Why are unemployed people getting $250 of my money??

I am really sorry you have such a strained relationship with your Mom, govtgirl!! I can relate, my Mom and I have a difficult relationship. Unfortunately, some people don't have the parent gene and like your Mom mine constantly complains and I can't do anything right.

I admire you for still being such a great daughter, you are a much bigger person than I am!!! I couldn't take it anymore and ended all interactions with my parents the beginning of this year. I don't need that constant guilt trip, negativity, jealousy and nagging, no matter what I do it is never good enough anyway.

Good thing you have such a great husband!! And I am glad you followed your passion of drawing and make a living of that. You have accomplished a lot, don't let your Mom bring you down or doubt yourself!

Sending you much love and many hugs!!!
With all due respect, Govtgirl, you should really try therapy. You harbor a lot of resentment toward your mom. Living with that is in no way healthy. You cannot change the past or other people, but you can change how it affects you and how you respond to life.

I didn't post this to be mean or to give you an internet smackdown. You seem to be hurting, more than I think you realize. I hate seeing someone allow other things to affect them in this manner. Good luck to you.
Jane (lioness)

Your parent's can get part of the prior stimulus by filing a tax return for 2008. People on ss got $300 instead of the $600.

There is a tax reduction of $400 ($800 per couple) that is enacted for the next two years. If your wh changed more than that you may owe at the end of the year. Both my brother and sil wh changed so they will have $800 each less wh next year. Since there is only one $800 reduction they would have owed next year. They did change their wh back.

Sorry to hi jack post.

With all due respect, Govtgirl, you should really try therapy. You harbor a lot of resentment toward your mom. Living with that is in no way healthy. You cannot change the past or other people, but you can change how it affects you and how you respond to life.

I didn't post this to be mean or to give you an internet smackdown. You seem to be hurting, more than I think you realize. I hate seeing someone allow other things to affect them in this manner. Good luck to you.

I know you meant this with good intentions. I have been to therapy, and live a full happy life with a wonderful husband, and am employed as a full-time artist, despite my mother's valiant and twisted attempts to turn me into a hairdresser.

My mother can't hurt me anymore, because I know what she is, she doesn't give a whit about anyone other than herself. But, I still have to see her, make conversation with her, visit her every couple weeks when I would literally rather hang by my thumbs, :p all the while listening to her constant complaints. It's annoying and frustrating and aggravating because I think of all the things I would rather be doing than being with her, but it most certainly isn't hurtful.

"Harboring resentment" that consumes a person's life and makes them unhappy or unable to function is very different from occasionallly venting. My post was just a vent, upon seeing that her life of sloth and selfishness has rewarded her with $250.
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I'm sure you meant this with good intentions. I have been to therapy, thank you, and live a full happy life with a wonderful husband, and am employed as a full-time artist, despite my mother's attempts to make me into a hairdresser. "Harboring resentment" that consumes a person's life and makes them unhappy or unable to functuon is different from occasionallly venting.

My post was a vent.


ITA: we can't just stuff down our feelings b/c that is what makes us harbor more resentment we have to let them out as to not consume us further!!! i am in therapy currently as well. as my therapist says, we are entitled to feel what we feel and we are entitled to say what we feel then we move on. i hope your venting here helped you out. sometimes we can't express them to the person we are angry at b/c they don't care so whats the point but as long as you get it out its okay.

I have been to therapy, and live a full happy life with a wonderful husband, and am employed as a full-time artist, despite my mother's valiant and twisted attempts to turn me into a hairdresser.

It's your life. You do not have to get defensive with me. I'm just telling you what I see. I won't lie to you or tell you what you want to hear just to make you feel better.
Bonvivant, you don't know me at all. You saw a few isolated posts in a thread, so I think your "diagnosis" of me is a bit premature, and your attitude somewhat superior to boot, i.e: "You won't lie to me to make me feel better"

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you didn't mean to come off that way, because of course, I don't know you at all either.
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