I got all excited yesterday when I read the thread about 30% off STS. I think I've made the decision to go for it (I see you contributed there
Donna which was welcome) but we get the triple whammy of the purchase price + the shipping ($46) + the loony customs import duties (30%!!!!!!! - but that's just gone up). So effectively the 'Cathe' price is incidental it's all the add-ons that are the deal breakers. Mutter


Hey Janis. Lovin' your posts there gal. Just awesome. Strikes me you're a very caring and considerate person. If it wasn't for that danged Atlantic Ocean I'd be over to Hi-5 you right now [[HUGS]]. Anyway, I checked out Rowan the other day and although I don't really 'do' dogs (more the
'Cat Whisperer' 
) one thing I definitely know about Rowan is that he is VERY loved. And who could ask for more than that - Right?? It takes a bit to make me laugh but him in them there pants got the chuckle juices a'flowing.
Not to steal your thunder, but I'm just going for a
Janis-esque post today (just this once) to catch up with folks and remind them I still exist.
Oh, and one last thing - yes I have always believed stepping to be much kinder on the knees than regular aerobics or running. However, (pause for emphasis and gravitas) when I was "slamming" into the corners the other day the step slid forward. Yikes - strong core negated any wobble and thankfully I wasn't a casualty on this occasion. Not so lucky last year when I posted here about a tumble I had when I went into Orbit.
Jenn Noticed your "firsts" post. How was the mammorgram????? Tell me, pretty please. I've got one next week - and I was going to ask y'alls for some pointers on that. The letter says its a 5 minute appointment. Seems pretty much like its, wapp 'em out, wapp 'em up, wapp 'em in again and off you go. So questions will be restricted - sounds like. I've got a very much "
If it aint broke - don't fix it" approach to Doctoring. Thanks but no thanks (ooh controversial

Kimberly how are you getting on with Xtrain Express? I've not had it very long; I read good reviews so went for it. I'll admit I wasn't too sure at first, but it's grown on me and I like to do the kickbox + 101010 cardios together. Its also great for add-ons when you just want that lil' bit of extra something.
Cathy eeeekk when you pointed out that I have now become the "
reigning elder" on here (eeeeekk again). But, after a momentary contemplation I figured, "
no, be proud (head high), I can accomplish these w/os at 51" - puff, puff, pant, pant - all this typing's hard work though!!!!!!!!!! Enjoying your posts and good luck with the new school - and wooo big-up-to-you for home schooling in the first place. That's a big ask right there (RESPECT).
Regina I see you are coming over for 2012 Olympics FANTASTC (oh - please can you bring my STS??? Just joshing - don't think I could wait that long). Can't remember if I've got any Rodney Yee in my yoga collection - I'll have to investigate. I'm not doing yoga at the moment - I'm just a bit Cathe focussed - if only the days were twice as long.
Mary How's your 'Brit' romance going?? (Bromance (heh heh - get it??)) I live in the countryside, but still only 20 minutes out of London proper. So really handy for shopping or entertainment. Where is your BF from?? Really glad you've enjoyed your visits here. If you are coming back any time soon be SURE and let me know.
M'Star Hi. Inspired by your dedication and commitment. You posted pre-Christmas re lethargy etc and now I see you are still having gastro-issues (all that fudge). I replied to the 'tired-all-time' post as to chronic exhaustion which forced me out of persuing a career as a fitness professional after training.
Elena Hi to you. How are you doing??
Tara Hi - you're obviously busy but

anyways - for now.
Melissa I too did Step Blast this week. I'm a big fan of that one. It really gets ya gooooooood. Keep us in the loop with your STS progress. I think I'm gonna need some mentoring from all you Veterans if I cave and go for it.
Gayle SHOUT OUT. Yoo-Hoo Where are you?? No post since you said about your date last w/e. How'd that go?? Did he whisk you off on his white charger to his castle in the clouds?? (Note to self: watch
Enchanted again this w/e - LOL - who knew that would be funny). The running group sounds amazing. I'm glad you appreciate and enjoy - that's so nice

MJ A belated (but heartfelt nonetheless) HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Suzie Are you still a frozen prisoner? We had that problem just b4 Christmas. Scarey scarey roads, very steep hills here. I headed over to your website to check out the green smoothies. Plenty to think about there, although I pretty much all that stuff mostly all the time, just not liquified. Just clarify for me, are you trialing smoothies exclusively, or are you combining with some solid foods?
Donna Had to look up your 'Success Story' - congrats on that. Was also very interested in all you contributed in the STS 30% discount thread.
I so want it - and so don't want to pay all the extras. Last w/e you were talking about Chopin. I used to listen to the Polonaise in A Major
all the time - literally over and over. I'm going to put it on later and there's another one (an even better piece), might be called an 'Improptu' - only short - I shall look that up and tell you the name of it.
I'll shut up now, (please don't let me have forgotten anyone) but not until I've wished you all the most fantastic w/e. Enjoy it you've earned it.
Kim xxx