Which Hardcore will you do first?


I think we may have discussed this earlier but now that the DVDs are really really coming (MONDAY WOO HOO) I'm seriously considering which DVD I will do first (obviously I ordered the whole series). If you ordered more than one DVD which will you do first & why?

It's a toss-up, and will depend on what is on schedule for the day. If it's a cardio day, Kick Max will be my first workout to do. If it's a recovery day, then either core max or stretch max. If it's an upper body strength day, then maybe the upper body section of Muscle Max (I'm doing two-day splits right now), and if it's a lower body day, either the lower body segment of Muscle Max or the Lower body workout from the Gym Style series.
I don't know. I want to preview a few of them first. If its a strength day, I will do gym style legs or Muscle Max. If its a cardio day...I don't know. But no matter what, I intend to do one of the new stretch workouts to complete my workout.:)
Low Max - because it's a new style for Cathe and I'm curious, plus I have a lot of cardio workouts planned for the upcoming week and my knees will thank me. I also want to try out segments of Stretch Max and Core Max. I'll get to everything else in time, but I'm REALLY excited about those three.

I'm definitely doing all the Cardios first. First Imax 3, then Kick Max, and then Low Max, and then the others I'll probably preview to see which one I'll do next. Can you tell I recently fell in love with Cathe cardio?

It's a continuing process.....
Ditto what Christi said! IMAX 3 is definitely top on my list and then Kick Max and Low Max...or maybe I'll do IMAX 3, then Gym Style Legs, then Low Max, then another Gym Style, and then Kick Max, then...

Well no matter what I do, I'll do IMAX 3 first! :) :)

Another Cathe cardio nut here. Imax 3 for me. I'm not getting mine until Wednesday-I'm kicking myself for not doing 2nd day air.

I'm getting them on Tuesday, which is a long hard leg day. I will probably preview Imax3 and KickMax, actaully DO PS Legs, and then do whichever one seems more doable on Wednesday of the two cardios.
I'm one of those people who like to preview everything once or twice first! (Some maybe thrice!)

But I will probably try Low Max as I'm on a cardio-intense rotation & would like to include it. And I'll probably do Stretch Max on my stretch day.

Ah...so many DVD's, so little time! :p

Muscle Max and Low Max. Because I've been waiting for these kinds of workouts from Cathe for so long.:) I need more muscle and my knees need a break from high-impact cardio.

Assuming it will be a cardio day then I will definitely do IMAX 3 first! I can not wait to do this video and am soooooooo excited! I sware I know every single word and music beat of Imax 2 by heart!

If it is a wt day then I will have to preview the wt workouts and pick one I guess!!!!!
Hmmm, I am thinking either IMax 3 or Gym Style Legs, or MAYBE both! YIKES! I never preview although I may this time just because UPS won't be here til 6:30 PM on Tuesday and I have a class to teach that day sooo I may wait til Wednesday to do one. I prob will stick one or two in just to see what they look like! :7
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Since I'm doing alot of running. Imax3 will have to wait. If I get it today, then either Lowmax or Kickmax....and tomorrow Gym Style Legs....:)...Carole
Once I my order I think this is the order I want to start with:

1. Gym Style Legs
2. Gym Style Back, Shoulders, Biceps
3. Muscle Max
4. Kick Max
5. High Step Challenge
6. Gym Style Chest & Tris
7. Low Max
8. Core Max
9. Stretch Max
10. IMAX 3


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