Who Besides Myself Must Get In Shape For The Trip?

Oh my! Now that reality has set in, I need to lose a minimum of 20 pounds. LOL Well, I really need to lose more than that, but I think I have time to drop 20. As I said I've already lost more than 100, but I am still a size 14 right now, and I hope to be smaller by the trip in order to keep up with you fit people! :)

Anyone else planning to kick up your workout routine a couple notches to prepare for this weekend?

Just an FYI--you will see peeps of all shapes and sizes with varying degrees of fitness on the RT. It's really all about meeting some really great people, making new connections, and having fun. So while I think it's great people are fired up and kicking their routines up a few notches DO REMEMBER that this is not a competition. It is fun and exhausting. Enjoy and don't forget why you are there (it's not to compete in a figure model contest ;) )
>Just an FYI--you will see peeps of all shapes and sizes with
>varying degrees of fitness on the RT. It's really all about
>meeting some really great people, making new connections, and
>having fun. So while I think it's great people are fired up
>and kicking their routines up a few notches DO REMEMBER that
>this is not a competition. It is fun and exhausting. Enjoy
>and don't forget why you are there (it's not to compete in a
>figure model contest ;) )

Thank you, Beaves. I do realize it's just fun with friends. If I thought I'd have to compete or I'd feel uncomfortable, I wouldn't go. BUT, with that said, I still want to be in better shape! LOL It's on, baby!

I'm hopeing to get in better shape for the weekend. I'm with you! I know its all about fun, but I'm going to take the opportunity to get motivate and to step it up. Something I've been promising myself. I'd do for the past 3 months. I'd like to drop another 20 pounds. Hopefully 10 by the RT.

I only started working out again last November. Had baby no. 2 last June.

I am really going to try to get in better shape before the trip. I have such a "doughnut" around my belly. Anyway I know I will come to have fun and meet lot of great people mainly, but it won't hurt me to have a reason to work harder either!

~ Ann ~
Aim for nothing, and you'll hit it every time!
Beavs is 100% right, you guys. Seriously.

That being said, there's nothing like a Cathe Road Trip to jumpstart our fitness programs, is there?

Ranks right up there with "Ohmigosh, I've got a physical in a month - I have got to lose weight or my internist is SO going to fuss at me!!;( ;( "

Ann, I HEAR YOU LOUD AND CLEAR re: that donut. It seems to be an epidemic after-50 thing. We'll win this war, though, if we faithfully workout with our little bitty fearless leader [font size=1][font color=red]and, um, clean up our eating.[/font size][/font color] (It's that laaaaaaast part that gets me every time!!! }( }( )

http://www.clicksmilies.com/s1106/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S. http://planetsmilies.net/sport-smiley-5536.gif
Me, me, me!

I've been consistently putting on weight since I got outta the workout habit about 4 years ago. I now have a spare tire that's about 15 lb. worth.

I actually have SERIOUSLY ramped up my workouts because my teenagers & I are going on the vacation of a lifetime in MID-JUNE - ARUBA!!! The trip's been booked since before Xmas '07 but procrastination continuously got in the way until 2 wks ago when I realized there's only 10 weeks left.

THEN I PULLED OUT MY CATHE'S. {ominous "dum-dum-dum" music here}


I anticipate that by the 3rd week in July I'll be almost back to my ol' fit self again, cuz Aruba with my kids comes first and I REFUSE to feel fat there!
I definately want too. I am in a tight 14 and I would love to be 20 lbs lighter by trip time.
That was one of the reason that I really wanted to sign up is to have something to motivate me.
Personal Goal For Trip

The beautiful thing about this trip is it is motivation to ramp up our program, lose weight... or whatever. But if we don't, we can still relax and have fun. I love that! No pressure whatsoever.

My personal goal by July: Lose 15 lbs and make it through an entire Imax workout without dying. LOL
I'm with the lose 10 crowd. I have lost 30 lbs since last July but the last 10 seems to not want to give in. But this is a great motivator, I also have trouble with the clean eating. (I love my salt and vinegar chips :9 )

I don't need to lose weight, I need to brush up on all my Cathe workouts so that I don't get all frustrated not being able to do the steps. Since I had my DS (today is his 2nd birthday) I haven't been able to workout as often as I wish I could.

So, let's all make a committment to workout and pump ourselves up for a wonderful Cathe RT.:)
>I don't need to lose weight, I need to brush up on all my
>Cathe workouts so that I don't get all frustrated not being
>able to do the steps. Since I had my DS (today is his 2nd
>birthday) I haven't been able to workout as often as I wish I
> So, let's all make a committment to workout and pump
>ourselves up for a wonderful Cathe RT.:)

I'm committed, Monika! Today I did Muscle Endurance. Love that one!
Am I reading this right??? Kathy, You are NOT over 50! I met you! No way. And if so, you look GREAT-working out has kept you looking so young!

Personally, I have to kick my "program up a notch" and get more consistent. I keep telling myself, "Consistency makes a difference!" I have had some challenges this year which has caused me to go back to some bad habits and not eat clean and work out as much (or at all!). It's about time I get off my butt and get motivated - thanks to the road trip, I know I CAN do it! I hope to be back where I was last year, but more importantly, back on track to taking care of myself.

I have to get off the forum and go get in a step work out! I love checking in everyday and reading how many people are excited about the trip!

I'm using it as a big motivator to lose the 15 lbs I gained since I started working night shift. So far I'm 5 down, 10 to go! I was so excited to see the RT scheduled, I knew for sure that would be all the motivation that I need. And it's working.

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