Who do you think will win...Clay or Rubeen?


Oh my, I am going to feel so bad for one of these guys.They are both awesome! I am not the only person here who watches this, am I? Which would be ironic b/c I am canadian so I can't even vote.
Regardless they are both going to get some sort of record deal.I LOVE Rubeen but I think Clay did outstanding last night.
What do you ladies think?
They both have tremendous talent. I think that Ruben deserves to win. I say this because Clay last week forgot some of the words to the song he was singing. Ruben has been very consistent throughout the whole competition. Clay, on the other hand, has been back and forth. In any case they will both probably get a record deal. Ruben's voice reminds me of Luther Vandross, whereas Clay's reminds me of something you would hear in a Broadway show. I would not buy a CD by Clay. I guess I'm sounding like Simon now.

I edited to say, in any case they have more vocal talent in their little pinky than I have in my whole body.
I think Clay did the best last night. Not sure how the votes will go thought. The judges have really made it clear that they want Rueben to win. I think Simon will be disappointed if Clay wins, which is really too bad because he has a lot of talent.
I voted for Ruben based on his consistence during the whole season and because I would most likely buy his CD. I think Clay is awesome as well and I have wanted them both to win at times. So, it was hard to decide who I would like to win. Either way, they are both so talented and will definitely have careers in music after this.

Ruben's dimples kind of persuaded me as well…
Once it got down to the final three, and they all sang together, I hoped they'd make them a trio. Their voices blended perfectly!

As for Clay vs. Ruben: I've been back and forth the whole time! Sometimes Clay's overly articulated "I's" and his word-ending "r"s bug me, but he's shown so much improvement throughout the show.

Ruben is very consistent, but that can get a bit boring, too. I've also noticed that his voice seems a bit "crackier" in the last few weeks.

Clay has really listened to the judges and changed not only his looks, but his facial ticks. I loved his deeper notes on "bridge over troubled waters" (though that "r"on the end of "over" was sometimes hit a bit too much.)

Can they both win? It seems to me that whoever wins, they'll both have some sort of career.

I'm just afraid Ruben will have a heart attack on stage. He gets really sweaty when he sings, and I think he's feeling the physical stress of his size. NOtice that he's no longer smilling and happy after he sings? Right afterwards, he looks nervous, which he never used to.
I voted for Ruben! Love both of them though. I agree that Ruben has been more consistent. For some reason I just don't like "watching" clay. I like watching Ruben better. I also picture Clay on Broadway! Wouldn't buy his CD either I don't think.

I do have Kelly Clarkson's CD. I LOVE her!

I am a reality TV junkie! What else do you guys watch? We have one of those recording satellites so we just skip thru all the commercials and can watch the shows in leterally about 20 minutes. Record them while my 3 year old is up then once he goes to bed we breeze thru all of them. Best mom's gadget I have!

Did you watch Mr. Personality??? What a DUMB show!

I love the Bachelor!!!!!!!
I agree, they're both amazing! I will hate to see either "lose" (although, when all is said and done I bet Simon signs them both).We just slightly like Clay better at my house - he was great last night. And yeah - Mr. Personality was just plain weird!!:eek:

Fitnut! I'm a reality TV junkie too! I cannot help it! Yes, I watched Mr. Personality, Joe Millionaire, Bachelor, Extreme Makeover, Survivor, American Idol!

I watch them all!! :+

I even cried my eyes out at the end of the Bachelor. I'm soooo glad Jen won! Gotta tune in for the "After the Rose" episode and the American Idol tonight! I hope they're not on at the same time! Oh, what am I gonna do??? :7
Anyone hear of the new show "Fame"

Has everyone heard of the new reality show called Fame, where they have singers and DANCERS(!!) competing?? I can't wait till that one starts! I believe the premier is next Wednesday! I have a feeling I'm going to love that show :)
If I could vote (I'm a Canuck, too), I'd vote for Clay. I find his vocal range amazing and he has shown he can sing in any genre -- pop, disco, Broadway, etc.. Reuben has been, well, kinda boring for me these last few shows. He's consistently good, but his line is straight -- like listening a heart monitor -- he rarely takes chances with extending his range.

I think they both will have long careers in front of them, no matter who wins!

Hi All! I voted for Clay. He reminds me of a Barry Manillow(sp?) or a Frank Sinatra. I really like his voice. I think what i like about Clay is his heart for special needs kids and his belief in God. I think he should get extra votes for just taking the harsh words from Simon. I also liked Rubeens voice too and i also liked Kimberly Lock. I really do think whoever wins the other will still get a recording contract. I also love Rubeens big smile:7 Have a great day & see you all at 7:00 on FOX!! Tricia Haley:7 :7 :7
RE: FitNut!

I am also completely obsessed with reality shows. I have watched them all even I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here!!! ): Which was truly frightening. Amazing Race is starting soon, they had auditions for Big Brother 4 as well as Temptation Island 3. Yippee.

CLAY ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Haven't heard of that one yet. I'm sure I'll be watching. Oh, and I was also hooked on Big Brother. I'm sure I'll be watching the next one too.

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