Why U picked your Screen Names????


This may be a bit off topic but I am curious where some of you get your screen names? For instance, BabyDollSea, Cruncholi, Jaypea, Hopefull and so forth just to name a few. Now, mine isn't hard tooo hard to figure out. (DebbieH!:p Duuuuh!) Just thought it would be fun to hear why you picked those names if I am not being too nosey?
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Sherry: I always wondered about your user name! :)

My original user name was getnfit@37 because I waited until I was 37 to get fit! Then came my birthday (forgot they come only every year~duh!) and I updated it to getnfit@38.


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
Mogambo is a nickname some of my college friends called me because I had shortish hair and wore it up in two or three or four little tiny pony tails all over my head when I worked out, and only then! Someone called me Mogambo because I looked like little black girls with all those little tiny hair-poofs they wear when they are small.

The whole name was Mogambo Comanici because of Nadia Comenici at the time (76 Olympics, so that was when I was in college). That got shortened to M.C. and Gamber, which was my screen name on the forums years ago, but when I got a DSL line and changed email, the Forum made me pick a new name. (But I am Gamber on VF.) It's all the same thing, Mogambo, Gamber, M.C.

Not too exciting, but if I could think of a way to shorten the story I would.
Hi Debbie!

My kids actually invented a term called the "Amadeus laugh" after they had seen the movie and heard Tom Hulce's maniacal laugh as he portrayed a very fictionalized Mozart. I accidentally erupt in the Amadeus laugh when something very spontaneous happens, I usually do this several times per week. I have been told by 3 of my 4 children quote: Please don't do the Amadeus laugh, it SOOO embarassing.:7 :7 :7

Glad you asked, Debbie. These are fun to read.

I always wanted a nickname, and finally, when my cousin, who was about 2 at the time, was learning to talk,he couldn't say my name. Instead of Angela it came out as "gigi." The name stuck. I am now Aung Gigi to my nephews. Everyone in my family started calling me Gigi and then Gig(not sure how to spell it). I added the go in front of gigi as in "you go girl" - keep exercising and eating right. So gogigi it is!:7

Problem is gogigi loves to exercise, but she loves to go eat too!!!}(
This is a fun question! I have often wondered about alot of the names used here.

Mine is simple, and I have actually told this before here when someone asked. When I was younger my cousin called me treebaby, and I have never forgotten how sweet it was when he called me this.

Mine is junemom cause all three of my kids were born on June 10...not as wierd as it sounds, cause my older two are twins, but still...kinda strange! And their bday is the day after DH, so June is like a mini xmas around our place. Very expensive time of year for me!

My screen name is all the consonants from my name. I was having a tough time getting an e-mail address that wasn't already taken so I tried this. tmrclvlnd = Tamara Cleveland - now I use it for almost everything online.
My brother, who is a computer nut, first got me interested in using my own computer. We then started chatting on ICQ because it is cheaper then the telephone and he said your turning into a real cyber geek! So my handle to him was cybersis!
Hi there Debbie,
My name is of the obvious. While lurking on this forum for a long while, I noticed everyone was really "into" Cathe's workouts. After actually doing the workouts myself, I wanted to be part of this great group and so I said...Cathe is for me too! :D
Mine is easy too. I'm the mom of 2 English Bulldogs.
I'm also the mom of 2 teenage boys - but "teenagemomma" just didn't seem appropriate! ;)

my email has been likes2bfit for ages, so I use it as my name everywhere on line

May God always grant you a sunbeam to warm you... a moonbeam to charm you...& a sheltering angel, so nothing can harm you :)
I have never really had a nickname (except from my brothers--but will not mention those here!) until I joined a sorority--my "big" sister named me LEGGS (for no nonsense) I thought it was appropriate:eek: Of course that was many years ago but I still like it--and it is easy!!
Well, I usually use my name but I thought I would try a pinname instead for here so I have a calico cat and I like calicos so there you have it: Calico

Sorry nothing too exciting.
Great thread!
I use to be CardioLvr but switched my name to FitNut.

Reason.... It was from the wonderful women on this board that I learned that BEING FIT is so much more than a size of pants, bikini, scale weight or BF%! I learned that BEING FIT is being able to make it thru IMAX2 with or without modification, completing the core sections in Boot Camp (and not selecting "everything but core" thinking you'll do it later.... even though you know you WON'T!)

Being FIT is how you feel about yourself! It is loving yourself for who you are and what you look like! Who cares if you aren't the perfect 10! If you know you are doing your best, eating healthy, working out and helping others that is what matters to me!

Trust me, I still like the glory of fitting into one size smaller pant and being able to pull them down from a top shelp as I throw the bigger ones up there. HOwever, I have found that now that my focus is on fitness, fueling my body with the right foods and on simply being FIT that more of the small pants are slowly starting to replace the big ones!!!! Yeah!!!! :7 :7 :7 :+ :+ :+ Without the focus on "fitness" I don't think my life would be so fulfilled!

I still LOVE CARDIO but have learned thru my quest for Fitness that cutting down on cardio is what works best for ME! But... now I just look forward to my cardio days even more!

Thanks to all of you who have been there for me the past 9 months... answered all of my DUMB questions and helped me realize what BEING FIT is all about. Thanks for being my Cyber FIT Friends!
My screen name IS my real name. I sometimes use "Annette Simmons-Brown" for professional reasons only.

Legally Bald

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