Workout with current videos

Hi Everyone,

I know alot of people ask for rotations, but I was wondering if someone could offer a suggestion for me.

I currently own on DVD Cathes CTX series, MIC, IMax Series, and the PowerHour, Bodymax and MIS DVD. I also own alot of Cathe's step videos on VHS.

I work out every morning to CTX and am trying to incorporate the treadmill (intervals and steady 5 or 6 Mph jog). I need to change my routines to help me get more lean. I weigh 117. I was told to shock my body so that I could expect a change with it.

I also keep a food journal and am really trying to eat more than 1500 calories. Weight loss is not the issue as much as the change in my physique.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you
Because you are looking to change the shape of your body, not the size, I would start adding more strength training to your rotation. You said you wanted to add the treadmill, but do you need more cardio? I would try 'something' like this:
Sat. MIS Lower Body and a CTX cardio portion (Kickbox maybe)
Sun. CTX (cardio portion only, 10-10-10 perhaps) MIS Upper Body
Mon. Rhythmic Step (or another Cathe step tape)
Tue. Power Hour
Wed. Imax
Thu. Power Hour or MIS
This gives you 4 days w/ cardio and 4 days w/ weights in 6 days. You can cut out one of the Power Hours if it is too fatiguing, but I think that if you add more weight training, you'll be amazed at how quickly your body will change and how you will start to notice cuts and definition. Have fun!!!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-24-02 AT 06:55AM (Est)[/font][p]Cathe has suggested doing MIS 2'xs a week and Power Hour 1x a week for 4 weeks and then flipping it and doing PH 2x's a week and MIS 1x aweek for 4 weeks. Below is another option. It only has 3 days of cardio, but each cardio session is the longest Cathe has to offer:
Sat. MIS
Sun. Cardio (Rhythmic Step which is 46 min. of cardio)
Mon. MIS
Tue. Cardio (MIC, which is 59 min. of cardio)
Wed. Power Hour
Thu. Cardio (Step Jam which is 47 min. of cardio)

Again, I am curious as to why you think you need more cardio. If you aren't looking to lose weight, just maintain, then I personally don't see the need to add more cardio. If you want, you could do Body Max instead of MIS because that contains both aerobics and circuits, but I honestly think you don't need to add cardio. Hopefully someone else will throw in their .02 cents too. Have fun!
Hi! I agree with Jillybean about the extra cardio. Are you afraid you will gain weight or lose endurance?

Three years ago when I started lifting weights, I had a very hard time not to do as much cardio--I felt I would lose the hard-won endurance I had gained, and I feared putting on weight, even though I wasn't overweight. However, I really found that doing all that cardio plus weights was too much. I was grouchy and irritable but still pushed. Three years later I now know that I really didn't need to keep doing all that cardio--I think it actually took away from my results with weights--I love the changes in my body since using heavier weights and doing less cardio! And I'm a much more pleasant person to be around! LOL--my poor husband, God bless him for putting up with me during that transition!

I never would have thought I would be doing such a "small" amount of cardio (compared to back then, which was many, many hours per week), usually about three times a week for 30 to 60 minutes. I never gained more than a pound or two, and I'm sure it was due to the increased muscle mass I put on, because all my clothes still fit fine--but the weights have done my figure a big favor! If I were told I had to choose between one or the other, I would definitely choose weights!

Anyway, this may not even be your case, but I thought I would share my experience with you just in case it was!
Thank you Jillybean and Fit4life for your advise. I guess the answer to your question about cardio is that I lost weight with it. I do cardio 6x a week. I am 41 and am starting to notice changes in my body (probably perimenopause kicking in bigtime). I weigh 117 and flucuate a few pounds up during the month.

Like you, I also love weight training, but because I am 5'3, it seems to make me look "bulky". If I add the cardio, I think I look less bulky. The truth is I never really alternated cardio days with weight training days. Maybe I can give this a try. I also am slave to the scale (a nasty habit I know).

Once again, thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences with me. This forum is so helpful to me.
>Thank you Jillybean and Fit4life for
>your advise. I guess the
>answer to your question about
>cardio is that I lost
>weight with it. I
>do cardio 6x a week.
> I am 41 and
>am starting to notice changes
>in my body (probably perimenopause
>kicking in bigtime). I
>weigh 117 and flucuate a
>few pounds up during the
>Like you, I also love weight
>training, but because I am
>5'3, it seems to make
>me look "bulky". If
>I add the cardio, I
>think I look less bulky.
> The truth is I
>never really alternated cardio days
>with weight training days.
>Maybe I can give this
>a try. I also
>am slave to the scale
>(a nasty habit I know).
>Once again, thank you for sharing
>your thoughts and experiences with
>me. This forum is
>so helpful to me.

PS..Is 1500 to 1600 calories for my age too low? I have read as we age we should decrease our caloric intake to 1400 calories.
Hi, Happygolucky!

Since you work out so much, 1400-1600 calories would be much too low! I try hard to get enough calories every day, it's probably around 2000 or so (a few years ago I never would have thought that I could eat that much without gaining a ton!). I'm also 5'3", 38 years old, and my weight goes between about 113 to 115 pounds or so. Your weight is just fine! I don't know my exact weight because I don't weigh myself anymore--only once a year at my annual physical because, like you, I was a slave to the scale and finally asked my husband to hide it where I wouldn't find it--that was a few years ago and it was the best thing I ever did! It honestly ruined my day if the scale said I gained weight, and it made my day when it said I lost weight. It just took all the joy out of exercising and fitness! Did you know you can gain or lose 3 pounds from day to day depending on your menstrual cycle, amount of salty foods you have eaten, etc., that have nothing to do with fat gain, it's just water retention and will take care of itself in a few days--you can help it along by drinking more water.

I don't count calories to an exact amount, I just try to eat healthy, and eat enough. I'm no saint, but for the most part I do well. When I do splurge, I've learned to say to myself, "I deserve it!" because the rest of the time I try so hard and I'm very disciplined about my workouts. It sure sounds like you are too!

I have read other posts that give you ways to figure out how many calories your body needs just to function, not including exercise. Be careful not to put your body into "starvation" mode--I'll bet you can eat more than you think without worry, due to your high activity level. If you don't get enough calories in your body you will compromise your results from all that hard work you do--your body really needs that fuel for repair and for your next workout!

Anyway, hide the scale!! It's soooo tough, I know--I have been there! Sometimes I would weigh myself 2 or 3 times a day--I don't know what I was thinking. Now I just realize that if my clothes fit fine, I'm not gaining. It sounds like you're doing great!


Thanks so much for your advise about the scale. I just weighed myself this morning and I weigh 118 and I have been counting my calories between 1500 to 1600 this week. Not a very good mood lifter. The good news is that I am adding more weight to lifting segments and my clothes still fit.

I will continue to work out (not ever give up!) This forum has helped me more mentally than I could ever imagine. Thank you for being there!


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