Workouts & Pets


I know lots of you have pets and I just wanted to share some funny animal stories.

I have a parrot, an iguana and a 5 month old dachshund puppy that make my workouts interesting on a daily basis. Yesterday, as I was beginning S&I my iguana runs out from under the couch and viciously bites my step, then proceeds to rest her head on the edge and go to sleep! After several "L" steps over her head she woke up and went back under the couch. My parrot hates my workout gloves and water bottle and totally freaks out every time she sees them. But my puppy is the real riot. He enjoys the following:

- jumping on my back while I'm doing staggered push ups;

- Hanging on my leg during PS leg lifts as if my leg is an amusement park ride (and adding 8lbs to my lift);

- jumping up on the bench and lying down when I sit up during rest periods of bench presses, forcing me to pick him up and move him to continue;

- grabbing on to my ponytail like a tug toy while I'm doing crunches or wiggling under my back so I can't lower down.

Apparantly, when he hears Cathe's voice it signals "play time". Most of the time he gets me laughing so hard I have to stop and rewind.

Just thought I'd share.

Lorrie, that's too cute! First I must tell you that I absolutely ADORE dachsunds... and they are the cutest little things when they are puppies. My folks had 3 dachsunds when I was growing up - so much fun. Ok... back to pet stories. ;-)

My 2 kitties can be anywhere in the apartment when I decide to work out, but as soon as I pop a tape in they slink into the living room and watch me from the sofa. Intently. Then, never fails, at stretch time my porky, fluffy white kitty plops down on the mat. RIGHT where I'm leaning to stretch. Every time. I don't understand it, but it's cute.
I have an 85 lb Doberman who is not quite 2 and a 50 lb vizsla (who acts like she is a puppy) that do the Road Race around my step when I try to work out. When my Doberman wants attention, he'll come up and whack the step so hard he knocks it off the risers. Another one of his favorites is to stand between my legs for attention...usually when I am trying to stretch...he's so big, I can't get my stretches done. The Vizsla is my "dancer", we had a game we played when she was little and we'd get her to dance...unfortunately my part of the game looks very simlar to aerobics! So I have to watch out for her for the first 10-15 minutes of any tape as she is "dancing" around my feet trying to engage me in the game. If I give them a bone to distract them, they insist on chewing it "on" me, i.e. one on each foot!

Pets do sure seem to make life fun though!

I also have a dachshund but the funny one I have is a 26 pound French Bulldog.

He doesn't like the floor work in the PS legs tape. So, he tries to pull my ankle weights off and when that doesn't work, he clamps onto my leg to add an additional 20 lbs. to the lift! He especially hates the Firm's Lie Down and Workout tape with those leg shoots. On that one, he grabs the back of my foot and tries to ride up on the back. Too funny. When I do ab work, he comes over and licks my cheek on the floor.
Lorrie - I love dachshunds too! Well, I'm very partial to hounds as I have a little beagle named Buddy. He loves to lick my face when I'm doing ab work because he thinks since I'm laying on the floor it must be play time. Thank goodness laughing works the ab muscles too!! I never thought of adding a puppy to my leg lifts during PS!!

Thanks for sharing your story!

My 90 pound German Shepherd, Mojo always follows us to the basement for our workouts. I make him get down, out of the way, and stay. He does soooo well until it's time for abs. As soon as we all get down on the floor, the sweat is just too much of a temptation and the licking begins!
When I was in college, my roomate had a jack russel terrier and if I was sitting crosslegged on the floor stretching at the end of a tape she would zip back and forth between me and her bedroom and one by one drop each of her toys into my lap,just in case! I have also had cats curl up and nap on my stomach during sit ups, or on the mat under me while I did pushups. Hee hee!
What would life be without our darling pets! Unconditional love & so much fun & laughter too! I've loved reading these.
My 145 lb. Diana hates my workouts & as I start she looks at me with a face which says, "Surely not, you can't be thinking of doing this again?!" Then she looks very put-upon, sighs loudly & sloooooooooowly leaves the room.
My cats, on the other hand, love to lay there & watch me intently...I'm pretty sure they're judging my performance the whole time. They especially seem to love Cathe, which I guess proves there's a brain in there somewhere!
What fun it has been to read these posts!! We used to have a regular Dachsund, and a miniature Dachsund. Now, we have a 70 pound Boxer!! I used to put the gate up when I went downstairs to workout, but Hardy would stand at the top of the stairs and whine, whine, whine. I would get exhasperated...Did he need to pee, or is he just wanting to be with me??? So, I decided to let him come downstairs with me while I worked out, figuring the first time he got nailed in the head with a 12# dumbbell, he'd learn to stay far away. Well, fortunately, he never got in my way, but I do make him stay off of my workout carpet. He's soooo sneaky, though...he'll lay off of it, but, he'll let the tips of his two front paws remain on my workout area!!! LOL And of course, as soon as I get on the floor for ab work, he's right next to me, licking and rolling all over the place -- it's playtime, of course!!!! :-jumpy

