Who does the CLEANING at your house?

>I do almost all of the cleaning of a scrubbing nature, but DH
>is really bothered by clutter, so he does a lot of the
>de-cluttering. He doesn't seem to notice if the sinks or
>toilets or countertops are dirty--he just doesn't like stuff
>left lying around. >

Lainie! That's EXACTLY how my DH is! And he has a real knack for it, too. Does your DH love buying storage units, too? DH's favorite store is IKEA which has tons of lower-priced things and he was in heaven over the weekend when he had the opportunity to shop uninterrupted ALL BY HIMSELF! LOL

My DH and I both work full-time and have no kids at home. Our housekeeper does most of the cleaning and the laundry. I bring home take-out salads and clear the table after dinner and DH loads the dishwasher and cleans the counters. We empty the dishwasher together. We change the bed sheets together (it's a 2-person job!). I generally take out the regular trash, and he does the recycling. I pick up the mail and the packages from the package room and he receives deliveries. It's usually up to me to clear clutter and organize papers, as it bothers me a lot more. ;-)

We established our little routine right from the day we moved in together, with some tweaking over the years. I think it's a lot harder to change midway, but it certainly can be done.
DF and I don't officially live together but he spends most of his time here. I usually do the bulk of the cleaning but he will throw in laundry, clean dishes, unload the dishwasher, etc. Also, he does ALL the lawn maintenance, planting, weeding, big projects, etc. He works his behind off doing yard work. I hate doing that stuff and will gladly do the cleaning in exchange for him doing all the outside stuff. That said, I am not working over the summer and am doing the cleaning but when I am working, I have someone come about every three weeks to clean. I love it!!!

Now, I spent the holiday at DF's this week and ended up spending about 4 hours cleaning his place. Ugh!!! He's never really there, so it was really in need. He usually hires someone about once a month, but I wanted to surprise him and do it. It was quite a bit of work!

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