Workout Warriors - Jan 10th - Jan 16th

Today I did Intensity Premix of low impact hiit and bootcamp. Loved it. Loved that band work at the end. Firewalkers are one of my favorite exercises.

Regina any recommendations for good barre workouts? I have Ellen's studio workouts and some of her Crunch pilates workouts. And I have Pershing Square 2, and Booty Barre. I have looked at the Core Fusions but I don't know if they are for me. I want Barre 3 and maybe the other Pershing Square.

How often do you do Barre work?
Hey guys, today I did my patented (not really) CardioCoach Premix #9 (LOVE that one) to work and a fun run home. Not so fun, though, as I had some gastrointestinal issues on the way...
Hi Beautiful Warrior Women!

Cathy – Has Nick played against any of the boys he will be going to school with, other than the boy from the tournament. Boys remember their opponents too. I wonder if the school will allow Nick to stay for the day and shadow someone??? Hey, I used to be involved with La Leche League, wow that feels like another lifetime ago. You could change the conference title to “Love your body: Love your family” or “A healthy happy you = a happy healthy family.” Too many words, maybe?

Jenn & Regina – I looked at the Barre workouts you have been doing, do they differ much from Lotte Burke or Burr Leonard? I have several from both ladies. I also have Jessica Sherwood’s Balletbootcamp and NY City Ballet Company Ballet workouts. I am noticing my rehab exercises are very similar to the isolation type exercises in some of the barre style workouts. Regina – is there one that you can’t live without? Do the plie squats up on tip toe hurt your knees?

Mary (Keefe) – You’re stockpiling some great new dvds. Congrats! They’ll certainly get you in shape and get you through the winter. I really like Total Body too, although I certainly am not lifting as heavy as Cathy and I will never lift as heavy as Morningstar. I keep my back leg straight on the gliding disc exercise. Are you seeing a physical therapist for your knees? Do/did you do knee strengthening exercises?

Donna – I have had the beejeezus scared out of me while running on the treadmill, too many times to count. Your story was laugh out loud funny; I’m glad you didn’t fall or get hurt.

Kimberly – I can totally related to your sentiment/question about where the time goes…I seem to say that a lot. Some days and weeks just seem to blur together, and pretty soon you’re celebrating yet another birthday. Don’t fret, as you can see some of us post daily and some of us post when we can…and no one is forgotten. And yes, I have all the meso cycles of STS. This is my fourth time through. At this point I think I will do the full rotation. We (this group) did the rotation together my second time through, and then we did it as an undulating rotation, which I think I can speak for all of us when I say, it kicked our butts.

Mornin’star – Aww c’mon, you don't stink? (laughing) I know I am not the only one who showers as a public service. How heavy is the pack you carry to and from work? Is it still 10#s? How many items of clothing/shoes do you leave at work? Are you getting the flu, again? Food poisoning? What is going on with your GI tract?

MJ – What did you give yourself for your birthday? A tennis dress? (;):p)

Elena – Welcome! How did you like all the push ups in disc 1. They never go away, but it always comes as a shock when she opens the program with them. How old are you? And do you have children? Pets?

Suzie – Glad you have your office back and that the roads are safe enough to traverse. Isn’t Cathe cute in Pure Strength? She gives great form pointers in that series. I wonder whatever happened to the ladies in that dvd, I don’t think I have ever seen them in any other production. Oh, and what would I save after family and pets? Nothing! I live in earthquake and wildfire country...there is no way I would turn to go back in to save anything. :)

Gayle, (Kadet) Kim, Melissa, and Tara – How are you girls doing?

As for me: today I did STS legs, disc 6. I have done STS legs so much, which I have doubled up on each time I have run through the series, I know what Cathe is going to say word for word. Funny. Afterward I did some leg stretches. I had dog training today. Rowan and I worked on scent training and sit-stay. He is very close to earning Canine Good Citizen. Tomorrow is STS disc 5, Back and Triceps and then yoga.
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I got all excited yesterday when I read the thread about 30% off STS. I think I've made the decision to go for it (I see you contributed there Donna which was welcome) but we get the triple whammy of the purchase price + the shipping ($46) + the loony customs import duties (30%!!!!!!! - but that's just gone up). So effectively the 'Cathe' price is incidental it's all the add-ons that are the deal breakers. Mutter :mad: Mutter :mad: Grumble :mad:

Hey Janis. Lovin' your posts there gal. Just awesome. Strikes me you're a very caring and considerate person. If it wasn't for that danged Atlantic Ocean I'd be over to Hi-5 you right now [[HUGS]]. Anyway, I checked out Rowan the other day and although I don't really 'do' dogs (more the 'Cat Whisperer' :D) one thing I definitely know about Rowan is that he is VERY loved. And who could ask for more than that - Right?? It takes a bit to make me laugh but him in them there pants got the chuckle juices a'flowing.

