Wireless connection


Any of you techies have advice about getting my DLink to connect to my wireless Netgear?

It used to work - not sure why all of a sudden it stopped.

I have completely turned off and disconnected the modem, router and computer and started again from scratch.

Then I uninstalled the DLink and reinstalled. It just toggles between "connecting" and "disconnected".
Did you try D-Link support? Tech support is usually painful, but those guys have been very helpful and quick to solve the problem the couple of times I've had to call them.
IA with Cathy about trying support.

I had a similar issue but am using a broadband modem, Netgear router and Netgear wireless adapter on my other PC. For some reason my connection on the other PC was toggling back and forth between connected and disconnected. I uninstalled and reinstalled the wireless adapter with no luck. Then I upgraded my Netgear router and that seemed to fix the isuue...I hope you get a solution soon, this stuff can drive you nuts!!...
I had a similar issue with my computer a while ago and finally figured out that the router was the problem. It was weird b/c sometimes it would work and sometimes it wouldn't. I thought it was my wireless signal....but after I got a new router the problem was fixed. Good luck.
Cathy - good idea - I haven't called the tech support yet but probably will since I'm so frustrated.

Carole/Angie - my router is not even a year old so hopefully that is not the problem.

DS1 will be down this week and will look at it also - kids are many times way better at the diagnosing of computer issues than I am. :confused:

Thanks for the ideas and good luck ladies !
Yikes!...I always get upgraded and updated mixed up!! What I did was go to the Router website (which was Netgear) and updated my router to the latest version. So I did not get a new router...and the update fixed my connectivity issues with my adapter...
Ohhhh, I thought I did that when I logged in but will try it again to see if it might help.

Thanks for the idea Carole !

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