Lisa, what a crazy experience of your dad! Walking is good for the soul, I hope you can get some nice weather and enjoy a little more.
Yes, Ronne, inquiring minds wand to know about date night with hubs, ha ha!
Mary, will you be mostly off work til next semester? woo that would be awesome!
I did Tower TB w/ abs mixed in, skipping a lot of bits to be done in 35 min.
ETA Saturday
Mama squirrel was out with her 2 youngsters- one started crawling up my leg! I hope her survival skills improve! I might need a bell for kitty. Later on is Bohemian Rhapsody w/ DD and friend. Today's workout TBD.
ETA as soon as I posted, kitty had nabbed baby and brought her inside, dropped her when I yelled, thankfully. Again I locked up kitty, and mama and baby reunited. Clearly I'll have to keep the sliders closed and kitty off the patio for awhile.
Final edit BoRhap was amazeballs! Loved! Off to find more biopics~ also junior squirrel stayed grounded all day, I hope she's ok.