Not to steal your thunder, but I'm just going for a Janis-esque post today (just this once) to catch up with folks and remind them I still exist.

Oh, and one last thing - yes I have always believed stepping to be much kinder on the knees than regular aerobics or running. However, (pause for emphasis and gravitas) when I was "slamming" into the corners the other day the step slid forward. Yikes - strong core negated any wobble and thankfully I wasn't a casualty on this occasion. Not so lucky last year when I posted here about a tumble I had when I went into Orbit.

Jenn Noticed your "firsts" post. How was the mammorgram????? Tell me, pretty please. I've got one next week - and I was going to ask y'alls for some pointers on that. The letter says its a 5 minute appointment. Seems pretty much like its, wapp 'em out, wapp 'em up, wapp 'em in again and off you go. So questions will be restricted - sounds like. I've got a very much "If it aint broke - don't fix it" approach to Doctoring. Thanks but no thanks (ooh controversial :rolleyes:).

Kimberly how are you getting on with Xtrain Express? I've not had it very long; I read good reviews so went for it. I'll admit I wasn't too sure at first, but it's grown on me and I like to do the kickbox + 101010 cardios together. Its also great for add-ons when you just want that lil' bit of extra something.

Cathy eeeekk when you pointed out that I have now become the "reigning elder" on here (eeeeekk again). But, after a momentary contemplation I figured, "no, be proud (head high), I can accomplish these w/os at 51" - puff, puff, pant, pant - all this typing's hard work though!!!!!!!!!! Enjoying your posts and good luck with the new school - and wooo big-up-to-you for home schooling in the first place. That's a big ask right there (RESPECT).

Regina I see you are coming over for 2012 Olympics FANTASTC (oh - please can you bring my STS??? Just joshing - don't think I could wait that long). Can't remember if I've got any Rodney Yee in my yoga collection - I'll have to investigate. I'm not doing yoga at the moment - I'm just a bit Cathe focussed - if only the days were twice as long.

Mary How's your 'Brit' romance going?? (Bromance (heh heh - get it??)) I live in the countryside, but still only 20 minutes out of London proper. So really handy for shopping or entertainment. Where is your BF from?? Really glad you've enjoyed your visits here. If you are coming back any time soon be SURE and let me know.

M'Star Hi. Inspired by your dedication and commitment. You posted pre-Christmas re lethargy etc and now I see you are still having gastro-issues (all that fudge). I replied to the 'tired-all-time' post as to chronic exhaustion which forced me out of persuing a career as a fitness professional after training.

Elena Hi to you. How are you doing??

Tara Hi - you're obviously busy but :cool: anyways - for now.

Melissa I too did Step Blast this week. I'm a big fan of that one. It really gets ya gooooooood. Keep us in the loop with your STS progress. I think I'm gonna need some mentoring from all you Veterans if I cave and go for it.

Gayle SHOUT OUT. Yoo-Hoo Where are you?? No post since you said about your date last w/e. How'd that go?? Did he whisk you off on his white charger to his castle in the clouds?? (Note to self: watch Enchanted again this w/e - LOL - who knew that would be funny). The running group sounds amazing. I'm glad you appreciate and enjoy - that's so nice :D.

MJ A belated (but heartfelt nonetheless) HAPPY BIRTHDAY

Suzie Are you still a frozen prisoner? We had that problem just b4 Christmas. Scarey scarey roads, very steep hills here. I headed over to your website to check out the green smoothies. Plenty to think about there, although I pretty much all that stuff mostly all the time, just not liquified. Just clarify for me, are you trialing smoothies exclusively, or are you combining with some solid foods?

Donna Had to look up your 'Success Story' - congrats on that. Was also very interested in all you contributed in the STS 30% discount thread. I so want it - and so don't want to pay all the extras. Last w/e you were talking about Chopin. I used to listen to the Polonaise in A Major all the time - literally over and over. I'm going to put it on later and there's another one (an even better piece), might be called an 'Improptu' - only short - I shall look that up and tell you the name of it.

