Where should I start?


New Member
Hi All,

I am new to Cathe Nation, but have been so thrilled by her workouts on FitTV. Have not worked out consistently, but really need to start. Which is the best strength tape to start with? I currently do Zumba twice a week, but I know my strength training needs to take a priority. Any help would be grately appreciated.
Maybe add in total body weights once a week for a few weeks, then increase it to two times per week as you get stronger.

There's a new beginner's rotation on the rotation forum you might be interested in. And in the Checkin and Challenges forum, there's a thread for those getting back into working out.

Check out Cathe's dvd's selections. You can do a search for just weight work. Read the descriptions to see which one suits your fancy. Really listen to her instruction. She's top notch on form and safety. I think MIS and Power Hour would be good to start with. Push/Pull and Supersets are not too long and keep the fun factor high. Those are just my thoughts.

She has two beginner/intermediate levels : Basic Step/Body Fusion and Hight Step Circuit. The Basic Step/Body Fusion dvd's description says this is the one to use first if you're new to Cathe.

HTH and Good luck
Good advice! Another idea you may want to try is circuit workouts. These combine your cardio and weight training together. They certainly aren't boring and give you a full body w/o, too!

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