Quote Janis: (Kadet) Kim – Ummm, what if someone in the states bought STS for you, and sent them as a “gift”, do you by pass all the extra fees and tariffs?
Janis - thank you - yes that could work. However, no-one I know on whom I could impose such a request. Meantime,
Donna + Cathy suggested downloads. I've had a brief look at that. The download 'bundle' seems to count as one purchase. Ergo no quantity discount - so @ $199.99 = $60.00 more expensive than the discs!!!!!!!!! I've bought downloads before and I get a buddy to convert them onto DVD for me. Not sure why exactly, but it does mean at the moment that I don't have appropriate equipment to play the download in its unconverted format. What I mean is that I wouldn't ask him to do the full STS for me so I'd have to get ipod or compatible kit to view it, resulting in more expense one way or the other. Seems I'm trapped into heamorrhaging bucks whichever way I jump. Perhaps now is just not my time. BooHoo - but the clocks a'ticking and I think I'm gonna have to make a decision so I think I may have to pass
M'Star LOL and LOL
Mary I was so sorry to read about Simon. I don't want to be too mawkish on here - but I'm sure we are all united in wishing you only good and healing thoughts.
When I got on the scale for the first time post-Xmas last w/e I'd been in denial so long I had to clear the dust off the display before I could read it. Seems like a had a VERY VERY merry Christmas

So, y'day was Power Max and today Step Fit. Last time I did Power Max it was a breeze and at the part where she says "
So now you know why we call it Step Max eh" I rather arrogantly thought "
No - not especially" (LOL-me - sparkling rapier-like wit and repartee even when I'm sweating my tushy off). Well not so cocky y'day while carrying a few extra Christmas #s, I was puffing and grunting so hard by the time she got to the bit where she says: "
So now you know ............................" that I barely heard it over my groans.
That reminds me luncheon is a'calling. Home-made tomato soup
Suzie - ok it's not green and it's not a smoothie but I'm with you in spirit.

To everyone else - hope your w/es are going just fine and look forward to catching up soon.