I'll shut up now, (please don't let me have forgotten anyone) but not until I've wished you all the most fantastic w/e. Enjoy it you've earned it.

Kim xxx
Donna Had to look up your 'Success Story' - congrats on that. Was also very interested in all you contributed in the STS 30% discount thread. I so want it - and so don't want to pay all the extras. Last w/e you were talking about Chopin. I used to listen to the Polonaise in A Major all the time - literally over and over. I'm going to put it on later and there's another one (an even better piece), might be called an 'Improptu' - only short - I shall look that up and tell you the name of it.

I believe that's Fantasy Impromptu that you're thinking of, which is WAY above my skill level. Had I not taken 25 years off between my 7th and 8th year of playing, I might be able to handle that one... but it's one reserved for the masters. I think there's a YouTube video of Olga Kern playing it, and she's just wonderful. She rocks the red dress too.

Where do you live that you get socked with all the extra charges on the STS? What if you did the digital downloads? There probably isn't a discount on that and you'd need a ton of hard drive space. Such a shame that fees and taxes get in the way... again. Nothing like screwing up the free enterprise system!

I did STS Legs last night and had planned to do abs as well, but by the time I finished my legs, I just didn't feel like tacking another 15 minutes onto the workout. I may do some abs this afternoon when I get home, but I'm doing STS Total Body tomorrow and I did Pilates Abs earlier in the week, so I guess I'm set for this week. Did my treadmill steady run for 30 minutes this morning, then 4 fast-as-I-can-run-for-30-seconds sprints. I love that workout. I do it once a week and I just love going all out. It's really fun when I do it outside and have Buster (my puggle) with me because we race. He's getting fat, so I imagine I'll be able to beat him this spring when I start running with him again. Can't beat the Aussie, he's too lanky and he has a longer stride than me, but it is fun trying.

It's a really boring day at the office - nobody is here and I'm waiting for a new project to start. May have to load up on coffee to stay awake since last night was a hang-out with my too talkative boyfriend night. Love him, but sometimes I wish he'd just shut up and let me sleep.
Morning everyone! Hope you are all having a fantastic day. :D This morning I did triceps and IMAX 2 1-5 premix. Then Nick did STS disk 15. Apparently, we definitely underestimated when doing his 1RM's because this week I've been upping some of the weight suggestions and he's doing fine with them. So now I have a lot of 1RM's to go in and adjust before next week. Is anyone here using the Workout Manager to track their food/exercise calories? I think I'm going to start doing that next month. Hoping by then that they've worked the bugs out. I noticed this morning when I opened it up that there were definitely some changes from yesterday.

Kim, I was going to ask the same thing. Downloads would save you all those extra charges. If you aren't currently set up to do it, maybe you could see what you'd need and weigh the costs of that versus STS DVD's on sale. Do you have high speed internet where you are? I'm in the country, too, and we just have dial-up. Satellite is still too pricey for us.

And it's not like you're THAT much older than me. Though I won't be 51 until November. DH turned 51 this week though.

A 5 minute mammogram! Even if they are only counting the time you are actually with the technician getting squished :eek: it's certainly more than 5 minutes. At least it took more for mine. I think they did 3 on each side and then she looked at them to make sure they were ok.

Janis we're going with “Loving Care – Because Your Body is Worth It” for the retreat session. I don't have as much control over the title for the conference. That has to be approved through a lot of levels up the chain. Even the sessions themselves have to be approved to make sure that things are balanced between potential types of sessions.

Sparty sense of smell was working well this morning as he managed to find himself a dead rabbit in the backyard. I'm assuming he didn't kill it, because it was a very large rabbit and if healthy would likely have gotten away. And even if he did catch something he's more interested in playing with it. Doesn't work for moles because his playing kills them, but a rabbit is sturdier. Plus he's met our little opossum friend that's hanging around and all he did was stand and bark at him. :rolleyes:

Nick has played a few baseball games against the kids he'll be going to school with and he'll probably continue to play against them. They aren't in our league, but they are so close that we usually do some scrimmage games with them. Probably won't help his cause that we beat them. Sometimes by quite a bit.

