I have used Cathe and The Firm since 1988 and still really like The Firm's workouts from the "earlier days." The pre-2001 Firms are geared more toward beginners in my opinion and I haven't bought any of the "new Firm" videos since Good Times took it over.I may be in the minority here, but I have always liked The Firm and still do. They are completely different from Cathe's style.
However, I LOVE Cathe and have continued to buy her workouts as well. For me, Cathe's workouts are the most advanced and are geared more toward people who need something challenging. And I LOVE Cathe's personality, her cueing talent, choreography, non-cheerleader style, and her ability to be professional but fun at the same time. Plus Cathe's workouts are consistent. I know that I will not be disappointed in any workout she makes.
Anyway, my point is that I love Cathe, but I like other instructors too. I need variety so I use Cathe (my absolute favorite which I use most of the time), The Firm, Kari Anderson, FitPrime, Tracie Long, Karen Voight, and Gin Miller. ( I used to use Kathy Smith, in the 80's, but her workouts are way too easy.)
Is there anyone else here that uses any other instructor's workouts?