Why are unemployed people getting $250 of my money??


This is just ridiculous :mad:

My Mother, who hasn't worked a day in 50 years because, well, she didn't want to, lives off my Dad's pension, pays NO taxes, lives in assisted living which I help pay for, just got $250!

My brother, who hasn't worked a day in 20 years, gets Social Security disability for what amounts to a sore knee (which doesn't stop him from walking to the donut shop every day), pays NO taxes, just got $250 too!

Why in the world are people that DON'T PAY A CENT IN TAXES getting money from us taxpayers??

I'm so angry I could spit.
I totally agree :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Every time this happens I get really :mad:too. I have started taking a news fast. It really interfere with my happiness.
Boy, I wish I could have ignored this from the news, but I have to handle my Mother and brother's accounts because "they don't know how" (translation: too lazy) so I saw the deposits :mad:

I don't mean to sound like a b*tch, they are my family, but nobody knows more than me how both of them have avoided work than me, my brother and sister who have to bail them out all the time.

((((sound of low angry rumbling from deep in my throat.....))))
One of the senior partners here got the check and got really angry. "Why is the government giving money to rich people???" he said. He's either going to send it back or donate it to the less fortunate. This whole dumb thing is something Bush would do.
My DMIL got the check and then a letter saying that she needed to send it back or it would be added to what she owed in taxes for this year (or something ridiculous like that.) Apparently, lots of people got this letter. So, they spent tons of $$ to send the checks and then more tons of $$ to send the letters. What sense does that make??:confused: We did not get the check or the letter. Wonder if my brother will...work is not his thing either...
I understand why some of you are angry about this $250 and from what the posts said some people do not deserve it. But to my mother who worked till she was 70 and receive about $800 a month in SSI income welcomes the $250. I am still in school, so I can't help too much with her expense. This little extra will help pay for some much needed repairs.
I understand why some of you are angry about this $250 and from what the posts said some people do not deserve it. But to my mother who worked till she was 70 and receive about $800 a month in SSI income welcomes the $250. I am still in school, so I can't help too much with her expense. This little extra will help pay for some much needed repairs.

ITA. My parents worked hard their whole lives and paid taxes. My dad is 86 and is suffering from demetia. My mom is taking care of him. They didn't receive anything from the previous stimulus packages. They live on social security and interest from an IRA. Our property taxes went up $500 this year. This will really help them out.
It's probably not $ 250 of YOUR money, it's probably a fraction of a cent that comes out of your money. Just sayin' :p;)

I don't have a problem with people who have worked all of their life and now get a social security check to get a little extra. Of course there will always be some people who are on social security who shouldn't be but that's a minority. I don't think it is justified to spoil it for the rest of hardworking people. And even though if some women have not worked outside the house and haven't paid taxes, in my mind they DID have a job staying at home and raising kids with the lousiest salary of all, enabling their husbands to go to work and pay taxes ;)

I have less of a problem with that money being paid than with Bush's tax cuts because it left out people like lioness's parents.
And even though if some women have not worked outside the house and haven't paid taxes, in my mind they DID have a job staying at home and raising kids with the lousiest salary of all, enabling their husbands to go to work and pay taxes ;)

Thank you for that!! :D
......And even though if some women have not worked outside the house and haven't paid taxes, in my mind they DID have a job staying at home and raising kids with the lousiest salary of all, enabling their husbands to go to work and pay taxes ;)

Thank you for that!! :D

Unfortunately, this does not describe my mother in the least.

My Dad killed himself working and keeping her comfortable (literally, he died of a heart attack at work...at the crappy job he held after retirement) while she never worked past age 40.

Obviously, what I'm about to say is outside the initial intent of this discussion, but I never came home to warm cookies or hot chocolate on a cold day, I have no memory whatsoever of my mother playing with me --ever---, all of us kids did the laundry and washed the dishes, because she (and I quote) was not the maid. However, I do remember lots of pouting and acting like the queen of Sheba and heavy sighing and yelling at me and my brothers and sisters for nothing and treating my father like dirt.

The one thing I remember most is not ever seeing my mother and father hug, unless you count the day my brother died. After that, pfffftt.

So yeah, maybe I have a bit of an edge now that she is getting an extra $250 for not doing a damn thing other than breathing in and out while my father died wishing he could just come home to a clean and peaceful household and maybe have a smiling wife who had taken a hour out of her busy day watching soap operas to cook him a meatloaf.