Boys have a first time pet sitting job this weekend for the dog next door. I get to supervise and they get paid. Something wrong with that equation. :p

I've decided that if I'm doing this session at the conference (beginning of May) that I need to seriously start watching what I eat. More than just watching it go into my mouth. :rolleyes: And ditch the 10 lbs that I don't need to be dragging around with me. I shop tomorrow, so please feel free to ask me every day how I'm doing with that!!!! Short of someone standing over me and stopping me when needed.
Kim my mammo was quick and simple but definetly longer than 5 minutes. I was expecting it to be painful but it wasn't to bad. Uncomfortable was more like it. They took a front pic and side pic of each breast. My tech was super friendly and had me laughing. Good luck.

Tonight I came home from work and did Step Blast. I love the workout!! I've been very faithful with following my Dec. rotation, but that will probably change next week. I don't work until 10 a:m: so it would be really nice to get my workouts done in the morning. I can't do step or other high intensity workouts that early. So I will have to do weights and treadmill if I choose to go that route.

Kadetkim: I'm excited you are getting STS. I wish I didn't already have it because it is such a great deal! I'm happy for you. I have gotten a lot of use out of my set, although I've only used the first 2 mesocycles. For some reason I can't get myself to do meso 3. Oh well, one day I will!!

Peaceful Rainbow: I sporadically put my work-outs in the workout manager, but that's as far as I've gone with that. Keep us updated if you use the nutrition portion.

Hi everyone,

Janis, how often have you done STS? You mentioned knowing the legs so you often just do the legs part of it? To answer your question, although I was referred to a PT, I didn't go. For whatever reason. I was really depressed at the time I went to the orthopedist, anyway, and could barely do anything other than get to work and back and had no faith it would work. Yet I could not even walk down steps, sometimes had to lift my foot off the gas pedal to the brake while driving, too! Crazy, huh? Then when I switched this summer from a hybrid bike to a road bike I muscle imbalance seemed to be caused by weaker hamstrings in relation to the quads, possibly gluteus medialis, too, from what I've read. Strengthening them has helped greatly. Such an easy fix, really.

Cathy, an LLL leader. That's wonderful. I could have used you when I had my babies, breastfeeding had just started to make a comeback, but not in my particular demographic at the time and the pediatrician's office was 'just give a bottle'.

Kim, At least you recoup the horrendous other charges for STS, from the sale, yes? To answer your question, Simon lives in East Midlands. We've been together going on 5 years, met when he was working in the US, and he was supposed to move here this year but a cancer diagnosis put that off. We thought he had beat it, but it seems there's now a tumor in his brain and another in his liver. He's a wonderful, wonderful man.

Well I missed my workout yesterday, so doubled up Intensity and KPC and today. I'm wiped now, going to sleep. I hope that I can continue to workout to keep my sane during this time. Good night everyone, and have a good weekend.
sorry, Donna, forgot to answer your questions about doing STS Total Body after cycling class. It wasn't too bad, but I know had I tried to cycle after STS Total Body it'd have been impossible. But I was really very tired this week, maybe from upping my workouts but also fighting another cold, and didn't go 'all out' on cycling the whole hour. Was pacing myself for both workouts. And in lifting, I'm just finding my spot again when it come to #s and endurance, so that wasn't 'all out' either, I guess. I ate enough calories before cycling to get my through both workouts, and had about an hour break between the two. Probably have the same next week, so I'll let you know how that goes too.

STS TB didn't feel tooooo bad immediately after finishing, but...about an hour later I was starting to feel it. And the next day, my legs felt so....strong, maybe? Like two solid towers I was walking on, hehe. My upper back felt nicely worked too. I guess DOMS lasted 1 and a half days. I never do like the feeling of sore chest muscles, especially where they meet the shoulders. :(
Today is my core only day, so I did AC Medicine Ball Abs followed by AC Pilates.

My normal Saturday morning is to leave around 7:15 to do the shopping/errands. I grocery shop at three stores that are all within a mile of each other, BUT they are about 40 minutes away. I've got 5 miles of our road before I get to the highway and I was driving 25-30 mph all the way out. Couldn't see the middle line most of the time, and drifted in places. Highway was better but not good and lots of semi's! First exit in the local Meijer, so I just stopped there and got what I could and went home. Snow is supposed to stop by afternoon and I'm hoping that by tomorrow afternoon, things will be much better.

Mary I'm so sorry to hear about your BF's health problems. I hope everything works out for him and for both of you.

