Who doesn't want to get old???

Good point.You know what? There are to many people around here like you explained.There isn't anyone around here who is that age and still active.Prehaps I will be the first!:)
I am talking about the "not to do" list like you mentioned
I just turned 40 this year, and I can tell you I have some serious fear. I too look around and don't want to have ride a scooter when I go to Disneyland.

Skin does lose its elasticity and there really isn't a whole lot you can do about that. I am starting to get a bit of the neck thing, and I do SUDDENLY have squint lines around my eyes. I think some of the fear is fear of death really, because all of these little changes just show you the inevitability of growing older and dying, which is really the scary part.

Some people don't take care of themselves, and this is the biggest problem. If you eat healthy, stay active, and keep your mind active, you will be far ahead of the game.

I too think that appearance does matter less. I mostly just really don't want to lose vitality, and I think sometimes we judge a persons vitality by the way they appear.
I had a facelift and eyelid surgery and a bit of fat transfer to those nasolabial folds and my disappearing flatliner lips--2 and 1/2 weeks ago. I am just beginning to see the results, and I am very pleased. No more turkey wattle; much bigger eyes and fuller lips. I wanted to look as young as I feel and to have a face that matched my body. I don't look artificial--I just look like a younger version of myself--especially around my chin and neck, which I used to see as one of my favorite body parts. I am 59 and the sagging facial skin and muscle really started bothering me about 5-6 years ago. I don't have a lot of wrinkles because I have used sunblock religiously for years. I am not afraid of aging. I love where I am personally and professionally, and I'm just happy that I had the time and money to do this for myself. My DH is totally supportive. I think I may do the botox for my frown lines, too.
I support you Laura, and Cher has had multiple surgeries, Jane a face-lift, and only Madonna, who is still just 47, is the only one of these three who has not done anything cosmetic--at least to my knowledge. As a freebie from my facelift, etc., my doctor gave me several skin care products and a session of microdermabrasion with their aesthetician for later. He is an excellent surgeon, and I continue to see him periodically for two years to follow my progress on the success of his work. It's part of the whole process. So save your money if this is what you want.
I am not offended by what you said, Lori. This is the way I look at it...

I am not trying to sound like a snot either, but I am blessed with a young looking body for my age, but I do work hard to keep it looking that way too. When I smile, I got crows feet, but who cares? I think it tells someone that I have been around alittle while and not to try to take advantage of me as I think some people tend to take advantage of the younger women. I like being 38. I am stronger then ever before and wiser. I think it is important to get enough sleep, not to stress and just enjoy life and keep working out. I am going thru a tough time right now, but I am still staying on the wagon to do what is best for me.

having kids doesn't ruin your body

I also have to say having babies does NOT ruin your body. I look better now than before I had kids, and I am 43. I had my kids late, too (like Cathe!) at age 32 and 35. I think some women don't understand that it's not pregnancy that caused them to end up fatter than they'd like, it's the fact that after the baby they reduced their activity level drastically. Most stop working out completely and are home a lot more. It's what you make of it. But kids did not ruin my body at all! In fact, having a daughter really inspired me to be an example for her and live even more healthy.

Some people just seem to give up on their bodies as they get older. I think it's becoming the norm in our country - look at the rising obesity rates. I mean, when you're 30 lbs overweight, it probably seems like it's not worth it to spend time on a cute haircut and of course, it's much more difficult to dress an obese body (not impossible though). I just don't see life like they do...I would hate myself. But maybe they are perfectly happy and I'm the nut, waking up at 4:00 every morning and working out 7 days a week. I try not to judge, just to decide for myself what I truly want.

I also have to sneak this in...it says volumes for me...I am a nursing student (2nd career) and you know what the #1 reason is that people go into a nursing home? They don't have the thigh strength any more to get on & off the toilet. That's usually the clincher.
Well, I am an old lady of 50, and I guess I am viewed as such if I am that age. My profile photo as well as all the photos in my picture trail album were taken right after my birthday, and they are not touched up in any way. I have hair almost down to my waist, and I am in better shape than many women 25. I think that age is a state of mind.

I am listed on a site called onemodelplace.com, and I have gotten a few paid modeling gigs at my ripe old age.

Are you using Retin A? I burnt myself black in the sun until I was 39, and, at that age, I began to use Retin A, and I stayed out of the sun totally. I don't think you will need surgery in 10 years if you look the way you do now at 37. The Retin A dries my skin out, so I do buy an expensive moisturizer for the winter; I use Chanel Source Extreme. There is also another prescription drug called Tri Luma which takes away sun damage, melasma and dark spots. I even put the Retin A around my eyes.
>I had a facelift and eyelid surgery and a bit of fat transfer
>to those nasolabial folds and my disappearing flatliner
>lips--2 and 1/2 weeks ago. I am just beginning to see the
>results, and I am very pleased. No more turkey wattle; much
>bigger eyes and fuller lips. I wanted to look as young as I
>feel and to have a face that matched my body. I don't look
>artificial--I just look like a younger version of
>myself--especially around my chin and neck, which I used to
>see as one of my favorite body parts. I am 59 and the sagging
>facial skin and muscle really started bothering me about 5-6
>years ago. I don't have a lot of wrinkles because I have used
>sunblock religiously for years. I am not afraid of aging. I
>love where I am personally and professionally, and I'm just
>happy that I had the time and money to do this for myself. My
>DH is totally supportive. I think I may do the botox for my
>frown lines, too.

Congratulations on your surgery, and I don't think that there is anything wrong with doing it. If it makes you happy, then you did the right thing. Since you are posting here, then I assume that you also exercise and try to maintain a healthy lifestyle. All the more power to you!
RE: having kids doesn't ruin your body

I agree that having babies doesn't have to ruin your body. I have been exercising since my daughter was born, and that is 21 years now. I raced competitively after both kids were born, and I even ran a couple of marathons.

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