And I just got home from taking her out to dinner for Mother's Day and spending $50 on flowers and buying her a present, and she complained the whole time. Nice.

Obviously, Mother's Day weekend is not the weekend to find out she has been rewarded yet again for doing nothing.

And by the way, my Dad stayed with her for us kids. He was in the Air Force, and back in the 60's, no matter how horrible the wife was, she would get custody of the kids. He stayed for us.

Sorry for the vent. Bad day.
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Govtgirl, I am so sorry for what you went thru....

My childhood was less than stellar too. What I hope to gain from it is that certain things I went thru made me a more responsible young adult and hopefully now a better mother.

govt i can totally see your point. i was about to respond until i read your last post. i am so sorry. i went through difficult times as a child myself. my mother was a very detached person who worked constantly b/c she couldn't get help at all now ppl these days practically get paid to pump out kids they don't raise. i didn't have a mother,she was one who was overworked,underpaid, and just couldn't do it all really so became detached and unfeeling.my real dad is a jackass but that is another maury show.

its out of control b/c my (step)dad worked over 55 years of his life paid into social security and now is ill with cancer. he gets his disability and he really doesn't care if he gets his $250 or not(my mom and bro still work though so its not like they NEED the money direly) but my in laws put themselves in their predicament by not holding jobs and drinking and they get help. i don't want a handout but i would love my dh's $400 in taxes they took out of his bi weekly check back in our hands. why should his mom get foodstamps(and an increase at that) and money while he works two jobs and i myself work a crappy job to make ends meet(and its only b/c it allows me to be home when my daughter is home). and still doesn't learn that their lazyness got them there,they continue to point fingers.

these programs were to help ppl and it doesn't seem to help it seems a way to live off the system and they get rewarded. i get $13 in my paycheck from obama and all that did was throw us in a different tax bracket so they can take that extra $150 in taxes every two weeks. thats less money i get for doing the right thing. it feels like a kick in the teeth honestly.

but for those that did work hard and paid into it why shouldn't they get it. they worked and now they can't, like my (step)dad whom is also a vet. i just try to see two side of the coin.

i hope your weekend at least goes better though. lots and lots of hugs!!! the next time she wants to act like that though just bring her a daisy and take her out of mcdonald's. no need to go overboard when there are others out there who would appreciate your love and thoughtfulness!

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GovtGirl, I'm so sorry your mom didn't find joy in being a mother. :( Maybe she was one of those people who was just never meant to have kids, but at that time, that was all that was expected of women.

You're a good girl for taking her out and buying her something nice for Mother's Day. :)
Unfortunately, this does not describe my mother in the least.

My Dad killed himself working and keeping her comfortable (literally, he died of a heart attack at work...at the crappy job he held after retirement) while she never worked past age 40.

Obviously, what I'm about to say is outside the initial intent of this discussion, but I never came home to warm cookies or hot chocolate on a cold day, I have no memory whatsoever of my mother playing with me --ever---, all of us kids did the laundry and washed the dishes, because she (and I quote) was not the maid. However, I do remember lots of pouting and acting like the queen of Sheba and heavy sighing and yelling at me and my brothers and sisters for nothing and treating my father like dirt.

The one thing I remember most is not ever seeing my mother and father hug, unless you count the day my brother died. After that, pfffftt.

So yeah, maybe I have a bit of an edge now that she is getting an extra $250 for not doing a damn thing other than breathing in and out while my father died wishing he could just come home to a clean and peaceful household and maybe have a smiling wife who had taken a hour out of her busy day watching soap operas to cook him a meatloaf.

And I just got home from taking her out to dinner for Mother's Day and spending $50 on flowers and buying her a present, and she complained the whole time. Nice.

Obviously, Mother's Day weekend is not the weekend to find out she has been rewarded yet again for doing nothing.

And by the way, my Dad stayed with her for us kids. He was in the Air Force, and back in the 60's, no matter how horrible the wife was, she would get custody of the kids. He stayed for us.

Sorry for the vent. Bad day.

Sorry for read about your bad childhood memory and your bad day. Hopefully, you will be in better mood soon.

I completely understand your anger in regards to your mother. $50 seems a bit much for the type of childhood you had to grow up with. Next time, send her a card and spend the $50 on new Cathe's workout. :D

Take care

I'm not a fan of Mother's Day either

Unfortunately, this does not describe my mother in the least.

