macbeanur/Sarah- I'm so glad about your progress and results! That's fantastic!
I felt the same way when I started being able to do my other workouts so much more efficiently. I'll never forget how much easier Afterburn, Crossfire and To the Max felt after I got some HC's under my belt. I can now do 22, on the toes push ups in a row!
Even after STS I could never get past 10, and before that... forget it! I was lucky to get 4 or 5 before sinking to my knees.
As for the shorter club workouts, those are called the "101's"'s a link to those:
Horizontal Conditioning : Purchase DVD's You can get all 12 for a discounted price or buy them individually. I love them all but I especially love the March 101. Those gliders get in there really good!
Thanks for the link, Colleen! And thanks for the tip about March 101...I am feeling quite poor right now, so it might be best to start small (though I bet I'll end up going for the 12 at the discount price eventually).
Woo-hoo, on your push-up improvement! It is amazing how quickly HC brings results. I too, have been working on push-ups and have seen slight improvement, but nothing like I've seen just after a couple of HC workouts.
I remember someone mentioned that after doing HC their abs felt like they were in a corset - I completely understand what that poster meant now!
Someone else wrote something about HC along the lines of "Cathe does these moves, too, so no need to buy the HC". That is really not true - she may do a FEW of the moves, but not for the duration that Sandy does, and it is the duration, I think, that makes all the difference. Plus, Sandy does some things that I think - How did she come up with this?
I am going to go ahead and get those gloves I think.
thanks again for your help!