Wii should I keep it?


My husband bought me the wii for Christmas, I need to buy the wii fit or the My fitness Coach. I don't know if it is something I will do. I think it looks kinda stupid, I'm not into Yoga or hula hooping. Is it worth keeping and spending all the extra money needed for the items I need? I don't have kids that would play it either.

Would just like some input!

I just went to Amazon and read some reviews about My fitness coach. Now that one doesnt' sound too bad! Give me your views please. Thanks again!!

OH and Merry Christmas to EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!

I posted this here and videofitness looking for a variety of answers.

Hi Penny:

I'm afraid I will not be much help in this decision as we do not have a Wii, but DH and I decided awhile back to get a PS2 and a few games we could play together and after the first day out of the box, it sits on the shelf under the TV collecting dust-bunnies! We haven't touched it since. Now, as I said, I don't have a Wii, nor have I seen the Wii fit, or coach you referenced, but I too would feel a bit wierd standing on a little plastic square watching a cartoon of myself on the screen doing whatever... I do have some friends that are more active, have lots of parties/company/family to their house and they use the Wii constantly for the interactive games... Tennis, bowling, baseball, etc. that require other features than the ones geared towards fitness. The beauty of this is the "interactive" part of it though! They have even complained about having DOMS after a long session because they aren't simply sitting on the couch using their thumbs and trigger fingers, they are actually up and moving around. I guess it will just depend on what your goals and lifestyle are... if you have always wanted one, and think that you could get into using it several times a week, then keep it... if not and you think it will (like ours) eventually collect dust after the shine wears off, then by all means spend your money elsewhere...

Does your DH like to play games and such? (I sometimes feel that they buy US gifts they really want for themselves...) I have a feeling that I got a camcorder for Christmas... Never asked for one, never mentioned it in any way, nor will I ever use one (heck, I have a hard time using the $500 digital camera I bought a few years back!) but I KNOW he has wanted one for awhile now because he wants to put some music clips on his guitar forums and MySpace page... funny how that works...

You have a tough decision to make... Hopefully some more Catheites will have some more hands-on experience... for me, (not having any kids either) would opt for other means to achieve my fitness goals.

Good luck & Merry Christmas!
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We got a Wii last Christmas and although it's not played very regularly, it is a lot of fun to use. We got Wii sports and play that the most - tennis, bowling, boxing, etc. We got the Wii Fit for Christmas (haven't opened it yet) and that will give us something else to do.

But if you really don't think you'll use it, talk to your hubby about it and see what he says.
I think I answered your question at VF but if not... I don't use my Wii Fit much but then I haven't taken the time to do so. I did get Outdoor Active Life Challenge and can't wait to give it a whirl. Several have said it is an awesome cardio workout. I also plan to do the boxing workout - I hear that is quite the cardio workout, too.

I don't have one but am getting a couple for the kids' fitness camp I'm running this summer at the college I work at and am looking forward to playing. :) BUT...I have heard that they are a lot of fun and might be something fun that you and your husband could do together...you know, spending time together that you normally wouldn't. Just some silly, fun time?
We used our Wii and Wii fit steadily for the first 3 weeks when I bought it in October, then it just kinda sits there :(. But we did get Rock Band for it, and will be hooking that up next week. That will be a hoot :)

Would I keep it, though? Nah. My mother who is 65 loves hers :)
I love the Wii. For me, it is entertainment during winter months.

I don't have My Fitness Coach, but I do have the Wii Fit. I think some of the events/exercises are cute, but given the expense, I probably could've saved my money. It is definitely not going to be a substitute for even a Richard Simmons workout. Not that I expected it to be serious exercise, but I gotta admit, I just don't use mine very often.

My favorites would be Mario Kart, Guitar Hero, and the classic bowling.
Wii Fit

It's lame. I kept it for a couple weeks and sold it back and bought Lego Batman and Star Wars Force Unleashed. You work out - Wii Fit is for couch potatoes who want to think they're working out. It is fun doing some of the games, but quickly gets stale.

If you want a game system - I'd get an Xbox. The games are better. My boyfriend has brought his over to my house and is keeping it here for now because I have an HD TV and better sound system, but once my birthday comes around, I'm buying my own. Can't count on boyfriends being permanent. Ha ha. I haven't used my Wii in a couple months.

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