working out 1st thing in the morning

I was doing the Bill Phillips workout challenge and thou I was doing pretty good on it, I found that the morning treadmill workout was not to my liking. I was wondering what you thought of working out first thing in the morning on an empty stomach on the treadmill for 20 mins. Thats done 3 times a week. and after the workout you can't eat for an hour after that. Does it make any differance when and how? And what do you thing about the not eating part? Just wondering what your thoughts were on this type of workout.:D
Hmmmm, I don't know why one would need to wait an hour after working out to eat. I think eating within that first hour is important for optimal nutritional uptake. You've fasted all night and you've expended energy working out. I usually do not eat until after my AM workout and I am starving once I have cooled down. Plus, when you eat, you actually burn more calories-about ten percent of our daily caloric expenediture comes from digesting food. Everyone's a bit different here but I hit my breakfast pretty quickly after my workout with a mind to replenishing glycogen and getting some protein for muscle building as well as a little fat to keep me sated until it's time to eat again.
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver
I to did the body for life thing for a while and it is hard to workout first thing in the morning. Sometimes i still do it if I go out running b/c i have to get out there before it gets to hot. If you are working out really intensly like i am then you should probably eat something most of the time before exercising to get you through your workout. Some people can't eat before there workouts b/c their stomach gets upset. If i eat i will wait 3-4 hours before i do my cardio so i don't cramp up. As for waiting after a workout to eat, i eat immediately and never followed that approach. You want to replenish your glycogen stores after your workout so its good to eat within the first hour so you can get nutrients to all those muscles to help repair them. Bill Phillips program set me up with an binge eating disorder b/c of his free day and he is not a doctor or a pysiologist so i would take his info with a grain of salt. What worked for him may not work for you and all of those pictures he shows in his book are doctored and are from working out a lot more and harder than what his program prescribes. Just do what is best for you. I got great results doing things totally opposite then what he suggests. As you can tell i am not a fan of his. Hope this helped.
Hi Karie, thanks for responding so quickly. Usually I have to wait days. I see you are not a fan, as I am not too much of one either. I stayed with it for 6 weeks or so, and slowly started seeing some results, but I get bored doing the same program for too long and your right about the eating thing. I never heard of anyone else waiting after a workout to eat. Anyways, I started doing some of Cathe's workouts that I've seen on FitTV. Man is she great. So, now I'm doing some of her workout, doing my treadmill, (thou my knees can't take much of that)and hopeing for the best. Thanks for your input. :7
Thanks Bobbi for the input. I really didn't like the idea of waiting either. Now, I don't wait. I never did in the past, so when I started that program, I thought it alittle weird. But I gave it a try and I really don't see any reason for it. Anyways, thanks for responding, I usually have to wait days, or no one responds at all. Your right, chicks rule!!!!!:7
Hi Lady Liesure! Thank you for taking the time to ask my thoughts on this. I certainly don't mean to disappoint you by not answering, however, I never like to comment on another's workout program. I don't feel it is appropriate. Thanks for understanding:)
Right after exercise, with muscles depleted from exercise, muscles are best able to lay down new glycogen stores. Maybe he thinks depleted glycogen stores allow one to burn more fat? I know I have read that refueling should be done within a couple of hours max. I feel best if it's within the first hour. I always eat with a mind toward what will best compliment my workout. A little more protein on strength days, more carbs if cardio is the main focus, both, if I mix the two. Lately, I wake up hungry and that helps motivate me to get my workout done soon after I've slurped down enough coffee to be ready to get going. I like that exercise acts as an appetite supressant and the hungers fades away once it gets toasty in there. By the time I have cooled down, stretched and stashed my exercise equipment, hunger's back full force and I eat high fiber carbs and lean protein. I know a lot of people really like to have something before they workout but I figure that the previous days meals have been stored and ought to be burned a little before I begin anew. And depending upon the type of food consumed, anywhere from an hour to two hours need to pass to empty the stomach. If I have to wait, I run the risk of blowing it off as my motivaton tends to flag as the day goes by. I think, if you listen to your hunger, you will know the perfect time for you and everyone's a little different in that. If you feel satisfied and energetic and you are meeting your goals, you can be certain your diet is the right one. :)
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver
Thanks Cathe for responding. I can't believe you did, that's great. I do understand your position. However, do you feel that working out first thing in the morning is more benefical, fat loss wise, as oppose to working out say at 11AM, or sometime in the PM.? I just discovered your program on FitTV and I love it. You are one fit lady let me say. So now I have incorporated your moves into my fitness routine. I only hope I can get as lean and have those muscles (fabulous arms and back!) like yours. You are an inspiration.!:7

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