Who's Who book


How I adore my Who's Who books from the past. (For anyone not familiar. it was a book of all the RT attendees and info they wanted to share, e-mail address, forum name, photo, with a place for notes, etc., and it was given to each attendee as a keepsake) I still look at my 2008 and 2009 editions and can put a face with a name, or forum name, and remember all the folks that attended that year. It is so cool to see who was there, you didn't know them then, but you know them now, 5 years later.

Now, I totally appreciate that this was a pain in the patoot to put together, but would love to have this available again. I would be happy to pull the book together, online, or hard copy if a request for the info could be generated, as I imagine the contact info is confidential. I'm certain I could recruit a few RT attendee friends to help as well. ;)

So, SNM or forum members, thoughts? ideas? You're nuts, MGD? Yes? No?
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I think it's a great idea! How does all the gathering of information work? Do we determine a set of questions for everyone to answer then have them send their answers to one central email/person who can compile everything together? It might be easier to burn everything onto a disk instead of printing it out and maybe more cost effective?
I loved the Who's Who books and still have all 3 of mine from past RTs. Would love to see this revived. But I am sure it entails a lot of work. Let me know if there is something I can do ;)
FitPerk....They used to send a list of questions...Name, email, favorite DVDs, how you found Cathe, bit about you, home town, upload a photo. We could include anything. It was sent to the RT Poohbahs. So, in an attempt to keep this off their plate, I have offered my services. And yours too, Stace, Cat, Pug. :p
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Great idea! Thanks for the offer to help and I hope they take you up on it. I would be happy to help too!

I would be up for it! Last year was my first RT and it would have been fun to bring it to the RT. Would we be able to get it together before the trip or is it something for after --- after would be fun because we could have pics from the RT too. Any thoughts??
Well you saw in my FB pic my reference to mine and how I loved it, so I would totally be up for reactivating it, and I'll help with whatever I can! Love it. Oh - and for the record, while I do love the idea, I also think - er, umm - KNOW you're nuts MGD! But I still love you girl. :p

I love the Who's Who Books!!! I miss them. I still look at them every now and then.
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I also love and miss the Who's Who books, still use mine, and would also be happy to help out with the project. :)
Great idea, Melissa. Add me to the list of those offering to assist. Perhaps we could create a web page with a form. That would be an easy way to collect the information.

My husband can get a webpage Melissa if that's something you want to do. I'd love to do something too so just let me know! :)
I love the idea too!! I still look at mine too. I think Cyndy posted a getting to know you thread on this forum that looks like a great template for the book. Let me know if I can help too!! Someone should ask Cathe or Chris if this project is approved. Gosh Melissa don't you have enough to do being Gal Pal's manager? LOL!!!!


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