Who's Feeling It?


In your new workouts I hear you say from time to time, "who's feeling it" and I just thought I would share with you that everytime you say this I raise my hand proudly!!

I might be all alone while I workout, but I am raising my hand to let you know, OH YEAH I am filling it!!

You always seem to keep me pushing myself (in the good way) during all your workouts, even if I have done them for a long time, the same commit always makes me smile!!

I'm glad to see I'm not the only that answers in some way. I usually nod my head and get a big smile on my face.

Not on the new workouts yet, but when I do weights and she asks that question I immediately answer YEs, I am feeling and it BURNS!!!!

Oh, man, oh, man, oh man! If Cathe is feeling it, we definetely are too!
I love her comments too. They make me smile when I need it most. When she asks, "who's feeling it?" I am usually only able to groan or mutter, "are you kidding me????" (Of course, I am feeling it...how many more....oh my...) These are my thoughts. Gotta love it.:)


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