Who's thinking of going on the Road Trip?

Oh Kathryn, please come, I would love to meet you! (that's if I'M lucky enough to be one of the 105).

Ladies, this is not a competition! ;-) At the last RT there were women in all shapes & sizes. There was absolutely no cattiness or cliques or any stupid HS stuff like that. I mean, some people grouped together I think b/c they were rooming together & stuff, but it was just a big ole' love fest.

And one of the things that was so great about it was I personally felt like I knew almost everyone right away! I consider everyone here a cyberfriend & it was so much fun to meet that many Cathe fans in one place.

To everyone feeling nervous about it: please don't. The warmth on this forum is felt 100 times (or maybe 105 times :) ) as much in person.
>So Kathryn, are you going to let us know what your decision
>is before tomorrow??? As for me I'm leaning towards not going
>for the reasons I posted above.

I'm planning on trying! I just budgeted $100 of my tax refund for the prereg deposit.

Edited: I was thinking that 12 EST was 10 here, which would mean I'd be teaching when registration began, but I guess they are only an hour ahead (or am I wrong? Time zones confuse me!), so I think I will be able to try to register at noon EST.
If you have the chance go!
I'm in the UK and even I (in a fit of madness) looked up airfares!

It's about $1000 dollars so that put paid to it pretty quickly BUT if I had the money I would be there like a shot! It sounds like so much fun!

I'm so envious!

I am really hoping to go. My DH hasn't said "no" yet. ;) I just need to figure out something for him to do, because I know he will not let me drive there myself. I've had the same worries about fitting in and not knowing anyone. I'm also worried that I will not be able to keep up with everyone. I'm usually pretty outgoing, but in this kind of a situation, I'm afraid I will clam up! Maybe we need name tags with our "screen names" on them. ;)
Kathryn, you HAVE to go! I cannot even begin to tell you how much fun the '05 RT was. You will not be disappointed! Everyone is so friendly and welcoming, and there are people from all walks of life and all fitness levels. There are no "outcasts".

And, if all goes according to plan, I will be on the RT. :D
>>So Kathryn, are you going to let us know what your decision
>>is before tomorrow??? As for me I'm leaning towards not
>>for the reasons I posted above.
>I'm planning on trying! I just budgeted $100 of my tax refund
>for the prereg deposit.
>Edited: I was thinking that 12 EST was 10 here, which would
>mean I'd be teaching when registration began, but I guess they
>are only an hour ahead (or am I wrong? Time zones confuse
>me!), so I think I will be able to try to register at noon

Kathryn, you're in Illinois too, right? (me too) They are 1 hour ahead of us - so get your internet browser all fired up for 11am!!! :D
> Maybe we need name tags with our
>"screen names" on them. ;)
That will work for me, LOL!

I say we take aliases!

Superhero names:I'll be "KATastrophe"!

Mob names (like somebody "the clown"something---no kidding, a mob boss has the nickname "the clown"!): I'll be Kathryn "the fish" XXX (because of my pale complexion).

Baby names: "Kittykat"
I'm going!!! Anybody that went to the 05 Road Trip, how hard was it to register? Does anybody remember being turned down because it was too full?:(

It will be so cool because when people meet, we'll know them by their name from these message boards!!!! Nobody will really be going alone - we almost know each other now:)
Last time we had our real names and our screen names on our name tags. In fact, that's how I ended up w/the screen name LauraMax. It used to be Maximus, my pug's name, & on the RT I was going nuts having everyone call me by my dog's name. One of the roadtrippers suggested I combine my first name & Max's name, & I ended up w/LauraMax. I thought it was cool b/c it matched Cathe's workouts too. :)

So this time around hopefully people will know me by a human name instead of a pet name. :+
I also share the same fears/nervousness about the Road Trip, but I am planning on going if I get a spot. I am also excited to meet you all!
I'm planning to go. Last RT I had the same reservations Kathryn, Heather, and others have mentioned. The ladies (and one man) on the trip were warm and welcoming. The enthusiasm of the group was amazing and contagious. If you have the opportunity, I say GO!!

As far as registering goes, I went back and forth a few times before I signed up. I didn't register until they added 10 more spots after the original allocation filled up. IIRC, there were several disappointed people who couldn't go because it filled up.
I am going to go too, at least I'm going to try to register. Anyone know from past experience about how quickly it fills up? Are we talking minutes or hours?
Tess, I'm thinking hours, or longer. The '05 Road Trip did not fill up that fast - I'm thinking it was days or even weeks before it was full (my memory is fuzzy, though). Then there was a short waiting list. I think there will be a lot of people who want to go, but won't be able to make the commitment this far in advance, so won't be able to sign up right away.
Question: Cathe is teaching 4 classes on Saturday and 4 on Sunday. Do most people go to all of the classes or do you pick which ones attend? is there a limit on how many classes you can attend? anyone know?
*runs in, shoving random people in lockers*


I think this trip would be one faboo gab fest. I think many of you will realize just how much more warm and personable some of these awesome ladies are. Sometimes it can feel so intimidating on a message board, but don't let that stop you! I have not been, but I plan to one of these years. Unfortunately, other priority obligations have cropped up. *smooches*


I'm not gaining weight. I'm retaining food.
Deana, there are 4 classes on Saturday and only 1 on Sunday. On the '05 RT, I (and most people) went to all of them. You get to go to as many (or as few) as you like. :)

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