Who Looks Like you?

When I was young, people thought I was Melissa Gilbert when she was on Little House on the Prarie. I had the freckles, and braids. However, I didn't have the buck teeth or the dress. Instead, I was wearing jeans and cowboy boots (I went directly from school to the ranch to take care of my pony).
Remember that show, "Blossom"?

I look a lot like that girl. The kids I used to babysit for always called that show "Jenn's show". They thought it was me!

I've been told by a few family members and people on the street that I resemble Janet Jackson. Ofcourse if they took a close look at the body they would be able to tell I haven't had surgery on my breasts so I could'nt be Janet. Although that family seems to have many issues, she's still cute so I definitely take that as a compliment.
Quote by Buffetgirl:
>In my younger days, I was compared to Kate Jackson. You may
>not remember her. She was the smart Charlies Angel.
I got the Kate Jackson comparison also. I hated it because I wanted to look like Farrah! LOL! I still look alot like Kate.
I've only been told I look like someone once. It was Minnie Driver. Of course, I don't see it either. I think it's just the round face and curly hair. I'd much rather be mistaken for Salma Hayek or Catherine Zeta. (yeah, right!):+
Lets see, I've been told that I look like Jodi Foster, when I was in High School. When I was in Junior High I was told by a lot of people that I looked like Kirk Camerons sister. Her name escapes me right now. Now a days I have just been told that I look like someone from tv, but they can't place who.
People always tell me I look like some actress! Even strangers at the store. When I was in my twenties and had long, dark, curly hair I was told I looked like Julia Roberts or Madonna (when she was sporting darker hair). In my early thirties I was told I looked like Lara Flynn Boyle. Now that my hair is bobbed and it's a little more on the reddish side everyone tells me I could be Molly Ringwalds twin sister. None of these ladies look like each other and I never saw any of the comparisions. Well, maybe a little of Molly because we both have strong jawlines and full lips.

My dh said that I looked like the girl on the movie Tornado. Can't remember her name but she was the one married to the storm chaser. And I hate to say this but some say that I have Carol Burnettes features. She is not in the least pretty to me. I glad I don't look solely like her! The girl in the tornado movie is alot prettier.

Also some have said that I look like Sheryl Crow. I must change my looks like I change underwear!:p

I think I get the prize on this! I am 56; in my younger days I was an overweight hippie. So people CONSTANTLY told me I looked like Mama Cass! She was the fat girl in the Mamas and Papas, a great singing group from the 1960s. That girl could sing! I sing a bit, but I can't hold a candle to her. Anyway, I used to hate that people said I looked like her because she was SOOOOO overweight! But then, so was I.

Many years have passed since then, and many pounds were shed (went from all-time high of 305 to my current 115).

So, a few years ago, at a restaurant, a man came up from behind me and started to talk to me. When I turned around, he apologized and said he thought I was his wife. I said no problem, and he said (I'll never forget it) "Oh, it's a compliment! My wife is very beautiful." So, to go from Mama Cass to that comparison to a man's beautiful and beloved wife really made my day.

Fun thread!
Sadly it's no one famous (or infamous for that matter;-) ) but I do get a lot of 'hey, didn't you go to school with my sister, I'm sure we've met', I guess I've just got one of those vaguely familiar faces.....

Take Care
I also have a familiar face. People always think they went to high school with me or they know me from work or from some other place. Many times they are adamant that they know me. This has happened to me at home as well as in numerous states (road trips, vacations), and even in other countries. I figure my twin must really get around. :)
Kind of off the topic because I don't look like anyone famous but my niece looks exactly like me. From the time she was born there has just been something about her face that has just resonated with me and for the longest time I couldn't figure out where I had seen it before. Then my mom brought over some pictures of me when I was a little kid. I then remembered where I had seen my niece's face before...in the mirror when I was little. It's kind of freaky.

Nobody famous.

The closet I've come to "you look like" is when Cathe and Cedie said that I resemble Jai. I wish they meant her body, but that wasn't it.

My FIL thinks I look just like the pro golfer Annika Sorens...something??...and a hairdresser I work with always thought I resembled Tonya Harding....(OMG NO!!)...:) :+ ...Carole
The older I get, the more I resemble my oldest brother--we both have dark brown curly hair and a mustache--:eek:

>The older I get, the more I resemble my oldest brother--we
>both have dark brown curly hair and a mustache--:eek:

LMAO, Michele! That was very funny but I'm SURE your mustache is much thinner than your brother's! :eek: :p ;) :)
Hi everybody. :) A lot of people say that I look like "that chick from the Matrix" Carrie Anne Moss. I kinda look like her (same body type, same chin, same hair color, except I have brown eyes), but she's older than me. I bet I looked like her when she was 27. :+

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