Will anyone visit me in jail...


.... after I kill my SO?

He's supposed to be picking up my DD from school today. I'm about 99.9% sure he's forgotten and he's turned his phone off, so I have no way of getting in touch with him.

I had to phone the school and leave a message for my DD to let her know that, should he not turn up, she should go to the after-school program in the library.
White chocolate mousse, please!!!

Teri, thanks! *sniff* It's good to know you have friends who would bust you out!
It's justifiable homicide, no question. No jury of your peers (other mothers) would convict you.

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
Not only will I visit you but perhaps I'll join you after I kill mine. (Just because he acted truculently last night when I didn't talk to him on the computer long enough--he's out of the country and calls at dinner time and expects me to drop everything to chat for an hour.)

Good luck.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=teal]***Lainie***

My fitness blog: http://web.mac.com/lainiefig/iWeb/Site/Exercise/Exercise.html
I'm on my way to be your partner in crime. He'd better NOT forget to pick her up!!!!!!!!!
I'll come visit, but only if I get to lie on an inflatable bed. :+

Why does he turn off his phone? Has he never heard of "vibrate?" Or is that just something we girls know about? ;-)
Laura - sometimes he doesn't turn it off on purpose, it somehow gets turned off in his pocket and he doesn't realize. Well, she's not at after-school care, so I'm going to assume that he picked her up. Or she went off with some stranger and I'll never see her again until they find her remains at the bottom of a quarry.;(
Not only will I defend you so that you don't have to go to jail, I will also represent you in your suit against your SO. }(
*GASP* Oh my, I hope your SO remembered to get her. In the meantime I'm whipping up a white chocolate mousse cake with a nifty little file in the center -- you know -- to hold the layers together :p
Hahahahahaha - LauraMax, I don't know if anyone else caught that "vibrate" innuendo, but I nearly fell off my chair laughing.
Morning ladies...

Well, I am ashamed. He DID remember to pick her up. He couldn't find his phone (he said he didn't look very hard for it) which is why it was turned off and I couldn't get in touch with him.

Not only that, when I got home, he was making dinner for me.

I guess I should have a bit more faith, huh?

Thank you all for your support. Ummmm... can I still have that cake?:p
Why don't we have more faith in our men? My DH gets so mad at me when I nag him about stuff he has every intention of doing. He takes care of the cars, the yard, his job, the money, but I never fail to remind him to put the garbage out on Monday evening. And who says I can't be trusted around cake?
I couldn't help but jump in...

If you treat anyone like an idiot, they'll start acting that way.

Testosterone surge is now abated.
Dave - I never treat him like an idiot, because he isn't one. He's incredibly smart and wonderful. However, he has issues remembering appointments and times and usually relies on me to remind him. So it wouldn't have been unusual for him to have forgotten all about it yesterday, particularly since he's involved in a project at home and just got two new computer games ;-)

When I got home yesterday, he laughed and said "Oh, I bet you were freaking, weren't you?". He knows me well.:)

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