Who's preordering Tracey's upcoming workouts?


I just took a look at her website at her pre-order info. Circuit zone and strike zone look like they'll be really good... and she's got a steady state step one planned, too. Any enablers out there?????
OMG! How do you ladies afford all these videos??? I own like 12 of Cathe's and feel poor already! haha!

Do you just splurge and suffer the consequences later?? What is your secret!?

:) :) :)
Here's the link to Tracey's website Leanne. It's www.fitbytracey.com I think her online store may be having some problems. I had to put the DVDs in the shopping cart a few times before it acknowledged that there was something there. I had the same problem when I preordered her walking dvd. So if you have a problem don't give up:)

>Psst, there is no secret! I just buy, buy, buy! LOL! :+
>But seriously, I'm really picky lately. I am ordering only 2
>Tracey's new workouts. (the core & the kickbox ones) Now,
>Kelly Coffey Meyer is making a new one with Greg Twombly. See
>this: http://www.coffeyfit.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=90
>The buying NEVER ENDS!

Oh no! Not Kelley too! I was just thinking as I ordered Tracey's that about the time I got hers last time I also ordered some Kelley workouts. I only afford this stuff by blowing large amounts of DH's salary and limiting my spending in other areas.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=purple]***Lainie***
My fitness blog: http://fitnessfig.blogspot.com/ http://bestsmileys.com/exercising/7.gif

If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your plans.[/font]
I ordered her core, med ball Hi Lo, and Circuit workouts. I love Tracey's core work and I love circuits. I am taking a chance on the hilo med ball but it sounds good.
I ordered four of them but didn't order strike zone. I really like her style and music. I am anxious already for them to start arriving :) .

>Here's the link to Tracey's website Leanne. It's
>www.fitbytracey.com I think her online store may be having
>some problems. I had to put the DVDs in the shopping cart a
>few times before it acknowledged that there was something
>there. I had the same problem when I preordered her walking
>dvd. So if you have a problem don't give up:)

Thanks so much, Jacque! I had searched her website, but didn't realize that the new workouts were tucked away.:)
Well I ordered circuit zone and strike zone, that is all that I can afford. I am not going to order Kelly's dvd and I ordered the Amy Bento dvds. I need dvd therapy. All of this stuff had better not come to the house all at once or it may get ugly.
I ordered the same two - Core and Strike Zone. I have Walking Strong on pre-order too!

I want Jill Miller's upcoming 3 DVD release at pranamaya.com and Cathe's STS gym this year, so I am going to try very hard to stop spending on everything else.
I couldn't help myself. They all sounded really good. I ordered all of them. If I don't like any, I'm sure they'll have trading potential.

Yeah, me too: steady state step, core blast, strike zone.

I really hope the quality is better than that of her last series, and she seems to have taken note of the fact that people didn't like her screechy voice on the last series so...there's hope for much improvement.

I am staying away from her weights work, I really don't like it much on the upper body, I find it sketchy and not thorough.

Could not help myself so I just ordered lol! I haven't even got through all the workouts from her last series yet!


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