Why I'm staying...

I know this is dicey posting this in light of the last 24 hours but I hope you can read this with the good will it is written in. I'm sorry to see people go and being a newbie wonder if I should be going to; but frankly and I don't want to and here's a few reasons why I'm staying:

1. I've never been part of a cyber group before and I've found this one to be filled with people that are caring and supportive, intelligent and witty. I've read others but was never bold enough to post because flaming seemed so prevalent.

2. I've learned so much just absorbing the incredible energy represented by this board. I'm the only person I know that gets up at 6:00 and exercises and if I ever feel like a hero I know there's dozens more on here that put me to shame and inspire me on those mornings when I'd rather stay under the covers.

3. We are so diverse covering different continents, nationalities, religions, political leanings and yet so much the same in the pursuit of our personal improvement.

4. I've felt bad several times over the last few months that I wasn't around 'in the good old days' but I'm so thankful for these 'good new days' and the laughs I've had reading this board. I even had a good laugh over Wayne's joke...but uh, I guess it's gone now.

5. Cathe's workouts are the best. I'm hooked.

Why are you staying?

Well, I have missed much of the last few hours with computer problems but the last thread I read was very positive. Sometimes, people's real feelings don't shine through or they may feel being so new, they have to be more assertive. Lately I've seen where some members will take them under their wing & just guide them.

That is so cool. I have been in chat rooms that make you feel totally uncomfortable being there. With Cathe's, I am almost addicted. I read you guys, I wait for your responses, I prefer in better spelling}( , but I think we have a lot to input & I can really acknowledge your opinion. Unlike those unwanted gym pointers we try to smile away.:eek:
Hi Trish. If the Cathe forums have nothing else going for them right now, there is always the rotation forum and it never fails to give me new inspiration.

I'm rather a flash-in-the-pan forum member. I'll be here for a couple of weeks happily posting and then life gets busy and I'm off. I had not been around for a long time and I was in need of new workouts so I come back and start lurking to see what's new in the Cathe workout arena and make my purchases. Yes, certain elements of the forums are gone now (certain regular threads) that I used to post to regularly, but people revolve in and out of here just like I do so change is to be expected.

But, if I come here needing information and post such, I have always gotten helpful and good advice and I'm practically a new member every time I show up because so many of the names change.

I also want to give accolades and credit to Dutchgirl for putting together the Ultimate Guide To Cathe Workouts!! BRAVO! Has that ever helped me with my buying decisions this time. I can only hope that it continues to be updated as new workouts come on the scene so when I reappear in another six months or so needing a new workout challenge...I'll have Dutchgirls Guide to help me spend my money wisely. :D :D
I'm glad you are staying. I'm hooked too. Hooked on Cathe, the forums and Catheites, new and old. The occasional negativity is far outweighed by the positivity, the warmth and humor and the knowledge available for the taking is too good to miss. They'll drag me kicking and screaming off out of this place the day I get booted! :D But I'll try not to get booted. Or booed!
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Maturity is the ability to do a job whether or not you are supervised, to carry money without spending it, and to bear an injustice without wanting to get even.

-Ann Landers
I'm staying because I love Cathe, I love her workouts, & I love many of the very intelligent & witty people on this forum. Yes, we have our problems, but that's part of life, especially in a large & diverse group of people.

I remember joining a dog forum a few years ago...you would think dog people would be fun, right? Or at least nice? HA! THINK AGAIN! The backbiting, flaming, & outright rudeness was unbelievable. Makes this place look like Walden Pond.

The reason I'm here is because I have no one else who can relate to consistent Cathe rotations, and the quest for continuous improvement in fitness. Most of my friends would roll their eyes at the workout conversations we have on this forum. Many of them are lifelong fitness people too. I must do a better job of convincing them Cathe is THE best trainer around. That what she is to me. My trainer.

AKA "Likes2bfit"

This is a reprint from an earlier response to Starlight6 on another thread:

Ah, Starrynumeral, I could never stop coming here. And in fact about an hour after I said I'd never post on the Ask Cathe forum, I . . . well . . . did. It usually takes me a lot less time to go ahead and do something I said I'd never do again, so an hour is a record of sorts for me.

Although I stand by my alternately wistful and sullen comment on the thread on Ask Cathe that got this whole thing started that the tone and tenor of these forums have changed, I value them too much to let 'em go. Too many nice people HAVE come on here in days and years past to toss out the baby with the bathwater. Sadly, too many nice people like Honeybunch and Getnfit@39 have absented themselves, perhaps for the reasons we're talking about now.

In fact, I remember when Getnfit@39 first made her appearance to my recollection: after having already lost 147 (that is not a typo) pounds, she was desperate because the scale hadn't budged that week. I and the Real Cathe-Ites barraged her with encouragement and, more importantly, information from personal experience and study. And Donna / Getnfit@39 was and is one kick-@&& broad. I miss her.

There are too many people like her, people who want fitness for its own sake and are willing to work for it, people who come here because of that, to walk away from this forum. These are my sisters; they reflect my values, and they take away some of the loneliness of living fitness in an unhealthy society. From that singular bond arise other life issues to discuss.

I may get impatient with narcissistic (sp? it's too late and i'm too bald to care) infomercial-oids who drift over here, but impatience is all I'll ever get, never my walkin' shoes.

'Nuff said.

BTW, I'm glad Firecracker started this thread.

Why am I staying?

* Because from my first post here, I've been made to feel welcome.

* Because when I post about how much I work out, NOBODY tells me I'm insane (which is what happens out there in the "real world").