My Dad killed himself working and keeping her comfortable (literally, he died of a heart attack at work...at the crappy job he held after retirement) while she never worked past age 40.

Obviously, what I'm about to say is outside the initial intent of this discussion, but I never came home to warm cookies or hot chocolate on a cold day, I have no memory whatsoever of my mother playing with me --ever---, all of us kids did the laundry and washed the dishes, because she (and I quote) was not the maid. However, I do remember lots of pouting and acting like the queen of Sheba and heavy sighing and yelling at me and my brothers and sisters for nothing and treating my father like dirt.

The one thing I remember most is not ever seeing my mother and father hug, unless you count the day my brother died. After that, pfffftt.

So yeah, maybe I have a bit of an edge now that she is getting an extra $250 for not doing a damn thing other than breathing in and out while my father died wishing he could just come home to a clean and peaceful household and maybe have a smiling wife who had taken a hour out of her busy day watching soap operas to cook him a meatloaf.

And I just got home from taking her out to dinner for Mother's Day and spending $50 on flowers and buying her a present, and she complained the whole time. Nice.

Obviously, Mother's Day weekend is not the weekend to find out she has been rewarded yet again for doing nothing.

And by the way, my Dad stayed with her for us kids. He was in the Air Force, and back in the 60's, no matter how horrible the wife was, she would get custody of the kids. He stayed for us.

Sorry for the vent. Bad day.

My mother complained if she thought we didn't spend enough money on her (on her birthday, too), so I always resented Mother's Day as a guilt-ridden Hallmark Holiday. I raised my kids to ignore it for me.
My understandment of the 13.00 extra a paycheck is NOT a tax cut(despite what they tell us), but a tax deferment. The tax tables at the end of the year are not changing. Your gross is the same regardless of getting 13.00 more in your net. For it to be a tax cut, the tax tables that figure your total yearly taxes would have to change. My fear is many don't understand this, and is they calculate their withholding to be even, will now have to pay at the end of the year and won't have it.

I was not aware people who were not working were getting a check. Guess I just know working people.

I was a SAHM for 17 years. It is a hard job, and we actually put a lot of life insurance on me because we knew if I was gone, it would cost plenty to find a person to take care of the kids. BUT, I did not pay anything into the tax system out and would not have expected anything out of the tax system.
GovtGirl, I'm so sorry your mom didn't find joy in being a mother. :( Maybe she was one of those people who was just never meant to have kids, but at that time, that was all that was expected of women.

You're a good girl for taking her out and buying her something nice for Mother's Day. :)

Thankfully, I am in a much better mood today; my husband made sure I had a glass of wine and chocolate last night, hugged me to pieces, and listened.

My mother is one of those people who loved being pregnant (lots of attention, people gave up their seat on buses, etc) much, much more than being with the children that soon resulted. That explains having 5 children in 7 years.

She had every opportunity to have a career as a cartoonist, she was a terrific artist, but nobody ever gave her "enough encouragement", and she didn't like deadlines, so it was more fun for her to complain about what might have been.

Here's the kicker: she hated that I drew as a kid, I mean, she would throw hissy fits like "well I suppose you think you're the artist in the house now" and I would win school awards and I would tell my Dad but hide them from her. I became an artist anyway, I make a very good living at it and love my job, and now she pretends she's proud :confused:

I am nice to her out of respect for the memory of my Daddy, who was a saint and just a wonderful, wonderful man. I posted a while ago about my mother most likely having cancer, and she might not have long. I was genuinely upset, after all she is my mother, and I appreciate so much all the lovely words you ladies on the forum had at that time.

So, it turned out that my mother didn't have cancer, surgery was a relative breeze, so she dodged a major cancer bullet. However it's been a a month since surgery, and every time I see or call her she is still complaining that she's in pain (doc has checked on her, she's fine) and never goes a moment without complaining about the food at assisted living, or the aides who don't show her enough respect.

Wow, look at me, spilling my guts all over the place :eek: I hate mother's day and the pretending that goes on, but I go through the charade and figure I'll be nicer to her than she ever was to me.
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Don't worry about venting. I think it's great that we support each other here, and not just in our fitness goals. You gotta have buds, you know? People you can talk to. :)

I can't imagine growing up with a mom who didn't celebrate my accomplishments (In fact, I think my mom enjoys them even more than I do.). It just shouldn't be that way. Here's another ((hug)) to go along with that wine and chocolate.

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