Why would someone lie about this?

Laura - Quite frankly that's just weird. And if any doctor ever told me they wanted to remove all the muscles from my lower back I certainly run screaming to the Board of Health. It would be impossible to stay erect with out lower back muscles.:confused:

Morningstar - This is off subject but what is your avatar a picture of? Sorry, Laura.:D

It's a baby sloth wrapped around a human hand; ain't it cute?
Wow, this thread took an unexpected turn very quickly since my last visit not too long ago!

Didn't it though? I didn't expect it either but I suppose I should have. Funny how most people here can post the most personal stuff about themselves & pretty much everyone they know without problems, but when I post something even remotely OT *certain* forum members jump.

That's OK though, since they're not very important people. And certainly not smart or creative enough to (god forbid) make an original post of their own. :p

Ah, I see ShellQ has gotten into the one star game with her buddy Unkewl. Thanks ShellQ!
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I don't see anything wrong with venting about someone provided identifying information isn't shared. I've seen other threads about inlaws, co-workers, parents of other kids, friends, and even husbands. Not a big deal as long as names, addresses, and photos aren't posted. :D

Laura, I have someone in my life who is a compulsive liar...let's call this person "D". (I don't know why I picked that letter...completely random.) It's pretty exhausting actually. "D" needs to be the center of attention ALL the time too, so it's not like you can avoid it. "D" won't allow it. Big mouth, lots of emotion, lots of drama, hyper sensitive...oy.
I'll be honest and say that your post concerns me. Why are you so involved in an office workers medical issues, why is it so important to you to figure out?

Let her put on whatever facade she wishes to spew.

That is exactly what I was thinking. Life is too short to worry about someone elses business.
Laura, I can totally relate to you because I also have a co-worker who lies about everything. I'd love to share (it's really silly, stupid stuff) but I don't have the time right now.

I do want to say, however, that I think it's just fine to vent on a forum like this as long as you're not giving out the person's name. It's much better to do it here rather than discuss your irritations in the office, or even worse, to blow up at her. Oh, and in case anyone wonders why one would blow up -- it's really annoying to be lied to over and over again.
I don't see anything wrong with venting about someone provided identifying information isn't shared. I've seen other threads about inlaws, co-workers, parents of other kids, friends, and even husbands. Not a big deal as long as names, addresses, and photos aren't posted. :D

Laura, I have someone in my life who is a compulsive liar...let's call this person "D". (I don't know why I picked that letter...completely random.) It's pretty exhausting actually. "D" needs to be the center of attention ALL the time too, so it's not like you can avoid it. "D" won't allow it. Big mouth, lots of emotion, lots of drama, hyper sensitive...oy.

Thanks Lori & aveggiegirl. Apparently it's only a problem when I vent. ;) Wow Lori, that sounds exactly like the woman I work with. And it's not just these big issues either. Every day it's something with her,whether it's her hot water heater breaking or a pipe bursting or her a/c breaking.

DEEDEE, you are missing the point as well. I am NOT WORRIED ABOUT HER BUSINESS. She is MAKING HER BUSINESS MY BUSINESS. Sheesh! Why is that so difficult for those who dislike me to comprehend? Or is it just selective reading? :rolleyes:
Just be happy she's only someone you have to put up with and not a friend. I had a co-worker like that only I made the mistake of becoming her friend. We were hired at the same time and were in the same training class. It took me a couple of years to realize she was a pathological liar. Same kind of thing, medical issues, financial issues. Towards the end of our friendship it got really bad. It's a very long story but I even wound up calling her father to tell him I thought she needed psychiatric help. After I told him that I could count the days she showed up to work in the previous three months on one hand he told me that she had lied to them, insisting she was going to work every day, but always begging them for money. I guess he confronted her because after that she stopped calling me everyday to whine for three hours and we drifted apart. She has recently popped up as a friend of a few of my FB friends but I would be very surprised if she sent me a request. Funny thing is she had back issues too.
I wonder if they're related? ;) This lady has similar attendance issues--I never know when she'll be here & when she won't. This back thing seems to be a fairly common excuse, I guess b/c it's an easy thing to lie about.

