Will I EVER get my energy back???


Hello! I am 10 weeks pregnant w/baby number 2 and I am so tired and hungry all the time! I don't remember it being this bad when I was pregnant with my son. I have such good intensions to work out and then I just fall sound asleep!!
Sorry to vent I just want to get back to working out and eating normal.
Thanks for listening.

I'd be interested in getting an answer to this too.... I am about 9 weeks along w/ baby #1 and find it hard to start and complete a workout - I'm just too tired. I never know if rest is the answer or if I just need to push through it. Plus, every day I don't do a workout, I feel guilty. Working out 5-6 times per week has been a "habit" for many years now.

Is there any advice from the expecting mommies out there?

Hang in there! First trimester pregnancy fatigue is common among most mommies. I swear that if you MUST be awake you can but if it isn't required...I remember it taking me 4 hours to do my hair when I was pregnant. I started to dry it and had to lie down - an hour and half later I woke up and then re-wet my hair and dryed it. That required another hour nap after which I woke up and curled my hair. At 12 noon, I called work and told them it didn't look like I'd be making it in today!

This fatigue tends to subside around the beginning of the 2nd you may start to feel like your "new" normal self!


jeni - Healthy Moms Certified and momma to Olivia Rose, 9/14/2002
Hey guys remember you're in your first trimester.....normal normal normal. Every pregnancy is different, but with this pregnancy I was so tired and wiped through the first AND second trimester. I thought I would never recover any energy. And I was one that NEVER missed a workout, (when we vacationed in Florida early this year, I brought weights and VCR and continued to workout every morning).

Early in pregnancy, I too felt really guilty and stressed because I couldn't get in a workout, just too tired!! What amazes me is that these muscles really do have memory and you will get through this time and you will workout religiously again...trust me!! I'm 26 days away from my due date now and it's probably because I felt so tired through the first two tri's that I feel like making up for it now. All the sudden I have energy and I started a slow and heavy rotation along with 2-3 days of cardio (which I am really lacking in right now....cardio does not have memory like muscles do!!! ;( ;( ;( ). My workouts are finally returning to more "like normal" even though my belly is bigger, but it took some time!!

Take heart, your intensity will return, so don't get bummed out now. I finally had to get over it and except that some weeks it just wasn't there, but you WILL get through it!! Enjoy this time if you can and relax a little and don't feel guilty, major hormonal changes going on in your system!! There's a miracle being built in there

Briee;) ;) ;)
Charlene- believe it or not, you will get your energy back although I'm sure it doesn't feel like it right now. Think of all the things your body is doing right now. Pretty busy! With my second baby I would nap as long as my daughter would nap which sometimes would be 3 hours. I'd then go to bed early and would find it impossible to wake up in the morning.

Before you know it you'll feel more like yourself but it will take a little time. The third trimester is tiring, too. At that point you're emotional and wondering how you'll ever have enough energy to look after more than one baby! Believe it or not I've found that after each baby my energy came back immediately after I was no longer pregnant. I like to think that its nature's way of helping you keep your sanity, even when you're not getting a full nights rest.:)

Hope this helps!
Hi Charlene, I don't remember much about my first trimester. I was asleep all the time! I resumed my workouts the second trimester. My energy level was way up then, a 180-degree turn once the first 13 weeks were over. Hang in there. Right now your body is working more than you could ever know or expect.:)

Hi! Congrats! I am only 5 weeks along with baby #3 - and i am tired - but nothing like with my previous pregnancies. I am able to get up at 4:30 am (most mornings) to get my workout in before I go to work (full time). I find I am most tired on weekends, when I actually have some downtime. My kids are 4 1/2 and 2. Very excited! But don't worry - your energy will come back!
Thank you, everyone, for you support and encouragement. I know this will pass but it is just so frustrating!!!

I'm definitely there with you -- about the only thing I do on the weekends is sleep. I'm also dealing with a lot of morning sickness too, so I've all but put my workouts on hold until 2nd trimester -- except for an occasional walk with my DH, just to move around. I'm also getting over the flu, so that was an extra toll on my poor pregnant body. I stayed home from work and spent about 3 days in bed.
I'm enjoying this while I can... pretty soon I'll be chasing a baby all over and I won't get a chance to rest when I'm tired! :)

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