Wow! What a difference between Cathe and The Firm


I just finished the Week One of September's rotation (OK - so I'm a little slow with the program). Since I don't have the workouts specified for the Ab Marathon, I decided I would use my old 5 Day Abs from The Firm (which I used way back in 1997 when I started working out). YUCK! Not only were the instructors annoying, but I don't think they use proper form. Plus the music totally stinks! I knew I stopped using The Firm for a reason.

Guess I'll have to go a different route next time!
You said it!!! I can't stomach the Firm girls since I started with Cathe. But at least they are a starting place for some folks. They seem pretty corny , don't they? :)
And that AB marathon is awesome!! A former Firmie myself. I found Cathe about 15 years ago....I had tried a few more Firms during that time but Cathe was so much better...glad you found her...:)...Carole
Welcome to the next level of fitness. I still having the firm volumen 1 with Susan Harris. I used to do the lower body part in the floor. I have not used it since I have discovered cathe.Now I think the firm is very boring and the new workouts do not have the intensity of the classic oldest workouts.
Yes, Cathe is definitely the next level of workout. There are still some firms that I do rarely as standalone workouts (Supersculpting) or I may toss a Firm workout into a Cathe workout..for example last week one day, I did S&H Legs and Shoulders,plus PUB triceps PLB leg press and Cardio Express from the Firm. I think the classic firms were the best but they still don't compare to Cathe. The aerobic workouts from the firm are of much lower intensity and I'll use them if I am not well or need a low intensity workout for some reason. With the exception of supersculpting, the Firm strength workouts do not work your muscle to exhaustion and there are no slow and heavy workouts either. The circuit style workouts also are nowhere near the intensity of Cathe's circuits but they serve their puropse...they are good beginner and low intermediate workouts and they have been a feeding ground for many Catheites and I probably many future Catheites as well.:)
I'm a recent Cathe convert as well. Just started with her in July and have not done a firm video since. I do however give the firm credit for getting me started on my fitness journey. I lost 20 pounds with the firm and kept it off for a year. I do reserve the right to return on days when I need an easier w/o-although I haven't yet.

Watch out it's addicting- can't tell you how much money I've spent since July :eek: :eek:

We are in the same boat.I have discovered cathe in the spring and I do not want to calculate the money I have spend in my cathe dvd. I have all except abs hits .I do not regret it because is a inversion in my health and I love all the workouts especially bootcamp,IMAX2, terminator,ME,SB,SJP and MIC.
I agree Stayfit- no regrets here either it has been well worth the $$. Just staying healthy. Cathe's w/o are so much fun even when I am screaming in agony on that last rep!!!

I have used Cathe and The Firm since 1988 and still really like The Firm's workouts from the "earlier days." The pre-2001 Firms are geared more toward beginners in my opinion and I haven't bought any of the "new Firm" videos since Good Times took it over.I may be in the minority here, but I have always liked The Firm and still do. They are completely different from Cathe's style.

However, I LOVE Cathe and have continued to buy her workouts as well. For me, Cathe's workouts are the most advanced and are geared more toward people who need something challenging. And I LOVE Cathe's personality, her cueing talent, choreography, non-cheerleader style, and her ability to be professional but fun at the same time. Plus Cathe's workouts are consistent. I know that I will not be disappointed in any workout she makes.

Anyway, my point is that I love Cathe, but I like other instructors too. I need variety so I use Cathe (my absolute favorite which I use most of the time), The Firm, Kari Anderson, FitPrime, Tracie Long, Karen Voight, and Gin Miller. ( I used to use Kathy Smith, in the 80's, but her workouts are way too easy.)

Is there anyone else here that uses any other instructor's workouts?

Cathe undoubtedly does take you to the next level of fitness...but like Deanna said, sometimes I need the variety of style, faces, personalities and sometimes just something easier:)

I still like Karen Voight, Debbie Seibers, Kathy Smith (she has some great lower intensity, but long enough cardio stuff), and Tamilee Webb. I don't see myself giving any of these ladies up, or Gilad or Charlene Prickett...see variety!

As to the Firm, my classics all were originial purchases back in the 80's (except for Vol. 2...and that one is in this house somewhere!!!). So I hang on to Vol. 1, 3, and 4 (and my recently re-acquired Vol. 2) for sentimentality and also because they are pretty tough. But IMO if you want to be guaranteed a good sweat and some serious (if fun) work to kick it up a notch, then you have to have some Cathe in there somewhere!!!
I have been going back more and more to The Firm. The high impact is killing my legs and back. I use Cathe for UB, and the Firm for lower body. The new Firms, BSS#, the cardio's are very challenging, and I really like them.
I also really like the Firm for lower body and cardio, and except for PLB, prefer it to Cathe's lower body workouts. I also like the Firm's "four-limbed-aerobics" using light weights to increase the aerobic intensity, and the way the Firm moves between cardio and weight moves.

I prefer the "middle-aged" Firms: Firm Cardio, Strength, Lower Body split, Tough aerobic mix, etc. Those that date from "Tortoise" and "Hare" up to right before the Body Sculpting Systems (which I've found to be generally not as intense as the earlier Firms).
my lower body response better to the firm.The new firms are really good that is the only cardio I've been doing.I took stepanies-total muscle shaping(don't know about the name)and krista's complete body shaping and taped the cardio and leg segments to vhs.And have been alternating them and on the third day combined them for around a hour butt blasting workout.I also added parts from stephanies express cardio-my heart rate goes down on some of the box aerobics so I added the parts I liked to the tape.Just this a.m I did vol 3 classic for a change.I have noticed a diffence in the scale also so I will keep with it as long as I'm in the honeymoon phase.
I am a former firmbeliever myself - I did the workouts from 1987 until about a year and a half ago when I found Cathe (I learned of her on a firm forum!) Anyway, I too credit the Firm for getting me on my fitness journey, but finding Cathe over a year ago has put me on a whole new path. I just sold all my Firms about a week ago but did keep Vol4,Vol6, The Tortoise, The Hare, Super Cardio, Super Sculpt and Cardio Step Mix for those days when I just need a change fo pace - it hasn't happened too much though! Cathe keeps me motivated, tough,and together.

My Mantra for the past year has been "thank God I found Cathe, thank God I found Cathe............

Of course another popular one has been " I just made it thru IMAX, I just made it thru IMAX...!!!!!"

I don't think ANYTHING stacks up to Cathe, but on the other hand I feel there is a time & place for long as it's a safe workout which you enjoy, I say go for it!
I still occasionally like to work out with Margaret or Karen or Keli & I often work out with Charlene. And occasionally I will still do a Firm.
I will say, however, that once I've done something else once or twice I can't wait to come home to Cathe!;)

Shelia- How did you do this???? I saw your post once before, and asked you, but maybe you did not see it??? I would LOVE to do this also, I just have no idea how. Is it easy?? I asked my husband and BIL, and neither of them know how to play the DVD, and tape to the VCR.
I have no jacks to support the dvd so I have to run the dvd player thru the vcr to get the picture on the tv.I just play the dvd and rec. with the vcr.It has been real handy at picking the parts I want.I don't know how you can do it with jacks my husband probaly knows I'll ask.
I agree...nothing stacks up to Cathe, especially if you want a tough workout. And when you make it through a workout like IMAX, you feel like you can conquer anything! She really makes the most advanced workouts that make the endorphines flow!

You know, I've often said & truly feel that the greatest gift of all which Cathe gave me was the knowledge than I CAN do many many things which I wouldn't have even attempted before.

I am SO grateful for that. The strength, weight loss, etc. is the icing on the cake.


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