Which Cathe workouts when recovering from injury


Hello All,

I have a hip problem. Last Thursday I went running w/ my daughter. Afterwards my hip hurt so bad I could hardly walk. By the end of the weekend my hip was little better and I could walk easier. I took Advil and iced over the weekend.

This past Wed. I went to the dr. and he had x rays taken. (still waiting to hear the results of it) I am pretty sure I have bursitis. I have had pain in this hip (right) for several years, especially after doing to much high impact. I ususally rest a few days and stay away from high impact and it goes away. This time was different.

The dr. told me no impact. I can do the bike and weights. If the weights bother the hip in anyway to discontinue that exercise. Well, I am doing my spinervals but I also want to do my Cathe cardio. Sooo...I thought I could bring out my rebounder and do KPC on that. Also, has anyone used Cathe's High Step Circuit, Basic Step/Body Fusion workouts while recovering from an injury? What Cathe cardio workouts do you use when you can't do impact?


The rebounder sounds like a good idea but I'd nix the idea of KPC even on a rebounder. There is a lot of hip involvement in this video that the rebounder won't lessen such as all of the kicks. Maybe you can try some of the hi lo stuff on the rebounder and supplement with walking and spinning until you get the go ahead from you doctor.
Check with your doctor first. If s/he said "no impact" (not "no HIGH impact") and recommends biking, then what it sounds like is "no weight bearing cardio," which would pretty much eliminate any Cathe cardio workouts. I know you're anxious to return to your regular workouts and to Cathe workouts, but if you jump back in too quickly, you can either aggravate the problem, or turn it into something chronic that you'll have a hard time getting rid of. If, however, you back off for two weeks, or however long your doctor recommends, you can gradually make your way back to close to your previous program (though I'd recommend doing mostly low impact from now on, as your body seems to be telling you it doesn't like high impact).

A-Jock could probably give you more info, but water workouts are supposed to be a great way to work the muscles while removing the weight bearing aspect of workouts. You could probably even do a version of KPC in a pool and it would be beneficial for your hips.
Hey Kathryn,

Yes, the dr. said no impact for about 2 weeks. From Thursday to Thursday the only workouts I did were upper body and core workouts. Friday I did a Spinerval workout.

I KNOW I won't be able to give up Cathe's workouts. I have been using her workouts since '94. I will modify them though. I am also looking at the Plyo mat that Beachbody sales. Since I live overseas right now I will have to wait to purchase it when I return to the states.

I'm going to continue w/ Spinervals this week along w/ an upper body and lower body.

I agree with what everyone said here, but once you are working back up, another easy Cathe is C&W, and the step portion of SJP. I use those when I am feeling kinda tired or slightly under the weather.
Checking on you!

Lollie~How are you doing NOW? I'm sorry to hear you are injured and I cetainly know the frustration. (We probably wouldn't be as frustrated except we ARE Cathe-Addicts!:7) When I was coming back from my injury, I started with Basic Step trying to take it easy on the turns and also doubled up on UB & Core work. I was able to do lying-down leg work and stability ball core and SOME leg work on the ball. Let me know how you are doing. I wish I could help.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Checking on you!

Hi Debbie!

How are you? I'm doing okay right now. I still feel a little pain in my hip. Yesterday I did some stretching w/KV. Today I am going to do a Spinerval and abs from KPC.

Over the weekend I pulled out some of my Cathe classic videos. One that I totally forgot about was Power Max. Wow, that was a fun workout. I wanted so badly to do it, but to much impact. Once this thing heals up I am popping that workout in the VCR.

Debbie, you said you doubled up on upper body. Did you increase the number of times you did UB in a week?

I hope everything is going well w/ you. Hope you're back to 100%.

Bursitis - my old pal! x(

I used to do interval running (walk, then run, then walk, then run, etc.)...until one morning, I started out on my walk, and my hip started to hurt. Like you, by the time I returned home, I could barely walk. This had happened the previous year, but had passed relatively quickly...but not this second time. My hip hurt for the next 6 months. It put a dead stop to my walking/running, and I couldn't do much of anything else - pilates even hurt it. Believe it or not, low impact aerobics (no step) didn't aggravate it much after the initial piercing pain went away. So, I started to do aerobics, but that got pretty boring after a while...until I recently discovered Cathe, that is.

Long story, short: I don't do any walking/running anymore - period. My hip just won't allow it. For you, I would recommend taking a couple of weeks off if you are still experiencing substantial pain...then play it by ear. Try 15-20 minutes of low impact aerobics without a step after your pain subsides, and see how that feels. If you feel substantial pain, rest a few more days or a week. Listening to your body is the key. Pain = rest. Also, maybe this is a good time to focus attention on upper body strength training. Many of those exercises shouldn't affect your hip.

And, maybe you just won't be able to run, anymore. That was hard for me to deal with for a while because I loved getting up and heading out at the crack of dawn to run/walk and watch the sun rise....but now I've adjusted and would much rather do Cathe workouts, anyway! :p

I hope you feel better! Bursitis kinda sucks, to say the least!
Hi Lollie!

I'm doing much better, thanks! Sorry to hear you are still experiencing some pain. Take it very slooooowly! Yes, I did each body part 2X/week. Sometimes, I would do like the CTX OR PS parts, (Like Bis & Tris on Monday, Chest & Back on Tuesday and so forth til I hit all 6 parts and then, at the end of the week would do a total-body workout like Power Hour, ME, MIS or whatever. (Legs...I just did what I could or subbed in options from diff workouts.) Does that make sense? Injuries are the absolute pitts and I feel for you. It seems at the time that you will never be normal again. Can be very depressing. Hang in there and I will be sending extra prayers and quick healing vibs your way. Alll the waaay over 2 where U R!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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