Winter Blaaaaaahs...


Anyone else besides me in the middle of some winter doldrums? Yuck weather, yuck exercising, yuck cold, yuck counting points, yuck watchign what I eat, yucky yucky yucky.

Despite using a space heater, it is so cold in our basement where I work out that I've been wearing long sleeve t-shirts to exercise and did Cardio Fusion in a *sweatshirt* a couple weeks back.

How are you doing?

I am glad the days are getting longer! Soon I'll me watching for the forsythia to bloom.

Susan L.G.
Oh man, I was just whining about this earlier this morning. I'm SO sick of snow. I want to be able to see my driveway and lawn and gardens again. I don't care if there's anything in them, I just want to see something other than white/dirty white snow.

I am glad that it's not dark when I leave work now. I guess that's a plus.

I'm also sick of having to wear 85 layers just to go to the corner store or take the dogs around the block.

Daffodils are popping up won't be long for you, Susan. I love it when our forsythia blooms!!!

Okay, don't blast me; I know this is not the right thing to say since many of you have gotten about a zillion feet of snow this year, but we have gotten none...and I'm bummed. We're right at the line where we miss it. Places an hour away got three or four inches Sunday, and all we got was rain.

Let the flaming begin - I deserve it.
Usually by this time I've had a week of Florida in me (mind you I'm not a huge fan of flat swampland with overpriced homes filled with greedy geezers but in January it hits the spot). I don't know much about "blahs" as I simply become flat out depressed. I find thinking about all the camping and hiking trips I will be taking in the summer helps a bit.....
I went through this about a week ago. Now I'm beginning to see the light. The cardinals and titmice are singing, I saw a skunk this morning, and there was a red-winged blackbird at the feeder, all signs that spring is very near. And February, the longest month of the year, is almost over. Time for spring fever!
I count myself one of the lucky ones this winter; living in Idaho we have not been hit with the snow like you Easterners. You have had a winter!!! We have dirty smelly gray inversions. I miss the sun and will be glad to breathe some fresh air. Growing up in Alberta, I really miss those cold winter days when you can hear the crunch of the snow under your boots, the sun is so bright it blinds you and the air is sweet. And those Chinooks; the best winter drug ever!

OK, Beavs, enough about Florida!!! We resemble that remark :)

BTW, it's 80 degrees and sunny in Central Florida today ;-)
>I count myself one of the lucky ones this winter; living in
>Idaho we have not been hit with the snow like you Easterners.
>You have had a winter!!! We have dirty smelly gray
>inversions. I miss the sun and will be glad to breathe some
>fresh air. Growing up in Alberta, I really miss those cold
>winter days when you can hear the crunch of the snow under
>your boots, the sun is so bright it blinds you and the air is
>sweet. And those Chinooks; the best winter drug ever!

Ahhh... good old Idaho. I spend every summer vacation in northern Idaho at Priest Lake. That is what I focus on when winter is getting me down. Right about now, I'm completely sick of it and ready for spring. I cannot wait to open my windows and let a warm breeze in!
I probably don't belong here either living in the Bay Area. We don't get snow (except in the mountains around the city - that's a whole different story - but people actually drive up to the snow as so many here have never actually seen it) but we get rain, rain and more rain. We get dumped on, and not one single person (except me of course :+) knows how to drive in it. You'd think we had 10 inches of snow with the way the traffic inches a long. My 1/2 hour commute always takes 1-1.5 hours on rainy days. So, while it's not freezing cold and we only require two layers to go out - it's still not fun. And we get the teasers - the occasional really nice day in the 70's that get us all hot and bothered for Spring, then the skies cloud up and it rains again... *sigh*
Hi Candi. Drink a margarita for me! :9
I'm not sure what Cheryl is talking about. We in upstate NY (near Albany) had one snow storm all of this winter (thus far) and even had one 75 degree day in the middle of January--I spent my day hiking up Overlook Mountain and having an ice cream in Woodstock, NY.
I haven't been able to get out since I have had my babies in October. I cannot wait for spring...going to the lake, taking long walks, seeing the leaves on the trees...ahhhhh I cannot wait!
And I live in Sin City, where the winters do not exist and the summers are from hell!!!}(
I moved from Salt Lake City, and have to admit I really missed the clean air, the snow falls, the mountains, etc..this winter, but hey,its all good!! I am originally from Seattle so that rain will get ya too!
And I live in Sin City, where the winters do not exist and the summers are from hell!!!}(
I moved from Salt Lake City, and have to admit I really missed the clean air, the snow falls, the mountains, etc..this winter, but hey,its all good!! I am originally from Seattle so that rain will get ya too!

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