Who does the CLEANING at your house?


So lately I have been the nagging wife towards my husband - - it seems like it takes my whole hearted effort to get my husband to help me with anything and if I ASK for help, he thinks I am nagging him. What gives???

I definitely do most all of the inside household chores, yet if I ASK my hubby to do anything, he is very quick at pointing out the fact that I rarely scooop the dog poop in the backyard. WHAT GIVES??

Any tips or tricks out there to get the hubbies to help out a bit more and not think that your nagging at them if you ask for something???

I blame computer games. My husband is an addict and won't admit it.
I do all the cleaning inside. Well, most. He does help a bit (empty the dishwasher, throw a load of wash in). He does it all outside. I just let it ride, not worth the fight and he does a pretty half-a** job if he actually does try to clean something.
I don't really like the way anyone else cleans, so I mostly do it myself. He will do stuff like vacuum, but I try to keep him away from the laundry:p

He mows and clips hedges and trims edges outside, and we just put in a pond and that will be totally his responsibility since I have no clue about what needs to be done with it.

He's also a chef so he cooks a fair chunk of the time. I think it all balances out pretty well.

Please don't tell me he plays World of Warcraft or something similar.
My DH and I share the load just about equally. He actually may do a little more than me. I have an aversion to strong smelling cleaners (migraines) so he will usually do the showers. I do kitchen and bathroom floors while he does vacuuming, hardwood floors and showers. We usually take turns loading the dishwasher and I do laundry on the weekend.

We used to BOTH be big online gamers (WoW) so when we were playing, nothing would get done. We had to cut it out though because we both had professional goals and the gaming was detracting from that. I have to say that a lot of the people I talked to in the game had marital difficulties due to spending too much time online. It really can become an addiction and can be very stressful to a relationship, so maybe it's time for a heart to heart with him.
I do all of the indoor cleaning b/c I am home with my son right now but when I worked f/t DH helped me. He did dishes and vacuumed on a pretty consistent basis. He would also dust and throw a load of laundry in for me if I asked him to. He would do anything I asked truly (and still will!) but there are some things that ya just can't trust a man to do!:p :7 He does the yard work but that isn't saying much. Our yard is small and he does a rather sloppy job of it most of the time. x(
Tess - my SO used to play Evercrack, I mean Everquest, and it caused HUGE problems in our relationship. Good for you guys for deciding that there are more important things:)
I do ALL the cleaning and, like other posters, my DH wouldn't really clean the way I wanted if he tried to do it. I pretty much don't trust anyone else to clean like me, so I prefer to just do it myself.
I pretty much do all the cleaning, but my hubby does all the manual labor stuff & is in the process now of repainting our bathroom. He works full time and goes to school at night during the academic year, so it is hard for him to do a lot. Though he helps tremendously when he is around and on the weekends. I'm a SAHM now so I do most of that stuff. I'm like Shell in that I keep him away from the laundry if I still want to wear the stuff ;P

It's not denial. I'm just selective about the reality I accept.
-Calvin & Hobbes
I guess I'm the lucky one because my DH does the laundry every week without fail (but not any of my delicate stuff). He picks up the poop in the backyard every day, mows the lawn 2-3 times a week, does the edging in the back and front yard. I do the dusting and vacuuming and wash the kitchen floor. He also vacuums as well. He does a lot of the cooking in the summer (BBQ). He'll also make breakfast on the weekends. The other day he painted the front porch. My DS empties the dishwasher, empties the wastebaskets and keeps his room clean. We used to have a rule for the kids - you don't make the bed, you don't go out. Guess what, the beds were made.

I really enjoy cleaning my house (caveat: I do not cook or sew or do lawn work). Since I do not work full time, I have more time than my husband. Since he is at work all day, I feel it only fair for me to carry the bulk of the inside cleaning.

But he does all his own cooking since I am eating clean and he does not like the types of food I eat for the most part.

He does his own cooking and laundry and is always there to lend a hand if I ask.

I enjoy housecleaning because it is a great way to burn extra calories in conjunction with my workouts.

When I worked full time, I tried a couple of housecleaning services and they were terrible and a total waste of money.

Anyway, as I said, house cleaning burns extra calories and keeps me active.

So I make a daily cleaning/chore list and actually look forward to house cleaning days.
dh is helping more but i really do most of the major cleaning and srubbing but he will help with dishes,put away his own laundry, and if i beg he will vacumm. he also mostly helps viola get ready for bed if he is home intime from work. my dh is a chef but he is working on computer games for extra spending money. its taking forever to get it up and running though and it does take up alot of his time, which is causing some fights but we are trying to work on compromising.



"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"

I do almost all of the cleaning of a scrubbing nature, but DH is really bothered by clutter, so he does a lot of the de-cluttering. He doesn't seem to notice if the sinks or toilets or countertops are dirty--he just doesn't like stuff left lying around. I'm a big reader and I tend to leave various books or papers lying around here and there--drives him nuts. (He also hates it if I write in a book or fold a page corner down, so I use bookmarks more now.) So I guess we both clean according to what we care about. In the yard he takes care of the lawn and I tend a veggie garden in back and a flower garden in front, so we've sort of divided that up according to what matters to us as well.


>not me....and I live alone.
>who has time to clean? :)


But if I did live with someone, unless they like to clean, I'd hire someone to come in once a week. Between two incomes, we could certainly afford it, and it would make for less tension, IMO.

To the original poster: do you work outside of the home? If not, maybe DH feels like he does enough work at 'work' and your part of the bargain is to do more work in the home? Just a thought.
I do all the cleaning,like an earlier poster said,my DH does a halfa$$ job so I don't ask him! He takes the garbage out and does some of the yard work! besides I really don't mind cleaning,it kinda like a stress reliever to me! although I dont like laundry}( but who does?
My husband is a complete neat freak and cleans all the time. I hired a cleaning lady to do my part of the work. The two of them are very happy together.

I work more days than DH, so he does it all: cleaning, cooking, etc. We both do our own laundry. I do clean up the exercise room and the bedroom, since I'm the one who usually messes them up more!!

Now, he probably doesn't clean as well as I would if I had the time, but, really, I don't care. If we have friends over or something, I'll get in there and put some more elbow grease on areas he doesn't notice. But not having to routinely do it myself is good enough for me!

I like to cook, and will sometime, but he LOVES it and has really gotten into it the last couple of years, so, I'm glad to be able to do my workouts while he cooks an amazing dinner.

And, yeah, I know how very lucky I am. He is a great husband and a wonderful man.
I do the cleaning and cooking, the kids do their share, especially with kitchen work. My DH does the laundry :) and he does pretty much everything else...DIY home improvements, and ALLLLL the questions we run into with the computers...which is A LOT since we all use them a lot and he's pretty much a computer geek. (IS dpt, etc)

We have pretty much gotten into a comfortable mode with chores. I occassionally (OK, more than occassionally) reward myself with shopping justifying it by telling myself we don't have a housekeeper, therefore...}(
My DH is in charge of the kitchen: planning the meals, most of the shoppping, cooking, cleaning up after. I do all of the dusting, sweeping, tidying away stuff although we share the bathroom cleaning. I also take care of the garden and I do nearly all the financial stuff. DH has never cleaned a window in all the time we've been together as that's something I don't mind.

We both do the things we don't mind or don't actively dislike. He does things in a different way to me but I reckon that it's not worth worrying about. If he's going to make the effort to do something, then I'm happy.

I'm really lucky - we have no problems with the way we sort out chores and I really feel like we share it out equally.

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