When you were little/what did you want to be?


This cracked me up!

A 3 year old girl asked her mother what she could be when she grew up!
Her mother, being the feminist she was, said "you can be what ever you want"
So the little girl replied "Then Im going to be a horse"

And for another two years, thats all she wanted to be


So! what was your dream?

LOL! Very cute! What do you want to be, Marion? I wanted to be Nancy Drew! But I was pragmatic enough even at age 10 to know that people just didn't stumble across mysteries every day, like Nancy did (trust me, I checked every crevice in our house to make sure there were no secret rooms), but I also noticed that her lawyer father would sometimes bring the mysteries to her, in the form of his clients. So, I decided I would be a lawyer. That lasted until the third year of my undergraduate degree, when I changed my mind and decided to do my doctorate in sociology.

LOL about the horse. My nephew wanted to be a midget when he grew up.
I wanted to be an archeologist or a veterinarian.
When I was little I wanted to be a Maillady because we lived out in the country and we had to drive to town to go get our mail and i hated it!! so I wanted to bring the mail to the people that lived out in the country. :)
A Midget! Cathy............Now thats "ambitious" LOL!!

Oh Sandra.........I loved Nancy Drew, and I had a few if her books and the "Famous Five" Books.

I wanted to be a ice skater (Yes......I watched far to many Winter Olympics) because I had the "grace" of an elephant.

Lets say, after a few months of lessons, even I relised "this" dream was "going know where fast!"


My mother told me I did not have to go to college and could be a secretary. Moms, please dont ever say that to your children!! I believe that comment ruined my life.

People say "Get over it, you control your life now". However, it isnt that simple when you grow up believing "all you have to be is a secretary".

My mother should have been observant enough to see what my strengths were as a child and guide me in that direction.

As I have gotten older, I see my parent as regular people, not the "Gods" they had us believing they were. I see now that they were really bad parents. The really sad part is that they still believe they were wonderful. They dont want to face the truth.


I wanted to be a teacher. Now I hear all the horror stories from my SIL who's a principal. Although she loves it, it scares me to death.

Here we go! I wanted to be a nurse, and did not go after the schooling when I got out of high school. I resurrected the dream when I was in my early 30's, but my mother said, "You'd make a lousy nurse!" so I did not pursue it. She was an LPN, and I guess thought she had the "right stuff," but did not pass whatever that was along to me.

What a rotten thing to say to your own daughter! I swore I'd be encouraging with whatever my own kids wanted to do, and I must say that I have been.

This harkens back to my post in which I lamented that relatives think they don't have to be polite to their own. Words as SO powerful - please think twice before you lash out mindlessly with your words that can destroy a kid.
I loved to design and draw houses -- architect

I had notebooks full of designs and would do it for hours. We lived in the country when I was very small and I spend most of my time outdoors, when I turned 9 my mom was transferred to the big city of Houston, we lived in a apartment before we bought a house and while there I didn't get to go outside so I would imagine and draw...
I really don't have any memory of who I wanted to be when I was small, but when I was in my early to mid teens I wanted to be a nurse. I am an RN. I haven't worked in almost 2 years because I stay home with my children but I will return eventually.

There are so many interesting jobs out there. I am not qualified for the vast majority of them. Even though my sister and I are educated, I believe we could of been so much more. With family life being dysfunctional it is hard to go for the top. My sister is a teacher, I am a nurse. It could be worse, but sometimes I wonder what kind of life I could of had. I am an adult now, I make my own path, but I still wonder sometimes.

I grew up wanting to fly the friendly skies as an airline stewardess. Instead, I married shortly after high school and had two children. That was a dream come true also!
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I loved art when I was young and wanted to be a graphics art designer but my dear dad said that was a lousy job and no money in it and I can't do that, Then I wanted to be a jockey but my dad again said I wa to tall to be that. So what am I now? Nothing. I don't even have a high school diploma because I believed my parents that I can't be anything but a Nurses Aid. Now I wish I could do it all over again and graduate high school. Now I want to be a photographer. I love taking pictures.
When I was young I developed a fascination with offices. I loved desks, pencils, fresh pads of paper. And I loved the idea of wearing suits to work. I loved my Dad's suits, so neat and tailored, and the way he had an air of crispness about him when he was wearing a suit. I loved big office buildings and central telephone systems.

Okay, so now I work in a big office building and own a closet full of suits, but there's no magic. My stress level has probably taken years off of my life. So much for childhood dreams. :p
A pediatrician. Kept that front and center, too, until the second semester of my freshman year in college when I had to take my first really advanced biology where I had to pith a cat and study its living brain and then dissect a deceased cat. No way Jose :) -- Six months later I had switched universities and changed my major to magazine journalism.

And then for some still-unexplainable reason I went to law school. Nancy, I HEAR you re: the non-fascination of a big office in a big building yada yada yada. :)

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I can remember wanting to be, at various ages, a teacher, a nurse, & an airline stewardess. I think at one point I wanted to be a model. (Not likely!)

Eventually I decided I wanted to work with dogs, in any capacity. I've done grooming, training, shows, breeding, & nursing. So I guess I got my wish! What I'd love to do now is become involved in using dogs as therapy.

When I was very young I wanted to be a ballerina, although I had never taken any dance classes! Later on I decided to be a nurse and then changed my mind and wanted to be a doctor. A few years later I decided to be a nurse again and then thought about being a physical therapist. I entered college and followed the nursing track and now am a nurse. I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but, when all is said and done, I have no regrets!!
from age 14 on..i wanted to be a nurse and i have been now for 13 years......i am now reviewing material for ACE certification as a personal trainer, but i will always dabble in nursing

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