Why I'm staying...

I like to take breaks when it gets a little too thick in here or nonfitness related (don't shoot me! lol!) or a little too...other things...but the isolation of working out at home is something that I am seeking to remedy. Before I had the little ones I liked the comeraderie of the gym group exercise, and that is what I like about this forum. I find myself wanting to find more fitness related topics though, that is what interests me....I am starting to look at other forums for that reason.

But it is nice when people are familiar with what videos you are doing and can relate, or can answer questions about form specific to those videos.

I find I can get lots of answers from the people I consider experts using "search" on this forum. Still, I hope said experts don't leave....I notice a lot of them don't post here anymore. Maybe they still lurk and can answer. Or will still drop in. Perhaps it is the normal cycle of things. Before the nonfitness posts started to get more frequent, things had sort of slowed down and there weren't that many new posts. As I recall.

I come and go in several forums depending on how busy life gets, but I find that I stay more motivated with my workouts when I see others doing the same thing. I have 4 sisters and a lot of friends who struggle with their weight and sometimes their health itself (we're all in our 40's), but they kind of mock me or roll their eyes when I mention my workouts. The hard work and time spent is SOOO worth it and I just love that I can learn and compare notes with others who share my fitness goals. I wish you all lived on my street!!!!!!
I am staying because Cathe, and the ladies here on this forum give me so much motivation. I don't always agree with what's posted and if I don't I skip it. The good stuff here sooo greatly out weighs the bad. I have learned so much by coming here even if I can only find time a few times a week, it's the dose I need to keep me going. Knowing there are others like me living this fit lifestyle, being my cyber friend helps more than you know.
Take care and stay strong- Susan
I stay because Cathe offers good physical health and all of you help with my mental health...that and chocolate anyway.;-) dmd
Shelley, love love love your avatar image! lol Anyway I'm staying too. I don't want to jugde anybody that wants to leave. If anybody wants to leave that's their decision. I am staying because I've been working out with Cathe since Power Max (I was a high school senior then). I am 26 years old and I've been a member of the forums for years. I cannot begin to explain all the things I've learned here. From nutrition to weight training tips, Cathe's workouts, other instructor's workouts, yoga, pilates, even things that are not fitness related like that thread I started on migraines, beauty tips, fashion tips, books to read, sites to visit etc. I have seen people really stressed out that come to vent here and there's always somebody there to offer advice. The forums are growing in size (due to Cathe's expanding business, Fit TV, word of mouth, etc.) and it's all good, but you all have to be ready because as we grow in size the forums are more prone to trolls. I just ignore them and I read and respond to the threads I find interesting.

Take care everybody. Gotta workout! (with Cathe of course!)
I'm staying because:

1. I really just got here and I don't want to leave!
2. I love Shelley's limecat!!!!!:+ :+ :+ :+ :+
3. I love interacting with all of these people with the same addiction as me! It is nice to know that when I'm sweatin' away to some Cathe workout, there is a good chance that there are literally thousands of people all over the world doing the same thing!!
4. It gives me something to do on my computer at work when I get bored!!:p
5. It keeps me motivated!

Have a nice afternoon! I have to get back to work now!!!:p
I'm staying because I was never leaving! I love this place, love Cathe, love the workouts, love all of you!! :) :)

Hi there.... I have to "ditto" many of the other comments. I too like A-jock will complain but in reality am over it in an hour ;) There are so many reasons why I will stay and why I love this board so much:

1. I remember when I didn't know the difference between strength and endurance training and all of you patiently helped me learn my way thru not only that but the definition of clean eating, proper balance of cardio and weights and all the other 1000's tips you have given me over the year.

2. Who else can I talk to at 5:00 am in the morning as I am waking up trying to prepare myself for my morning workout as I put on my shoes in the office. I can always count on some of you to be online that early.

3. At 4:30 or 5:00 am workouts I think of each and every one of you in your living rooms doing the same thing and cheering me on! I think...they're gettin' outta bed...I am too!

4. You have taught me that being "fit" is not about the perfect size 5 or the skinny waist. It is about making it thru Bootcamp, Imax 1, Imax2 and Imax3 without modifications (which I probably will never do ;) ), making it thru gym style and feeling the "shake" and lovin it! It is about how you feel and knowing that you did your best! I'll get in those size 5's some day but that is not half as good as it felt getting there... knowing I did it with hard work and all of you supporting me!

5. Your friendship - you are always there for me and eachother! Even when I had my two babies and would only pop in once in a while. I always got a warm welcome and 1/2 of you usually remember my kids names, my old screen name and other details. I can't tell you how much that means to me! Even my hubby knows half of you! I value our friendship and know we are just going thru a tough time! We will make it!!!!!!

6. Your motivation - you inspire me to try harder each and every workout. Every time I come here I am so inspired by so many of you. Those just starting out, those who have been doing it for years. Whatever it is I know I can do better and many of you could kick my butt anyday!

7. I LOVE Cathe! There is no better instructor out there on the planet! If it wasn't for her I would never know all of you!

So long story short... I am not going anywhere! You are stuck with me! Sorry! I love you guys to pieces and wouldn't give you up for any flame war. We'll get thru this! We just need to stick together and try and keep the board positive and focused on fitness and fun!
I have to give some thought to your question, but in the meantime just want to mention that I love your 5 reasons for staying. They are insightful, wise, heartfelt and beautifully stated.
I'm staying because I'm a Cathe addict and I feel like you guys are my support group. Maybe we're a cult!!:)
I'm staying because there is always an answer to my questions or a different perspective that maybe I haven't considered.
I'm staying here because this is a community where I belong.

"Don't forget to breathe!"
RE: Hey Trish!

I'm still a newbie to Cathe and this forum, so I'm not going anywhere! I have been a "member" of several online communities, and the one thing that holds true with every single one of them is that people don't all get along all the time, every day. We have differing opinions and thoughts on certain subjects. The problem is that some people can't accept that another poster disagrees with their opinion, and trouble ensues. I high-tail it right out of those threads. I do NOT want to come here to read things that make me feel sad or angry; I come here for the support and help (and I've gotten so much!) from others that enjoy working out with Cathe as much as I do. I also don't say anything in the "controversial" threads because I have seen people get banned from other sites because they got so emotional over a topic and posted something totally nasty.

It's just the internet guys. It's not real life. Nobody hates you personally if they don't like something you type.

So I'm staying!

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