Wow! Intensity and KPC in the same day!!! I could probably do an additional cardio with KPC, but after doing Intensity I need some time to recover. :eek:
I missed posting yesterday and have enjoyed catching up on the posts!

What a really nice, fun, interesting and inspiring group this is. Appreciate the opportunity to connect here....

I did Cardio Coach #8 on our elliptical yesterday --- that stuff is soooo good. Felt sorta like doing cardio when I started and was 'way' into it part the way through... Nice.

If anyone hears about any new programs from Cardio Coach Sean, please report in---love having him and his music in my ear pulling me forward in my workouts. So inspiring AND sexy.;)

Things are back to normal here in ATL. Roads are not ice-y any more, received mail yesterday for the first time since last Sat. and hoping the garbage gets picked up soon. We had an oppty to go to Vail to ski in February - I said thank you but no thank you ---I love to ski, but this Southern Gal is done with cold, ice and snow!!

Today is a potential rest day...have worked out 5 days in a row this week -yea. Might do a low-key 'something' today we'll see.

:DKadetKim -- loved your post, made me smile. Thanks.

@ yr Green Smoothie ??---I am just 'doing' green smoothies in addition to my regular (mostly) clean eating. (@ 32 ounces or more per day) I love the way it curbs my cravings, lifts my mood, helps me recover faster physically from workouts and well, I can't totally explain it, but I feel clearer minded and happier doing it.

We all have things that 'call' us ---there's no one size fits all anything, as the glorious variety and differences here demonstrate. For me, Green Smoothies are one of "those things that call me" --- and I am so glad I have found it.

:)Janis- Cathe IS adorable and as good as ever in Pure Strength. Date on the DVD, '1999'. She always looks like an athlete, but in that one she really looks like a gymnast. Cedie and Rhonda are the only two participants I've seen in other workouts. An oldie but, as in all of Cathe's work, a goodie.

Well, off to do some stuff @ the house -- the sun is out, the snow is melting and life is getting better and better and better... yea.

All the Best, and More!
Okay folks, I really feel the need to brag about this morning's workout (it lessens the obnoxiousness of bragging if you tell people you're going to do it first, right?) I did STS Total Body and modified the pure hell outa it. I did it as a very slow heavy workout, with reps in the 10-12 range for the first set of each tri set and reps in the 4-8 range in the second set. I went really heavy (for me, anyway). I went as long as Cathe did for each set, but because they were so slow, I did much less reps. I broke out my Versa Gripps too and they really helped, although it takes me longer to pick up the dumbbells and this workout moves so quickly that's an issue. For Janis, here are some of the weights I used:

  • All deadlifts: 95lb barbell
  • All lunges: 30lb dumbbells
  • Squats: only 30lb dumbbells (didn't want to change the barbell weights because the workout moves so fast, so I just went slow and deep - still too light, but the deadlifts made up for them)
  • Underhand rows: 95lb barbell
  • One arm rows: 45lb dumbbell
  • Overhead presses: 25lb dumbbells
  • Tricep dips: 30lb dumbbell in lap
  • Bench press: 40lb dumbbells
  • Chest flyes: 30lb dumbbells
  • Bicep curls: 25lb dumbbells
  • Wide angle upright rows: 20lb dumbbells
  • Straight arm lateral raises: 10lbs (but a SLOW 10lbs!)

I also did my own ab workout, as I'm not fond of the one Cathe does in this workout - too much hip flexor work and twisting for me. I used my stability ball and a 10lb dumbbell for wood choppers and then did roll ups, side bends with a 40lb KB, this weird leg raise thing using my bench (amazing exercise for the lower abs and hip flexors that I don't really know how to describe) and instead of supermen I did this sort of tricep push up off the stability ball, raising my legs behind me - really hits the lower back. Of course, going slow and heavy you tend to really work the living hell out of your core anyway, so I probably could have skipped the whole thing, but I actually really like ab work, when it's the exercises I like to do. I guess I like it because I can really feel the muscles being targeted and I'm good at isolating them and the stability ball increases your range of motion so you feel it even more.

After this workout, I felt energized and raring to go, unlike last week. Maybe the difference was the time of day, I'm not sure. I always seem to be more interested in intense workouts of all types first thing in the morning. Later I always want the more mellow options.

Now, three hours later, my whole back is really feeling this, all the way from my bum to my traps.

