workout chick....but...I CAN DO AN UNASSISTED CHIN UP!!!LOL hahaha seriously just kidding.. today i just did the peak thingy. I have been busy at work and running around trying to squeeze my kids end of year shows in between my lunch breaks..

I am off to a rewards evening at my school and will try to check in later.

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