* Because now when I work out, I can hear you all in my head, cheering me on and telling me that I can do just ONE MORE SET of *!$&% plie jacks.

* Because I LOVE Cathe's workouts and since posting here I've already learned so much about what I was doing wrong and I can already see changes happening.

* Because it's mostly not like high school, and when it gets that way, people are pretty good about setting it right again.

* Because, let's face it, this is an amazingly diverse and interesting group of women and men who all share a common interest.

I think that's enough reasons to stay:)
I wouldn't leave unless it got really trashy here, and I can see thats not going to happen:7 .. so I am here for keeps.... Rhonda:7
I've never thought about not coming here. I LOVE IT HERE for all the reasons that have been already said. Plus, I have met friends from here. We get together a few times a year. We have a great time and love talking about fitness. I have learned so much! This is a great site! And, I love Cathe!

I am here because of all the supportive people that are on this forum, and God Bless each and every one of you. You are my soulmates in fitness and in our quest for health, both physically and mentally.
I used to participate in another popular forum that really has a "thing" for being argumentative and hurtful to other posters, with the so-called "moderators" ignoring everything or being just as bad themselves. From that forum I have learned to not get involved in any of the more inflammatory discussions over here.
My grandmother always said, " If you can't say something nice about someone, say nothing at all." I, for one, want to follow that philosophy.
I am a huge Cathe fan, and I am not going to let some individual issues on these forums threaten that for me.
You guys are truly inspiring in your encouragement, your examples and your inclusion of others.
I, for one, want to thank all of you for being there for me.

I was initially lured to this forum because of my interest in fitness and the other members here who are so dedicated to it. But what keeps me coming back is the fact that this forum allows us to be the multi-dimensional creatures that we all are.

As 67firecracker wrote so well in point #3: “We are so diverse covering different continents, nationalities, religions, political leanings and yet so much the same in the pursuit of our personal improvement.”

I love being able to pick the brains of the many knowledgeable fitness enthusiasts here (I’d qualify some to “guru” status), but I also love some of the non-fitness discussions that reveal the other aspects of our lives. There are some really inspirational people on this board whose stories might not have been known had discussions been restricted to “fitness only”, as some others boards do. It makes this a more comfortable place to interact, instead of just lurk.
I'm staying because this forum helps me keep my sanity when things get really boring at work. I'd go insane if I didn't come here at least 25 times a day to see what you guys are up to.

I'm staying because since finding Cathe and this forum I have found a group of people who like to be continually challenged like I do, if not mentally, definitely physically.

I like this place too much to leave :)

I feel like you guys are my friends :eek:
I'm staying for so many reasons. Some of the things that have occurred over the last few months have saddened me, but I've also been very inspired by all the wonderful women I've "met" here. It's so cool that we are so diverse and yet have one really important thing in common.
I am staying because:

1. The people here understand my dedication to fitness and support my goals. When I have a question, there are always several people to help me and give advice. I enjoy sharing my experience as well, if I can.

2. I find a lot of useful information here, both on fitness and many other topics. I've had a lot of laughs, good debates and pleasant conversation with the members here. Some of the people here have brightened many a day for me and there are lots of characters here!

3. This board has comraderie and support - in lots of different areas. I recently had a personal issue and instantly remembered somone on this board that had this issue and a member that was particularly helpful w/the situation. I found the post and emailed that helpful person. She was truly gracious in helping me by calming me, giving me information and supporting me through a rough time. At a time when there were no local (and "qualified") friends to call, I found friendship and support in someone here.

:) Christine
I forgot to add I'm staying because apparently this is my new obsession. I've been posting less than two weeks and have managed to accumulate 170 posts.
I'm basically reiterating the previous posts but feel I need to add my "whys" as well:

Why I'm staying:

1. I am new to Cathe and you all are a wealth of information and inspiration. Truly, to have someone you've never met help you with a problem or question is absolutely priceless. I do view all of you as my cyber-friends.

2. I'm a previous "gym-rat" that had to quit to save money and have resorted to working out at home, alone, in my basement, in the wee hours of the morning while everyone else is still sleeping. I need all the motivation I can get!

2. I have felt welcomed from my very first post and that is both motivating and supporting. I had joined another forum (that was not free) and excitedly posted that I had lost 3 pounds and you could hear a pin drop - not one single reply. MAJOR BUMMER!

3. Although my friends and family indirectly benefit from my workouts (when momma's happy, EVERYONE'S happy!), not one of my friends or family members understands my "obsession" with fitness. I'm sure jaws would drop if I told them how much I've spent on my collection of Cathe DVD's!

4. My job frequently either bores me to death or drives me crazy and I need frequent breaks from the madness - whether it's a dog story, a joke, or someone else's bad day at work. There have been some very thought provoking topics on here that have exercised my brain as well as my body and for that I'm grateful.

I also believe in the old saying "if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all." I do try and contribute as much as I ask questions but frankly, if a thread doesn't interest me, I don't read it. If it offends me, I don't respond. I guess I shy away from confrontation as much as possible but there is also nothing wrong in respectfully offering a different perspective because, hey! we're all different and we all have different views. That's what makes this a beautiful place and what keeps me coming back several times during the day!

Now, let's all sit around in a circle and sing "Kumbaya" and hold hands!! :7 Peace!

Reasons I'm Staying -
All the positive reasons that you all are staying and because we live during a time when we're bombarded with information from EVERYONE EVERYWHERE I've learned to "eat the fish and spit out the bones!"

~ Kim

"Welcome the challenge...Embrace it...Don't fear it." -Cathe Friedrich

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