Why U picked your Screen Names????


I've got to say that the most important thing I have learned here also is how healthy I am and that it is no longer about a pant size or what the scales say. I feel sooo good and I know I am healthy and have learned an unbelievable amount of wealth here, not to mention the friends I have made. Fitnut, you worded it so well. Thank YOU for answering some "dumb" questions I have asked in the past. We've all been there and that is why this place is so neat. We all have something very special and in-common here. Aren't we a lucky group? Okay, I'll quit the cheesiness for now. Thanks for great post! Love your new name!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

I figured your screename was for Wuthering Heights. Now, I just want you to know that you "fit" in very well around here. You've helped many a person here with your posts. I think that getting into fitness in your 40's is quite the accomplishment and you should be very proud. It is never to late and as you know, I am sure you are already reaping some great benefits of working out. It doesn't matter our age, our level we workout or even a perfect body. It is just the fact that you are doing "it"! You go girl and we are glad you are here.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Kathy S!

Thank you so much! I almost sprouted a hair when I saw the "A-Jock!" title on this thread!

Yours in Cathe Masochism . . .

Okay Debbie, now I'm gonna have to come clean. I too was impatient to get into this site and didn't even give logins a thought. I was incredibly irritated because my name is Lori and every variation of Lori was taken, I tried Lori, Lorrie, Laurie, lauri, loriS (to incorporate my last name) and nothing. So I tried my dh's name Brian, couldn't get in with that either so I tried all forms of Brian and by then was getting really impatient and annoyed. I was trying Bri, bria, brie, briee........and finally it stuck. Shoot, by then I didn't care what I was called, I just wanted to post. In fact the next login name I was going to try was JustLetMePost#%$@#$#@, but that might have been a little long don't ya think?

(A little schizophrenic at times, but able to post on the Cathe Forum!)
Lisa (my first name) is a pretty common name, so I wanted to 'spice' it up. I love cartoons. One of my favorites is Power Puff Girls, and my absolute favorite character on that show is Mojo Jojo, so.... I became 'mojolisa'. I use this name on a lot of other boards too.

Lisa :p
My name smiley came from when i was in cosmetololgy school-that was what the teacher named me....my boyfriend at that time came and brought me lunch and he said i was smiling ever since then...so that is how i got my name.the 2 at the end is just because smiley was taken.
Fun topic! I'm Goldengirl because I belong to a 7 year old Golden Retreiver named Tucker. This has been interesting and lots of fun! Janice
Fun topic! I'm Goldengirl because I belong to a 7 year old Golden Retreiver named Tucker. This has been interesting and lots of fun! Janice
Mine is simple....trprwife....trooper wife. My husband is a PA State Trooper and I have always wanted a license plate that said my screen name...as I am very proud to be married to one, but he says no. He is worried someone with a problem with the police will take it out on me or the vehicle, so I have always wanted to use it and now I have found an outlet. I use if for almost every website I get on.

I LOVE Dr. Suess and I'm also an environmentalist and animal rights advocate. Since the Lorax was also an environmentalist (way before it was politically correct, I might add) his name seemed like a perfect choice to me. "Save the Truffula trees!" The Lorax is also short and has sort of a crusty personality - again, just like me! :)


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