Once it got down to the final three, and they all sang together, I hoped they'd make them a trio. Their voices blended perfectly!
As for Clay vs. Ruben: I've been back and forth the whole time! Sometimes Clay's overly articulated "I's" and his word-ending "r"s bug me, but he's shown so much improvement throughout the show.
Ruben is very consistent, but that can get a bit boring, too. I've also noticed that his voice seems a bit "crackier" in the last few weeks.
Clay has really listened to the judges and changed not only his looks, but his facial ticks. I loved his deeper notes on "bridge over troubled waters" (though that "r"on the end of "over" was sometimes hit a bit too much.)
Can they both win? It seems to me that whoever wins, they'll both have some sort of career.
I'm just afraid Ruben will have a heart attack on stage. He gets really sweaty when he sings, and I think he's feeling the physical stress of his size. NOtice that he's no longer smilling and happy after he sings? Right afterwards, he looks nervous, which he never used to.