Clare, I guess what I should have done is ask why the company is asking us. I guess we can assume that the workout blender has no relationship to the program, or else it wouldn't even be a question, right? It would just be included. What I was trying to say, in not so many words, is that including it is not only extra time and money producing and developing it (which is likely to raise the price of the package and waiting time for all of us), but, in my humble opinion, it actually makes the whole program seem less focused and tight. I think it might clutter up the whole unique concept of the package. At this stage, I thought my feedback might be useful to Cathe & co from a marketing perspective. I'm only one person, but for what it's worth, I'm less likely to purchase a product that reminds me more of a vast smorgasbord than a planned dining experience. It's just my two cents worth, and I put it out there for the sole purpose of giving Cathe & co some honest feedback.