Crap. I really should proof-read. Across one continent - two countries.![]()
If M'Star was not yelling across 2 Continents, but 1, does that equate to her being 'incontinent'???????
On a slightly more serious note I would like to start today by thanking (a BIG thanking) those of my STS-Sisters who so graciously offered to assist me in my STS ($$) plight. I took the plunge. Excitment tinged with slight anxiety at my ability to be equal to this challenge - but with my Warriors behind me - can't fail right?????
Mary You just get right on in there and plonk your towel + water + + + on that bike next time. Watching the clock with you waiting for Monday to roll around.
Oh Donna. Got in the 10k race line and stayed there rather than lose face. The Chinese have a word for that (No, I don't know what the heck it is either) bloody made me laugh though. Mind you a few of your posts crack a smile. You seem to have the gift of being very succinct with your adjectives and consquently hitting the nail right on the head there. Bosch.
Melissa your post about dithering over w/o selection and ending up chasing the clock. I hate that when half of your brain is playing catch-up while you're trying to drive the focus of the w/o to achieve max effect. I was distracted this week by an expected delivery and Cathe had 1/2 my attention while the rest of the time I kept trying to see what was going on outside and finish up quick-smart.
Regina No not done BIKRAM Badly want to give that one a try. Geography is the problem - but if I can ever find a local one will certainly need lots more yoga practice first as got a bit rusty there.
Cathy 3.30a.m. wake-up. Been there Done that Big Big Time. Although, not surprising what with Mom + Dr etc etc. We had a senior flip-out last year so I can so empathise with that.
MJ Not a runner - so can't assist with the programme BUUUUUUUUUUT am I ever looking forward to disecting Wimbledon with you in June. Better yet, come over and we'll go together. I don't really invest in the other Grand Slams because I like to be fully involved with the tournament from beginning to end. Nothing much ever gets done around here those two weeks. Roll on sunshine, Pimms, Strawberries and grass courts.
Corroboration (as if corroboration were needed) that I'm along on the right CHECK-IN. Janis, was gonna put my handle on here as Sugar Junkie but thought better of it. Oh man - I just cannot beat those cravings. I'm lost; hopeless. Everyday is a battle, one I lost on Saturday when DD popped out, popped back with Malteser Bunnies and popped out again. I hope Rowan is having a good day - he crops up in most every post. I have to fight my natural inclination to Gucci Gucci Gucci everytime I post. I love that cat so ridiculously, from deep in my core - which I don't think is good for my sanity, but what're gonna do?? When normality resumed and I met up with people after Christmas they didn't say Hi Kim, How're you doing. They said: "What did Gucci get for Christmas". That pretty much says it all!!!!!
So, what did this WARRIOR achieve (thus far) this week.
Power Max Tick
Step Fit Tick
Step Works Tick
Step Moves Tick
Bis + Tris + Shoulders + Back Tick
Working @ home book-keeping Tick
Enter DD into supermodel competition Tick
Eh???????? How did that snuck in there?? I know it was futile (especially as the entry criteria was a full length shot and I didn't have a real recent 1 handy to attach), but just wanted to shoot over the text which read "If you get any calls or e-mails you don't understand it because I entered you in a supermodel competition U R V WELCUM" Haaaaaaaaaaaaa Gotta have a bit of fun to see you through the day.
Sorry folks I missed : Kimberly, Gayle, Suzie, M'Star, Tara, Jenn : But I read your posts, those of you that did [[[HUGS]]]
Your friend:
On a cold and grey; January day POETRY TOO (I got all the bases covered
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