Hey Mighty Warriors!
Kimberly – I looked at Atkins. Thanks for directing me there. (geez, why didn’t I think of that? Probably cuz I like the conversation more than the research.) Any way, it is how I tend to eat. I get most of my carbs from vegetables and a small amount of fruit. I have noticed I need at least one brown carb a day to stay sane, i.e. oats, brown rice, potato, yam, ezekial bread. How are you doing on it? Any change on the scale? What’s your goal?
Donna – Have you tried any of Coach Sean’s workouts?
http://www.cardiocoach.com/ He can make any machine workout fun, challenging and effective, not to mention the time just flies by. You're a gifted writer too. We have some talent pooled in our little check-in. Have you tried bitter spray on your little puggle…it should deter him from chewing stuff you don’t want him to chew on. Once he knows that smell you could spritz your purse with it, he just may never dig around in the purse ever again. Are your dumbbells coated at all or are they all metal? When I first started STS ages and ages ago, there was a discussion on the STS forum about increasing the weight of the weighted gloves by using fishing line weights or weighted lures (how many times did I use the word weight in that sentence?). I read that it worked fabulously. I use very cheap slip on wrist weights…I bought a larger size so I could slip them on and off over my gloves. The wrist weights sort of flop around, which is annoying, but it gets the job done. I’ve also wrapped ankle weights around the dumbbell. Oh – and math – have you spoken to the teacher or the principal about the program? They may not know how unfairly it grades. Really. The same thing happened with my son and a different program called Odyssey Ware. I brought it to the attention of the school who then brought it to the attention of the software company. They truly did not know how unreasonable it was.
Dr. Regina or Prof. Regina ? – My 12 wk no sugar challenge is going well. I am well into my second week. I only really want sugar, or miss it, when I am instinctively looking for quick fuel, like if I went too long between meals or didn’t get enough protein. I have been eating dried figs.

D) Yum. They are sweet and high on the glycemic index, but I am not counting them as sugar. After reading so many positive reviews on the OD I’m considering buying Patrick Goudeau’s workout, have you tried any of his other workouts? So, when you do Trudie Styler are you thinking of Sting the whole time? Have your platemates every fallen off in the middle of chest presses or been knocked off during deadlifts…or during any other lifting movement? Which set did you buy?
Cathy – well – guess I better do both stability ball abs now, I haven’t done either workout from AC or B&G! Have you had contact with Heather at all? I miss her.
Jenn – I’ll look at the Zumba dvd’s, I have two Samba dvds, which are a lot of fun. I bought them after Esther Gokale recommended Samba in her book,
8 Steps to a Pain Free Back.
MJ – Two hours of tennis sounds like a great way to relieve stress at the end of the day. Are you still playing singles?
Kim – Allie is brilliant, isn’t she!? Did you make it to the beginning of her blog? Her goal was to conquer the internet and make her living with her blog, and she succeeded. You are a writer! I agree, wholeheartedly, with Donna, you are praying for rejection, you are planning for rejection, which is the wrong mind-set. Pray and intend for the outcome you want. Start writing that novel! Look at Ms. Rowling, for chrissakes! I loved the photos of you and Mary, and of your daughter, Mr. Burns, Andy Murray, and your adventures in baking. Oh and Gucci too. Fun.
Hi to all the MIA's and Tara, c'mon girly-girl where are you?
Yesterday I used the rowing machine for 10 minutes, I'm adapting to the movement and working on increasing the time, then I did STS M1 W4 disc 12, and followed that with AC -weights and plates. When I have done AC-W&P in the past it was tough, I am pleased to say that all my rehab work and Pilates is starting to pay off, this time around W&P was fairly easy. Today was rehab- bike, isolation stuff and then Pilates with Michele Dozois. Alisa Wyatt has taken a strong lead...she is now my favorite-ist Pilates instructor. Now I'm taking Rowan for a walk, then more dog training. If I hate the class this week as much as I did last week, this might be our last group class. Rowan's mom and dad have a date tomorrow. I'm thinking about getting a second puppy in 4 months time. What are the pros and cons of having two dogs?
That's it for me.
Have a great Thursday Warriors.