I definitely think I respond better to slow and heavy with less reps than fast and light with more reps. I think STS TB is a workout that you can really follow but modify in so very many ways (not even including the pre-mixes) that it is my favourite workout that she's ever put out. I like Slow and Heavy almost as much, but I prefer full body to splits and this is less repetitive.
Shit, I just typed this huge message to everyone - my first attempt at a Janis-style check-in, hit the wrong key, and it's all gone. Well, that was that. Consider that I responded to each of you in a very special way, really getting at the heart of anything bothering you, gave you incredible advice you couldn't get anywhere else and will change each of your lives in a good way forever. It was that good a post. No, really. Aren't you sorry you missed it? Such golden thoughts from my brain may never come forth again. Ah well, at least the braggart post is intact.
LOL Morningstar - isn't that a total PITA when that happens!

Those are some major weights girl! I've managed 25 lbs for flys and I'd really like to go higher, but so far I haven't been brave enough without a spotter. Never thought I'd get that high, because I was mentally stuck on 15 lbs before STS. I was thinking the other day as I was acting as spotter, positioner, equipment changer for Nick how lovely it would be to have someone do all that for me. ;) Anyway, there's not a single thing I can match you on for poundage. Maybe I need knew goals. :D

And as far as interruptions and problems while posting. I think I got at least a half dozen "Moooommmmmsssss" during this post.
Good afternoon, ladies.

Cathy - I used the nutrition software last summer when I started out and needed to drop some weight and it was a HUGE help. I really loved how it showed me what nutrients I was short on for the day and gave suggestions on what I should eat to get them. It would go crazy on cholesterol on the days when I ate shrimp or gulp.... ate a WHOLE egg, but I ignored the F grade and enjoyed the food, because I don't have a cholesterol issue and sometimes, a nice runny yolk on your toast hits the spot.

I had to chuckle at Morningstar's deleted post issue because I'll frequently type long memos or messages and bump the track pad on my laptop, causing the message to select text and delete before I have a clue what's happening. Sometimes I can luck out and do an Undo to get it back, but not if I'm working in Lotus Notes. That seems to only allow you one Undo step and if you aren't quick enough, that last step was you typing a letter after your message was deleted. Guess I'm just too fast for my own good.

Saturday is a pretty big workout day for me. I did my treadmill run. So exciting, right? That's like the ONLY cardio workout I have to tell you all about. That's really because I don't have the room in my house to do Cathe's cardio workouts anymore. I could move all my furniture, but that's just a PITA and I have no desire to do that. I would love to buy a bike this spring and start cross-training with it, but I think I'll need to use any extra loot I have to have Bath Fitters come in and redo my shower. Ho hum... the house always ruins the fun, doesn't it?

Anyway... did my treadmill run and had planned to do STS Total Body. Then while I was taking a break between workouts to refuel and re-energize, I was going through the Open Discussion forum and read the post about rounder glutes. Somebody had mentioned this floor workout called Tonique Mat and how much she enjoyed it. Since I could get instant gratification by downloading the mp4 version from the instructor's website, I gave it a go. Let me just tell ya... it literally kicked my butt. All floor work, no weights, and my cheeks were burning. I really didn't feel like dealing with weights today, so this was a nice change. I think I'm going to put this in my weekly rotation for a month or so and see how it changes my results.

It's snowing pretty hard here outside Buffalo, but my poor kitties are all out of food. I knew I should have stopped for some last night, but thought I had a couple days. Not looking forward to the drive to the pet supply store. I wish they were as easy to please as the dogs. I just make them peanut butter sandwiches when I run out of dog food. I couldn't even get the cats to eat a piece of cheese!
Happy Weekend Warriors!

Whatever you do, Cathy, don’t try to lift the kind of weights Morningstar is lifting, she’s an Amazon Woman. She is THE quintessential WARRIOR WOMAN. So, uh, Morningstar, did you try Ctrl-Z ? Sometimes if you go up to the tool bar and click on the down arrow instead of the back button the drop down history menu will allow you to go back to the Cathe discussion thread before the post was extinguished.

Once your endorphins wear off, Moringstar, I am going to have to remind you of the umpteem (how do you spell that) times high-rep workouts were IT. (Laughing heartily) HOWEVER, I agree….I really love slow and heavy lifting more than any other type, and I'm actually looking forward to Meso 3, hey, do the last two weeks with me!!! You still haven’t done them yet. Maybe by then you’ll wanna do 3-day splits again. (I am not going to tell you what weight I am lifting.)