Hi Lorrie,
Loved your post. I also have a parrot. She's a Blue Headed Pionus and as recommended, I always use the step-up command when picking her up. The other day I was doing MIC and when I started the step portion I told her I was going to step-up and she kept saying "Step-Up" through the whole section. She had me laughing so hard that I had to stop and put her back in her cage! On the flip side, my overweight Sheltie just lays on her back watching me and waiting for a belly scratch.
Of my three cats, one--Frisco--usually ignores me when I work out (though he sometimes "joins me" for floorwork, giving me a full-body rub--that's HIS full body rubbing up against me, usually my face), a second--Simon-- sometimes hangs out with me (like the other day when he was sitting between my legs while I was doing Power Hour squats. The third cat, Scooter, is my loyal exercise partner. Trouble is, he always likes to be just where I need to be in the next 5 minutes. He loves to lie on my step/bench, especially right when I'm getting ready to do bench work! I would think my now, he'd get the message that he should move when a certain song comes on ("We've" been doing Power Hour for the past 2 weeks). Instead, he voices his displeasure at being moved by giving me this nasty, whiny, annoyed-sounding meow. Like he's saying "NNNOOO, I DON'T WANNA!".
>The other day I was doing MIC and when I started the step >portion I told her I was going to step-up and she kept >saying "Step-Up" through the whole section.

Wow! This is too cute. Your own little personal trainer!! :)

>On the flip side, my overweight Sheltie just lays on her back >watching me and waiting for a belly scratch.

This made me laugh out loud. My beagle will lay there on his back as if to say "whenever you're ready..."

>Then she looks very put-upon,
>sighs loudly & sloooooooooowly leaves
>the room.

Don't you love how dogs sigh, and with such emotion? Cracks me up!

Kathyrn, your cat Scooter and my cat Scooter should get together! She always loves to share my workouts and will get into the game just like yours. However, abs and floorwork are her favorite.

During abs, because I'm so warm from working out, she curls right up into a tiny ball and sleeps giving me 5 lbs of resistance. During stationary squats and floorwork she likes to latch onto a leg (preferably one that is moving) and go for a ride.

BTW, she hates me typing on the forums and nips at my hands because it wakes her up when she's trying to sleep on my lap.
Hi Hollie.

I can relate to working out with a boxer - I have two!! Usually, my five year old -Bugsy, thinks it is time to play with Mom. The four year old, Levi, will use this opportunity to give me the puppy eyes from between his two front paws as if to say, "why do you put us through this?". He's really got his expressions down to a science. Even convinced my Dad, (a "not in the house!" dog person) when he gave him the cold shoulder -Dad still talks about this!
Anyway, the funniest thing my boys will do is join me on the floor for ab work or stretches. As in, one on either side of me, flipped over on their backs and their flews flapping, and paws flopped -Too Funny!!! I don't usually make it through those sections on the first attempt. Good thing laughter works the abs, too!!


That is too funny, Tricia!! Boxers are something else, that's for sure! We've NEVER had one before...Hardy is our first. We adopted him from the MO/KAN Boxer Rescue Organization. He's a brindle with a black face, and such a cutie!! He's almost 14 months old. He's a big boy for a Boxer (70lbs), and he has a little bit longer than normal snout. Boxers sure are neat. I'm glad we decided to adopt one!!! :) :) :)

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Feb-25-02 AT 06:22PM (Est)[/font][p]Hey, maybe they could go steady ("my" Scooter is a boy)! Ah, yes, I remember some workouts when I was on my back on my step, doing bench presses, and Scooter ran up on my stomach. It was a great test of whether or not my abs were engaged (they were, if not, I think I would have flinched and maybe dropped the weights on my puddy-tat's head!)--unlike your light-weight version, my Scooter weight over 14 pounds!
I love pet stories!!

When I workout, I always give my English Bulldog, Babz, a bone to chew. She has gotten so used to the pattern of when I start stepping, she starts chewing that on my days off, she sits and stares at the step that I have leaning against the wall! She's so smart and of course, she gets her bone!
I give my black lab mix, Onyx, a Kong full of snausages when I workout. (I workout--she eats!) The other day she started bouncing it and it landed under the step as I was doing steps around the bench. Her look was so funny as she was deciding whether or not to risk going through my flailing legs to get to the Kong. (I ended up tossing it back to her as we transitioned with basic steps.)

Thanks for the stories! Good idea.

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