WW Core Plan

More Core Info:

"The Core Food List contains foods from every food group, and gives you lots of choices to stay satisfied.

If you’re following the Core Plan, Weight Watchers Online gives you a complete list of all the foods on the Core Food List, so you always know what you can eat.

Learn your Comfort Zone
To use Core Plan to its full advantage, you’ll need to eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re satisfied. While the Core Plan allows you to eat what you need off of the Core Food List without tracking what you eat, it is important to remember that calories do matter in weight loss.

To adjust your eating to your appetite, decide on a scale of 0-5 how hungry you are before and after each meal. Over time you’ll learn to recognize signals telling you when you’re hungry and when you’re full. Strive to stay in your comfort zone.

0 = Very Hungry/Starving
1 = Hungry
2 = Getting Hungry
3 = Satisfied/Comfortable
4 = Full/Not Hungry at all
5 = Very Full/Stuffed

Comfort Zone between 1 and 4"
RE: More Core Info:

Dani, thanks again for the help. Debbie (my friend, who sits opposite me at work is very grateful). Can you answer a question for me. Do you also get 35 flexi points per week?

Debbie is allowed 18 points per day on WW. Is the 35 flexi points the same? Or reduced? Does exercise play a role in teh flexi points? Can you help clear this up.

Thank you again for your time.

I started this program about two weeks ago. I am a lifetime member. I think it is the best thing going. By eating the core foods, one does not have to keep a log. One only needs to keep track of the extra points tshe eats each week.

I think it promotes very clean eating. I can eat the core foods until I feel satisified. So, if I want that extra piece of fruit, bowl of popcorn, or glass of milk, I just eat it and enjoy it.

I feel that this is a program that I could be on on an extended period of time. I am so pleased with Weight Watchers, after being turned off with their point system the last few years.

RE: More Core Info:

>Dani, thanks again for the help. Debbie (my friend, who sits
>opposite me at work is very grateful). Can you answer a
>question for me. Do you also get 35 flexi points per week?
>Debbie is allowed 18 points per day on WW. Is the 35 flexi
>points the same? Or reduced? Does exercise play a role in teh
>flexi points? Can you help clear this up.
>Thank you again for your time.

Hi Wayne,

Any exercise points you earn, you can use those to eat Non Core foods. You also get 35 flex points to use per week on top of that. You can use these flex points to eat Non Core foods as well.
Hi, it's me - the girl who started this thread a week ago. I have lost 6 lbs this week! I know a lot of it is probably water and all that, but I'm still psyched!
>Hi, it's me - the girl who started this thread a week ago. I
>have lost 6 lbs this week! I know a lot of it is probably
>water and all that, but I'm still psyched!

That is awesome!! :)
Hi everyone, I had been on the Flex plan and had lost about 5.5 lbs in 4 weeks. Then I went to Panama City for a week vacation and ate like a pig so you can imagine that I gained 5 lbs back decided to give Core plan a try, this is my 4th day and i have lost the 5 lbs plus 3 extra. This plan is great and has made me a believer,going to stay on at least till I make goal. I feel so good on this way of eating I think WW is on to something here. Also, I am the type of person that I like to record what I eat, just to keep track.So when I eat a core food I write 'c' in the used column and don't count that, when I eat something that is not Core I write the points in the used column and subtract that from the 35 pts we are to have each week.Hope that helps someone and not confuse everyone.

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