Mary(keefe) – This is my fourth round of STS, and I have done the legs portion 6-8x. Many of the segments are repeated in other discs with in the meso cycle, some of the sections are shuffled, so you might hear her say the same thing 12x. It just sticks in your head. Like, “You didn’t step outta that early, did ya?” I am so very sorry to hear about your boyfriend. When will you see him next? Your knee injury sounds a lot like my hip, which isn’t unusual since the injuries go hand in hand. On long drives the movement from gas pedal to brake pedal can really aggravate my hip-flexor. The muscle imbalance issue is an easy fix once you know you have the problem, but geez, I sure wish I had known BEFORE, ya know?

Donna – I finally read your success story. Congrats! Your picture is amazing, you look HOT girl. Wow – you had excellent results. I am going to check out the workout manager nutrition program. You are such an enabler. I am also going to check out the Tonique Mat program. I have looked at her workouts before, and wasn’t sure they were something I would do, but mat, well – hell – sign me up. Ain’t that the truth – the house can be such a money-suck when it comes to maintenance and repairs. I really enjoy reading your posts.:):) Oh, the cricket sound at the other end of the text message or phone wasn't your bf's agreement - the poor guy just didn't know HOW to respond. I mean, we women create these little traps and the poor guys are damned if they do (agree) and damned if they don't (agree). :D:D

(Kadet) Kim – Ummm, what if someone in the states bought STS for you, and sent them as a “gift”, do you by pass all the extra fees and tariffs? Thank you for all the sweet things you said, it made my day. I remember your “I fell off my step” post, I remember laughing at your description, so glad you weren’t seriously injured.

Kimberley – It is so nice to work out in the morning, at your leisure, without having to race the clock out the door. How long does this new work schedule last? Last week a number of ladies did LIC, and this week it seems like Step Blast is the chosen workout. I was just learning step when I got injured, I am looking forward to a time when I can give that one a whirl.

Jenn – Girl – you are throwing me for a loop…do you have one user account for a work computer or home computer and one for your phone???

Suzie – I am so impressed you do CC on an elliptical. #8 is an intense workout, starting with challenges right off the bat, but doing them on an elliptical - wow that is one tough workout! Awww – you should go to Vail, have you ever been? Colorado cold and snow is really very different from Atlanta cold and snow. In Vail you won’t even notice the cold, chances are it will be sunny. So many skiers ski in short sleeves. Oh, you should go. My 21 y.o. son who drinks green-drinks says the same thing, they make him feel clean, clear minded, and energized. He swears by them.

Melissa, Gayle, MJ & Tara – Are you out there?
Regina and Elena - I hope you two are having a fit and fabulous weekend.

As for me – I did rehab today and then went for a long walk with Rowan and my DH at the nearby vineyard. It is in the 60’s and balmy. Last week I was freezing and there was 8 inches of snow on the ground. Today I feel like breaking out the seed catalogues to start planning next season’s garden. I feel like I am finally getting somewhere with my rehab. Yay, there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

Alrighty then - a shower for me (yes, I stink!) and then it's bath time for Rowan. Next week he has a litter mate and breeder 6th month puppy reunion party, I want him looking his best.:D:D
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Hey Janis - do you own a winery? I am SUCH a wine freak! Fortunately I have 3 different wine trails all within 2 hours of my home, and NY wines are so good. But it's an expensive love.

Rowan is a gorgeous dog - is he a standard poodle?
Hey Janis - do you own a winery? I am SUCH a wine freak! Fortunately I have 3 different wine trails all within 2 hours of my home, and NY wines are so good. But it's an expensive love.

Rowan is a gorgeous dog - is he a standard poodle?

LOL. No. But I live near a large number of them, many grow the grapes on contract for wineries. This one has miles and miles of service roads plus the country road runs right through it. I used to run there, the hills at the vineyard and KB took me down for the count. :(

Yes. Rowan is a Standard Poodle, S. Poo or spoo for short. He is soooo smart and I love him to pieces. When I am able and he is older, he will be my running partner. He is the most active and driven of the litter. I can't wait to see his brothers and one of his sisters. The party will be fun!

Even though I live in the wine growing region of N.California, I no longer drink wine. :eek: I gave up alcohol something like 11 years ago....I'm just too sensitive to sugar. :D
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