RE: Paxil
Hi Amy! I totally agree with you that it's important to be an informed patient. Interestingly, I've been on Paxil since March of 1994--over 7 years. When my doctor put me on the drug it was new on the market and was touted as being better than Zoloft and Prozac in the sense of having fewer side effects. Certainly my doctor didn't warn me about side effects such as weight gain and an increased need for sleep. But then Paxil was so new that I don't think she herself was aware of those side effects.
Like you, I gained about 30 lbs over the course of 5 years. But at least 15 of those pounds I badly needed. I had a pretty severe eating disorder that kicked in as I was going through puberty, and I went though most of my teens and twenties without menstruating. But thanks to the weight I gained on Paxil, I now have regular periods for the first time in my life.
And it has been possible for me to lose weight while on Paxil. It hasn't been easy, but I've been able to drop about 10 lbs of fat and get back into a size 4. (Okay, sometimes a 6, but that's still not bad

) Hooray for Cathe and the Firm!
What you say about Paxil losing its effectiveness over time has made me wonder if maybe--just maybe--I don't need it any more to treat my depression. In other words, maybe I haven't noticed the drug losing effectiveness because I'm no longer depressed. That's definitely a possibility I need to raise with my doctor the next time I see her.
BTW, while I completely agree that drug companies are extremely aggressive in their wooing of doctors, I also think that insurance companies, HMOs, etc, are even more aggressive in pressuring doctors *not* to prescribe costly medications.
I've gone on too long already, but I guess what I really want to say is: absolutely, research this medication or any other before taking it. Thank goodness for the Internet, which puts so much information at our fingertips and makes it easier than ever before to be an informed patient! But don't be afraid to take Paxil if you really, really need it--if you're so anxious and/or depressed that your life is a misery and you're at the point where you'll do just about anything to make the pain stop. Paxil ain't perfect by any means, but it may be the best solution available right now.
And Amy, it sounds like you're doing better now. I hope you are, anyway. Sheesh, these mood disorders are hell, aren't they? BTW I totally agree with you about Cedie: she's beautiful and always has been. I love watching her during step tapes because she's always smiling and she moves with so much style!