wt vest


I just got a 40#wt vest I love it.I so far have tried pushups lunges,squats,deadlifts,legpress,tricep dips.I really like the comfort of it.I also of course add extra wt with barbell and dumbells.so for squats I starting with my 50# barbell and put it on for 90# I am going to lift my 90# barbell for squats and the wt vest which will be 130# but I want toget use to it first.I did plb dlifts with it and 90# and boy was my lower back screaming from the burn.Thanks for all of you who talked about it I would have never thought about investing in something such as that.Best money spent in a while (80.00) aside from my cathe tapes of course.So what else can be done with it guys.
Lately I've been thinking about this myself. I found it's too risky to add more weight, and at the current weight I'm hoisting over my head, it's not challenging anymore.

I also use a weight vest with my barbell. I don't use it for deadlifts, however, because the weight it adds seems to be more in a location that would stress the lower back on this move (because of the bending forward motion) and not add appreciably to the use of the leg muscles. Just a suggestion, but I'd be careful using it for deadlifts--just make sure that the "burn" you are feeling is muscle use and not strain.
RE: wt vest -kathryn

It was a muscle burn.I am always careful and knock on wood have never had a injury.My back esp lower is very strong it has to be from all the lifting of packages that I do.I deliver mail so I have to be able to manage to move 75#.What else do you use yours for?
weighted vest activities

You can train for any sport using the weighted vest! Train for Basketball, Football, Volleyball, Baseball, Boxing, Swimming, Hockey etc - Any Sport
Develop muscle toning, strengthening specific muscle groups.
Develop speed, quickness, exploding power such as hip flexors, knee joints and quadriceps. Endurance, builds lower leg strength.
Activities using the weighted vest- Walking, running, aerobics, bicycling, cross-country, skiing, tennis, water polo, sports medicine, rehabilitation,weight training, football, baseball, track and field, hockey, skating, soccer, volleyball, martial arts, gymnastics, stairmaster, treadmill,elliptical, basketball, badminton, boxing, field hockey, lacrosse, roller blading (inline skating)--I also use mine on the bun and thigh rocker,spinning and hiking. It can be used on most cardio machines too! This info was copied from www.strength-systems.com where I have purchased my weighted vest and shorts! It is pricey and not bulky for outdoor training! Enjoy your new equipment!
Your friend in fitness~~Francine
RE: weighted vest activities


I have a weighted vest that I got at MC Sporting Goods - I have been using it for quite some time (10#). But I looked on the website you suggested and I really liked that vest better. Mine is velcro - so when I do anything like push ups or stretching or anything that requires bending over it would come undone.

I noticed that one has a zipper - so I ordered that one I figure I will be able to use it much better - but I had a question - would you recommend using it to do step aerobics maybe at the 10# weight? I have thought about it but never tried it.

I use mine for Tae Bo and my weight training. Now with a zipper I will be able to use it for Boot Camp! Can't wait to get it.


RE: weighted vest activities

Cheryl, You will love this vest! It's wonderful for crosstraining! As for step aerobics it can be worn but I would take extreme precaution on poundage depending on your duration of workout! Start of light or just five minutes each time and build from there! What a difference when the vest is off then on(interval training at it's best) Did you ever use weighted gloves for step aerobics,wow those arms get tired on 1lbers alone! But a good tired! It's nice to know that workouts can be intensified by this helpful equipment, also make sure you mix it up and don't do too much at once,(having a no weight day in there somewhere) it's very demanding on the body and your energy output is exerted and muscles are stressed differently, you don't want to injure yourself ,take precautions, you want this type of training to help improve your overall optimal performance! Good Luck and Have fun!
RE: weighted vest activities


I do use 2# hand weights when I do Tae Bo and Cathe's Cardio Kicks - it makes a huge differencse.

I did try the weighted vest on a step tape that was intermediate to see what the difference would be - it was a 45 minute tape - I used the vest for about 40 minutes I took it off the last 5 minutes of the wrap up and WOW I couldn't believe the difference. That was last week I haven't done it again yet. I think I will just do that maybe once a week when I need to shake my routine up a little bit.

I get my new vest shipped on Jan. 31. I am really looking forward to doing push ups with it on. What would terminator thrusts be like with it on from the Boot Camp tape?

RE: weighted vest activities

You can do the thrusts too with vest but first master the move and analyze the next day if you are ready for any added intensity! Another option would be to do the thrusts later in the program after your body and back are ready for that added stress!( Do the first thrust move as is and maybe pause your vcr and drop and do 8 maybe 1/2 hr into your program w/ vest or wherever you see that move fit! just a suggestion, be careful very intense,quick move!)
RE: weighted vest activities

Ok, well I have not used my vest for much, but I have to say I am pretty dissapointed in it. It is the 40lb ALL Pro. I am wondering now if it is really worth $89.00. It is HUGE on me and actually hangs partially on my buttocks when I am in squat position. I am thinking it is going to limit my range of motion for these types of exercises (lunges, squats..where the bottom of the vest starts cutting into my legs). Also, I really don't think I want to do any cardio with it on. I get hot enough as it is, plus I do wonder about the safety of it. I guess it would be OK if you added 5lbs at a time or something, working up to around 20?? AND I think I would only do that for hiking, or exercises that do not require much jumping..
SO, should I keep it or return it?? One size doesn't always fit all...
RE: weighted vest activities

Hi Janice -bummer-I'm not familiar with the All Pro but I have seen some bulky vests and they can certainly get in the way and limit your abilities to perform certain activities at your peak level! For $89 and your not satisfied I'd send it back definietly! Give it 3 weeks to see if it serves your fitness needs if not return it! I know I paid more money for mine and it's less weight in poundage at www.strength-systems.com but it works for me and adds just the right amount of resistance and it don't restrict me on what I have to do! Let me know how you make out!

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