Which Cathe DVDs are the most like crossfit/primal/paleo?


Hi all-

So as most of you know I'm still pretty new to Cathe...and am currently working thru the official beginner rotation. I am also trying to make some lifestyle changes and eating/diet changes. I'm really feeling the primal/paleo movement and I have noticed that many primal/paleo eaters encourage Crossfit workouts and also more natural movements like sprinting, walking, squats, pull-ups, planks, etc.

Just wondering if anyone else follows the primal movement/crossfit and can shed some light on which of the Cathe DVDs would incorporate these movements most?

Of course, I am still loving my step workouts w/ her and even though some of the primal folks are against "chronic cardio" I freakin LOVE my step workouts and they are NOT going anywhere - to me, they are what I do for fun...so I don't even really have to consider them exercise but more like "play" :)
I think afterburn, cardio supersets, supercuts, and even drill max.

I went to crossfit once and was not impressed with the instructors, but i am familar with some wod because my sister does them but honestly i think all metabolic conditioning or bootcamp dvds are alot like crossfit. I mean it looks like bootcamp with a different name. And paleo is sorta like low carb diet.
Then again im confused on the diet aspect of things. I did low fat diet lost 70 lbs, kept it off for yrs felt great, then gained some five yrs ago so now i gind 30 back got lazy.. 10 lbs of that i got from doing ADkins diet.. I cant figure how to eat low carb with doing Adkins and that didnt work for me.
Any how sorry i got off topic. I kinda blabber away. Lol

Maybe someone else can give u better insite.
Hi. I agree with Renee and would also add To The Max, Crossfire and Intensity series Bootcamp. There are more but these are good ones to consider. I find that crossfit, boot camp , metabolic training and circuit workouts all have a similar feel to them. You can't go wrong with any of these workouts. They all have a cardio and weight component to them. All great for burning fat and increasing endurance and cardio capacity!!! Not to mention they are all super fun! Chris
Candice, I've read Mark on the "chronic Cardio no no" and agree with his philosophy but take offense at his sometimes derogatory tone about step class in the gym. He's clearly never had fun sweating his ass off while stepping and listening to music. For me, I try to pick Cathe steps that have an interval or blast factor and also don't feel guilty if I only do them for 20-40 min instead of 50 or whatever. Just wanted to say that out loud ever since I read his books/website where he sorta condemn cardio classes. Have fun finding new Cathes.

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