Workout Manager


Is it me or is the Workout Manager not working? All of a sudden I can't log in?! Please help
Thanks, Sheryl

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
The problem you're seeing with the Workout Manager is caused by an update we've done to our site to make all of our pages on secure. This is something Google wants all sites to do and will soon punish those who don't. This has caused some problems with the code in the Workout Manager and we're currently working to resolve this. Clearing your browsers cache and then logging in to the forums and then clicking the "Workout Manager" link at the top of the Forum page will help solve some, but not all of the problems everyone is experiencing. This may take several days or longer to fix as the Workout Manager is a complex older piece of software.
Thanks for the reply. I will wait patiently until fixed!

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
So what I've done to by pass this issue (kiiiind of lengthy, but it works) is to go on the main page of the Workout Manager ( "The Workout Manager is an online application..." at the top of the page), then click on "Sign up. It's Free!". Once the page reloads, you'll see at the top of the page a log in option, and then you will be able to sign in.

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