I am SO GLAD she's not my friend--I learned long ago that no one you work with is truly a friend. At least when she walks out the door at 4:30 I know I won't have to deal w/her again until the next day (or next week, or next month, depending........:p).
DEEDEE, you are missing the point as well. I am NOT WORRIED ABOUT HER BUSINESS. She is MAKING HER BUSINESS MY BUSINESS. Sheesh! Why is that so difficult for those who dislike me to comprehend? Or is it just selective reading? :rolleyes:

No one can make their business YOUR business unless you let them. Sheesh ! I think the problem is YOU want to be the only drama queen in the office and this lady is upstaging you. Always the victim huh? :rolleyes:
I know a few narcissistic people who are always complaining or their life is in shambles and everything is always about them. These people always surround themselves with negativity and that seems to be the only way they can function. Misery loves company.

So, seeing that it's Labour Day weekend let's all put our positive hats on and have a great weekend. Remember that each situation is as good as you make it, it took me a long time to learn this.
I am SO GLAD she's not my friend--I learned long ago that no one you work with is truly a friend. .

Especially if they try to get close to you really fast, and keeps exposing you to all the drama of their lives....WATCH OUT! There is usually a knife poised to go right in your back. Happened to me twice and I learned, co-workers are just that co-workers. I have one person that I met years ago at work who is now my best friend, but we took time to get to know each other.

So Laura, to hell with this Drama Mama! Let her know (as kindly as you can) that you have work to do and don't have time for her stories. Eventually she will get the message and latch on to someone else.
DEEDEE, you are missing the point as well. I am NOT WORRIED ABOUT HER BUSINESS. She is MAKING HER BUSINESS MY BUSINESS. Sheesh! Why is that so difficult for those who dislike me to comprehend? Or is it just selective reading? :rolleyes:

I don't even know you, how the heck can I dislike you? Does everyone who doesn't agree with something you may post dislike you? If so a hell of a lot of people dislike me and couldn't give a good #$%$^^.:D

Oh and no, I don't have comprehension issues.
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I don't even know you, how the heck can I dislike you? Does everyone who doesn't agree with something you may post dislike you? If so a hell of a lot of people dislike me and couldn't give a good #$%$^^.:D

Sorry, not directed at you.......although there are a few members of this forum who don't know me at all yet have decided they don't like me. ;)
I wonder if they're related? ;) This lady has similar attendance issues--I never know when she'll be here & when she won't. This back thing seems to be a fairly common excuse, I guess b/c it's an easy thing to lie about.

I am SO GLAD she's not my friend--I learned long ago that no one you work with is truly a friend. At least when she walks out the door at 4:30 I know I won't have to deal w/her again until the next day (or next week, or next month, depending........:p).

It was funny that she had management bamboozled for the longest time. One day a supervisor was talking about her to a group of us. She said something like, "Oh the poor thing. She has so many health issues" and about ten people burst out laughing. We'd all been her friends at one point and knew she spent most of the days she was out on fmla at the mall. Anyway shortly after that she quietly quit. Oh, and get this. She accused a guy co-worker of sexual harassment. He promptly produced copies of the sexually explicit emails she sent to HIM! They showed them to her and she dropped the case immediately. These people never change. Her FB page is not protected and it's full of lies.
Especially if they try to get close to you really fast, and keeps exposing you to all the drama of their lives....WATCH OUT! There is usually a knife poised to go right in your back.

So Laura, to hell with this Drama Mama! Let her know (as kindly as you can) that you have work to do and don't have time for her stories. Eventually she will get the message and latch on to someone else.
This is excellent advice. You can get pulled into a lot of crap through a person like this. Let's say our example is female. One minute, you're her best friend. One misstep, you're her mortal enemy, and you can expect to be actively gossiped about for a long, long time. Even better, since this person is a compulsive liar, she'll make up all kinds of stories about you. She doesn't even need to be mad at you to do this, so you can imagine what she can accomplish when she is good and ticked!

I can't distance myself from my compulsive liar unfortunately. Instead I'm about as non-reactive as I can be, I listen a great deal, and I share very little of my own thoughts and personal details. It's an exercise in patience, that's for sure.
She accused a guy co-worker of sexual harassment. He promptly produced copies of the sexually explicit emails she sent to HIM! They showed them to her and she dropped the case immediately.
Good for him for keeping those emails and protecting himself!

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